I do for nong action!Just picked up a maple aircore. I this my 4th or 5th underdog and I have no intention of selling this one! I always keep coming back for more! Anyone here actually prefer the aircore?
I have an aircore, and I like it a lot. With the default power adapter it's perfectly tuned for the nongs. Perfect for a strong milky pull. However, since getting the VVPS that UD makes, it really rocks. It can go way higher than you should turn your dog...and in fact, I have found I actually have to turn my dog DOWN now, compared to the inline dimmer with default ps. Check it.Just picked up a maple aircore. I this my 4th or 5th underdog and I have no intention of selling this one! I always keep coming back for more! Anyone here actually prefer the aircore?
I mean, seriously, vaping is not for the lazy.
@SSVUN~YAH That's sweet looking. I tried to google pistache and pistachio and I think they are the same thing. But, I really don't know anything about that beyond what I googled. I love the heartwood weaving in there and how it interacts with the blacklight. Very sweet.
Hot vapor. The Underdog. My thoughts. Take em or leave em.
All vaporizers create heat. The distance from your mouth and the heat source will affect just how hot this vapor is. As mentioned, turning down is an option, but it's not one I am really took keen on. I have temps that work for me.
My SO is a great big lightweight and she to use the UD a specific way. Glass on glass connection to a little bubbler WITHOUT water in it. I do the same most of the time, but sometimes I use the direct draw...and it's kinda warm. Most of the times I make frankenstems with small lengths of silicone. Insert the ss direct draw into the thick glass direct draw for a pretty smooth draw (8 inches length about).
I was using a length of tubing attached to my glass direct draw, and that was pretty legit, honestly. Just put a small piece of glass at the end. I'm a DIYer, though...was in bands for years and we did everything ourselves...DIY is in my DNA...so for me log vapes represent a simple interface to get hot air to pass over my cannabis and into my lungs. Each method changes the experience slightly and I go one way for a while until I want to switch it up. The options are up to your imagination, really. (My stems from my Toasty Island log vape also work well with my underdog, as does my custom enano stem I had made up even thought I don't own an enano...but they work differently than the official underdog equivalents. I like that, personally...options)
Anyway, to sum it up....every vaporizer except maybe the launch box with a battery makes vapor that is too hot for me without extra distance for the vapor to travel before reaching me. Of course, you'll also have reclaim all the way down that extra length, but it's a small price to pay for smooth vapor. Certainly way easier to clean than combustion, so there's that.
Side note. I bought a metal straw and just realized it can be used as a direct draw stem, and it's long! There's no stop for the screen, so it's friction fit. Pretty cool.
Thanks for all the info everyone, I am still thinking its the right vape for us
I have an aircore, and I like it a lot. With the default power adapter it's perfectly tuned for the nongs. Perfect for a strong milky pull. However, since getting the VVPS that UD makes, it really rocks. It can go way higher than you should turn your dog...and in fact, I have found I actually have to turn my dog DOWN now, compared to the inline dimmer with default ps. Check it.
12v With Default Brick - Perfect for NonG and SS tipped stems. For glass, it got a light vapor, but not too good for me. My SO thought it was perfect but she's a lightweight.
9.5v With UD VVPS 15v Brick - Same as above.
10.5 - 11v Perfect got Glass stems. I have to pull hard to use a NonG or SS tipped stem, but sometimes I do that.
Anyway, my point is that I really loved my underdog out of the box, but I won't go back to an inline dimmer, and I want to buy another one for my Toasty Island, too. It heats up real fast now. I can start getting decent vapor just about 4-5 minutes in if I pump it up to 12v then turn it down to my preference.
Them's fightin' words!
(Just joking, look at my username.)
But I do think you can be lazy and still enjoy vaping. But like so many things, more effort means more reward.
I saw someone here in FC liken vaping to brewing coffee and I think that's a great analogy. Case in point, I used to be very meticulous about how I made my coffee. I'd buy premium whole beans, grind perfectly, and use this thing called an Aeropress for actual brewing. I was even into roasting my own beans for a while, but never developed a consistently good technique. At any rate, the process took a good 20 minutes or so. Fantastic coffee! But eventually I realized I just didn't have the time.
So now I just use regular pre-ground coffee with a drip maker. (Costco coffee is seriously good.) It's like 80% as good but with one fourth the effort. Way better value in terms of my time.
I think vaping is similar in that you can be lazy and get decent results. Of course, with more time and effort you can get better results. And clearly, if you have special needs (e.g. super cool vapor), you might be forced into putting forth extra effort.
I feel like my UD usage is pretty lazy. I don't have a dimmer or VVPS. I just plug it in 20 minutes ahead of when I'm going to use it. After that, I just load a stem and go. I'm a modest user, so I keep a couple nugs pre-ground in my grinder, so I only grind once a week or so (UD efficiency FTW!). I know I could probably improve things with more time invested in my process... But I'm quite happy with my "drip brew coffee" equivalent.
One of the many reasons now is such a fascinating time to be into vaping. It's new enough that products and techniques are still undergoing rapid development. But it's also mature enough that there's a lot of great stuff out there already.
Having options makes it all the more fun!
Dogs.. I'm back in business. Thanks so much for the opportunity to buy a power bank from you guys, it works great. Definitely the right move with the battery operated bank.
what a hard post to "like".. losing furry family is incredibly hard but the time shared is absolute gold. the bond with pets is an absolute blessing. @underdog @underdogette keep your chins up and enjoy the time..Hey there Dogs, hope you all had a decent week.
The past month or two has been super chaotic for us but I think we have things under control and we don't have a backlog of messages, orders, etc so at least there's that.
Since I had a few minutes to spare this morning I figured I'd take the time to give you all an overdue update on all things Underdog.
As some of you know we've been in the (slow) process of trying to find a new area to live since this one is pretty backwards and the city/county is doing their best to drive out businesses like ours. We figure we might as well relocate somewhere more business friendly and hopefully more enjoyable to live. We've had our home and shop on the market for a few months, trying to pull out our equity so we can move but that means 75% of our 'stuff' is in storage so the place isn't a disaster when potential buyers come thru. No big deal really but it sure does make things more difficult and time consuming on a day-to-day level. For those who are curious as to where we're going it'll probably be NorCal or southern Oregon so at least it's not too far.
The past couple weeks in particular have been tough and bittersweet. We decided to get a new pup or two since our four-legged Underdog (Toby) is getting up there in years for his breed (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel) and we think it's good for an 'old' dog to teach the younger ones how things work around here, etc. After spending some time thinking about it we'd decided that we'd add a Boston Terrier to our pack since they seem pretty fun and sweet and I'm a fan of their trouble making personalities. We'd planned on waiting until after we move so things would be settled down and less chaotic but then stumbled on an irresistible opportunity to adopt brother and sister Boston puppies even though the timing wasn't the best. We went and met the puppies last week and knew that they just had to join our pack. They were only 7 weeks though so we wanted them to spend another week with their parents and siblings so we made arrangements to go back and pick them up this week. A couple days before going to pick them up we decided to take Toby to the vet since he'd been acting a little off and unfortunately we got horrible, really sad news from the vet. Apparently he's developed a very aggressive, very fast growing cancer since his last visit. It's not treatable and it's pretty advanced already so his time is very limited.. it could be as little as a month or as long as a year but the average with this cancer is about 6 months. So we were really happy about the puppies and then heartbroken by this.. bittersweet. At least he'll have a little time to try and bond with them and show them his ways, assuming they don't drive him mad with their puppy tantrums. It's going to be so, so hard to let him go when the time soon come.
Toby watching over Penny and Boomer.
Anyways we try and not bother you all too much with stuff from our personal lives, pretty sure you all have things of your own to deal with but we did want to let you all know about this. It shouldn't affect the day-to-day Underdog stuff too much but there might be the occasional exception so we wanted to explain ahead of time in case we seem a little 'off' ourselves or have any communication delays, etc.
Nice summery.. well said.
Oh and Pistachio and Chinese Pistache are closely related but not the exact same species. The former (Pistacia vera) is the tree that is grown for the nuts while the latter (Pistacia chinensis) still makes fruit/nuts but not nearly as much so isn't usually used for such.. around here it's a hugely popular ornamental shade tree though which is where we get our stock.
If you do end up taking the chance and find out it's not the right vape at least I imagine you'd be able to resell it fairly easily over there based on the number of inquiries we get from your fellow countrymen (and women).
Lots of good info there, thanks for sharing man. Also glad to hear from more people who are digging the new Travel VVPS.
Great comparison and one that I can totally relate to as a fellow (lazy) coffee lover.
Awesome, glad to hear it and glad to help!![]()
Thanks guys.
Yeah it going to be tough but we'll do our best to make the most of the time he has left.
Thanks Uncle Vito! Your Black Locust as well as your massive collection of logs are incredibly beautiful as well. Take care my friend!Your Chinese Pistache is beautiful!
Hey all, hoping someone can help me out. I hadn't used my underdog for a while, but I could swear that the star looking thing around the stem used to be up at the top right under the retaining clip, now it's about half way down the log. I could be nuts and it's always been like that, but ever picture I see of underdogs have it near the top. If it shouldn't be that way, anyone know how I can fix it?