So I got my padauk yesterday and I've tried it out, got a few questions.
Using the normal wallplug power supply I think I'm getting a little bit of combustion with my glass stems, I'd notice it'd taste noticibly different and look scorched black instead of just darker, and when I used some of the really finely ground weed I had around it even seemed to happen with one of the smaller nylon stems, although I don't think I'll be using such a fine grind since it seemed to get stuck in there anyway, came out like a spitball when I was trying to blow the stem empty. I got a travel vvps though, and using it set to 11 I haven't had any combustion with any glass or nylon stems. Is my unit just hot, or is there some technique I should be using to avoid trouble with the normal power supply?
Another thing is if it's normal for the wood itself to get pretty warm after the log has been plugged in for a while, because mine definitely is, and while it's not burning to the touch or anything it feels pretty warm, in fact at one point I heard a pop from the unit and it looks like a hairline crack happened. As long as it doesn't affect the function or safety I'm not really worried, but I hope it doesn't mean more are on the way, because if it gets a bunch of these I don't think it'll hold up.
Other than that it definitely seems to work well, it vapes through my material in no time, much more practical than dealing with my Air's batteries and how many hits I need to take to get a bowl done, I ain't got time to deal with that when I'm playing Overwatch or whatever.