Well-Known Member
I do like the BCG fine plate with the NonGs (ie for one or two hit extraction), with the glass stems medium/coarse will preserve the flavor a lil later in the bowl.
Those glass stems might prove too wide and draw too much ambient air for glass roasting. Stem ID is 11mm. The heater port of the UD is a 3/8" ss tube, which is ~9,5mm. Go for s/thing with a 10mm ID or directly from UD.So I've been playing with my Zebradog, and am getting closer to a good technique, screen placement, amount, etc. I'm caching in one pull with the glass stem, but still tinkering.
My glass has a hairline crack and tiny chips, so I need a new one. Might try getting a pack of these. Also looking for someone who makes dimpled cooling stems, so far no one has responded to inquires.
Has anyone experimented with other types of screens? Titanium, brass, silver, gold etc.?
Hey gang, I was cleaning my stems today when I realized the screens in my glass stems are starting to develop a bit of rust. There also seems to be a little bit of rust that is stuck onto the glass stem itself. Would these stems still be safe to use? I plan on going to my local smoke shop and buying some more screens, but if I need to buy new stems I will.
By torch do you just mean literally fire my blow torch at them or....Clean the stems with ISO and torch the screens clean or replace them. . . you're good to go.
Hey gang, I was cleaning my stems today when I realized the screens in my glass stems are starting to develop a bit of rust. There also seems to be a little bit of rust that is stuck onto the glass stem itself. Would these stems still be safe to use? I plan on going to my local smoke shop and buying some more screens, but if I need to buy new stems I will.
Worked like a charm, thanks boss.Yes, get them glowing with the torch the bush the well when they're cool.
I have a few screens that have seen a huge amount of herb over the years.
1. Are there any big advantages for the new Underdogs (when they get released being that I see they're out of stock due to the fire)?
2. What does the VPS accomplish? meaning why would I need anything less than the full 12v as supplied by the basic charger? Also could I buy the VPS separately and use it with my older 2015 model, or would it be best to use it with the newer models?
Hey everyone. Can anyone help me or point me to the right direction finding the right item for using my Underdog vape on the go / making it portable? It was gifted to me from my brother since he will be moving and won't be able to take it with him. Will this one work? Any other ones you guys recommend?
Walmart link
Hi guys. I'm an "older" user who bought his first dog back in early 2015 back before all the new "hotness" of VPS's came about. I have a few quick questions as there's only so many pages back I can go.
I have a 2015 (march) model of Underdog and it's only minimally used because for 3 years I got very VERY sick with a chronic illness that made it very difficult to vape. Anywhooo, basically it's in great condition and works like a charm. My questions are.
1. Are there any big advantages for the new Underdogs (when they get released being that I see they're out of stock due to the fire)?
2. What does the VPS accomplish? meaning why would I need anything less than the full 12v as supplied by the basic charger? Also could I buy the VPS separately and use it with my older 2015 model, or would it be best to use it with the newer models?
sorry for the basic bitch questions, but I've been out of the purchase loop for so long I feel like a newbie again. I get good results from my UD that I have now (although I would like somethign with a bit more vapor per draw than what I'm getting, but that's just the curse of a log vape with a tiny stem.)
Also, to Underdog and Underdoggette, I just saw and read up about the Paradise fire. I'm so very sorry you guys had to go through that and lose everything!! I'm so glad you guys were physically Ok though and glad you're back on your feet. I hope you guys were insured and able to at least recoup funds to rebuild. My parents in law live just north of there and they were BARELY passed on by the fire by like 10 miles. It's absolutely terrifying what is happening fire wise up there in CA right now
The VPS has been a godsend for my pup! Mine tends to run very hot so I learned to control it with screen depth and draw speed. Since I acquired the VPS that Dave and Amanda sell on the site my dog is running perfect!! With the VPS I can control the heat and it makes it a more enjoyable experience. It's just too easy now![]()
How do I run it with voltage control? Do I need to get something else for it or do I use the VVPS that comes with the Underdog?They'll run a lil hotter and warm up a bit quicker.
Approximate temp control without having to finagle with stem positioning, and if you want to use the aromatherapy cup you shouldn't leave the dog running at full power for that. They might be more helpful on the newer dogs since they run hotter but it'll work fine with old models.
Looks like it should work, says it can put out up to 12.6V so definitely want a voltage control to run it.
Hi guys. I'm an "older" user who bought his first dog back in early 2015 back before all the new "hotness" of VPS's came about. I have a few quick questions as there's only so many pages back I can go.
I have a 2015 (march) model of Underdog and it's only minimally used because for 3 years I got very VERY sick with a chronic illness that made it very difficult to vape. Anywhooo, basically it's in great condition and works like a charm. My questions are.
1. Are there any big advantages for the new Underdogs (when they get released being that I see they're out of stock due to the fire)?
2. What does the VPS accomplish? meaning why would I need anything less than the full 12v as supplied by the basic charger? Also could I buy the VPS separately and use it with my older 2015 model, or would it be best to use it with the newer models?
sorry for the basic bitch questions, but I've been out of the purchase loop for so long I feel like a newbie again. I get good results from my UD that I have now (although I would like somethign with a bit more vapor per draw than what I'm getting, but that's just the curse of a log vape with a tiny stem.)
Also, to Underdog and Underdoggette, I just saw and read up about the Paradise fire. I'm so very sorry you guys had to go through that and lose everything!! I'm so glad you guys were physically Ok though and glad you're back on your feet. I hope you guys were insured and able to at least recoup funds to rebuild. My parents in law live just north of there and they were BARELY passed on by the fire by like 10 miles. It's absolutely terrifying what is happening fire wise up there in CA right now
got it. My original 2015 model really doesn't run THAT hot at full power (meaning I almost wish it was a LITTLE hotter), but if the new ones come hotter with the option to turn it up and down that makes sense. I may have to get a new one to compare.... for science and shit![]()
I feel so lost without my trusty dog sitting there all warm and ready for me. It's only been one day and my other vapes just don't seem to hit that level my little dog got me too. I hope it's a quick fix and next week's holiday doesn't delay my reunion with my little dog.
Edited to add this is my first post since joining in 2012.
My underdog has been passed around my family for a while now. My mom has it again
This vape is so easy to use it ridiculous. Mine is the old aircore that is at the perfect temp for the little metal tips. I love to hear the herb crackle. I only have two cases that hit a load that hard and fast without scorching, and this one is perfect right out of the box. No need to adjust the temp. It's a little low temp to do glass stems as efficiently, but this is an older core that was tailored for the metal tipped bowls (if I remember right). The new ones have an updated heater core and they don't make the aircore anymore.
Instead of feeling outdated, it feels like a collector's item. Like an older guitar they don't make anymore.
@strech hang in there man, I hope you get your 'dog back soon!
@Diggy Smalls thanks for the encouragement!
I have a mini dog that has an air core. I have never used it. I sent my power supply in with my dog or I would give it a whirl.