Thanks very much for your feedback. Yeah I have read the whole thread and I was not really looking for a straight comparison but just what is the WOW, and I think I found a post by
@Razhumikin in another thread where he talks about the Alfa +, with that and my experience with the Alfa, I will consider an Alfa+ when a new batch is available in the future. But I am really enjoying my Alfa, especially with the Nylon Direct Draw and the 18/19mm NonG, a couple of bowls for one -two tasty hit in the morning will help me go through my day for a long time without the need for another bowl. My preferred first vape to use before I start my day. So I look forward to trying the Alfa+. Thanks again
@underdog and
@underdogette for these great tools and beauties of dogs, and I wish then all the best for the year to come.