Well, it finally happened. After almost 7 years of 24/7 usage, my UD gave up. What a fucking beast. Luckily, I have another ready to go.
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Almost 7 years of 24/7 use sounds like a good run.. tired Doggo deserves a good retirement.

It's going into retirement. I don't think it can be fixed. I think the inside degrades over time. It had a great run though.
Yeah after that long the inside is probably too decayed and while I could bore it out and sleeve some solid wood in (like putting a cylinder liner in an engine) it probably wouldn't be worth the labor unless it was of super sentimental value or something. You could send it to me and I could bore it completely out and turn it into a stem holding cup for you though..

cant they just change out the heater. Id send them an email and ask about it.
Yeah we can do that in a lot of cases.. always definitely worth getting in touch with us and asking.
They can swap out cores if you would like I believe also.
I would strongly recommend the alpha.
Still my daily using it 99%with the nong through water or a dry piece.
@underdog the alpha dry nylon wand is good but a little harsh on the throat.
I hear they have glass in now for the alpha units.
Best log vape I own and the only one that has lasted as the daily.
Yeah that Alpha Nylon DD Stem can have some bite! That reminds me I keep meaning to send you a set of Alpha glass to play with.. shoot me an email when you have a chance and I'll hook you up.
I had my sc1 core changed out when it started to act up. I believe they can swap in new cores on most dogs. It's the air cores that are not changeable. Dave can chime in and confirm.
It's always worth considering that's for sure. Last year I rebuilt one of the very first Underdogs sold on FC.. basically 10 years old and had been running most of that time. I think that one had 2 previous core swaps too so it might be the king of rebuilds.

They will treat you righteously
We try and treat y'all like family and how we want others to treat us and each other.. thanks for the love!