Forgive me if this has been answered already, but what are the differences between the different heating elements (SC3, SC3+)? I am highly considering either one of these vapes or an e-nano, and the heating elements seem to be one key difference (stainless steel vs ceramic), so I was just curious.
here ya go
Hey Dogs, hope you're all doing well out there. We're getting tons of questions about vape core options (thanks for that @arb) so I thought I'd update the thread with some basics about the current options. Prices include the vape, full kit (adjustable power supply, 3 stems, etc) and Priority shipping in the USA. International shipping is available to select countries (see website or contact us) for an additional fee.
The SC3 (Standard Core Mk3) is our standard production core and is compatible with stems from our early Standard Cores (Classic, SC1 and SC3). Performance has increased with each generation and this is an excellent option for microdosing with the Nylon Direct Draw, SS Lite and NonGs as well as larger hits with the Glass Direct Draw and GonG stems. If you can allow the vape 10-30 seconds to recover heat between hits this core should have all the power most users need. This core has the most flexibility in wood species and design shapes and is also our lowest price offering with a base price of $255. The price increases with exotic or rare woods and/or particularly complex designs. This is the Underdog we recommend for most users and/or new members of the pack.
The Alpha is a larger core that was originally based on the SC2 and upsized to a larger diameter and higher mass. This design was updated during the early days of our recovery from the Camp Fire (link) with improvements from the SC3. That improved design was then modified based on feedback from our beta testers and the early adopter community into the current not-quite-production version. This latest/modified version has an airpath that's twice the length of previous versions and offers significant increases in performance as a result and doesn't have need of recovery time between hits (for most users). The Alpha uses completely different stems than the Standard Core series of vapes and they are not cross-core compatible. Base price for an off-the-shelf Alpha (when available) is $350. Custom Alphas will run between $400-$500 based on rarity of the wood and complexity of the design.. because of the increased size of the core wood and design options are limited compared to the SC3.
The SC3+ is another not-quite-production yet offering and is an SC3 core that has been modified with the longer style airpath of the Alpha to produce a performance version of the SC3 core. This combines most of the performance of the Alpha with the stem compatibility and design flexibility of the SC3 in a price point that falls between the two. Base price of the SC3+ is $295. This is a good option for power users who want to avoid the cost or different stem ecosystem of the Alpha but want the extra performance kick.
We'll have more information on things as they slowly become standard production items but until then they'll be available as customs and sporadically on the website as off-the-shelf vapes. We weren't planning on releasing these for a while yet but there has been a big demand for info and vapes so we're trying to accelerate the process and also give you all some info to chew on.