Thanks guys.
Yeah it going to be tough but we'll do our best to make the most of the time he has left.
Quite sorry about the situation, but really glad to hear that you will be providing him with the best living conditions as possible. Life tends to throw these kind of rocks our way, but catch them and build something solid out of it is really the best thing we can do.
@underdog and
@underdogette mad props on doing something constructive of this situation.
Yo, new pups are super super cute!
Always here to chat, and demo some peeps in Rocket League if you're feeling down. Helps me sometime at least...

At least one of my dogs is still always out... I'm gonna try and get my ridiculous tolerance down a bit so I've been using my dogs lately... Using that mac-daddy stem... Love the extra surface area...
Still dreaming of an alpha-tortuga!
How's it holding up
@Tekhie ?
Been away too long!
Was busy completing a full survey of our solar system with the help of both the SC2 and the Alpha cores. Still collecting all my thoughts but let me tell you that thing is a beast.
Really love both cores but the alpha truly shines when paired with a water tool and a VVPS.
The greater herb surface area options, along with the extra airflow it provides really give you the best variables to play with around water.
For the direct draw usage or micro dose one hit extractions, i still gravitate towards the SC2 core and the SS stem.
Hopefully will provide a more detailed write up on the alpha core soon!
Sweeet. I've been practicing so I shouldn't be quite the burden I was the first time.


Sound we like we should get an underdog gaming community going!
At least trade some Steam / Xbox / PS ids and get some games set up.
A discord server could also be quite interesting to facilitate it all. Let me know if anyone is interested, i could easily help setting it up.