I will do this with the nylon stems since I can quickly suck the herb into the screen without having to touch and adjust/even out/pack in the chamber.
Actually the opposite ended up working for me.
Harder pulls led to bigger clouds, even on back-to-back hits, no waiting time needed. So far my UD hits very close but not quite as hard as my Hydrobrick. It is though more efficient with the herb amt. I can 2 or 3 quality hits from the nylon stem and double with the glass, however I did not notice any difference in vapor quality.
I ordered the walnut with the sc2 I think, but im not sure if they put in the optional hotter heating core or not. They did throw in the free vvps but no receipt listing all the components and stuff I ordered.
Is the 15v power cord even worth buying? It says in their faq page not to set the vvps above 13. Would that one extra volt really make a noticeable difference?
Edit: I don't even see the option to get the 15v cord by itself on the site
I just might next time I get a good sativa high
My vapcap though I keep it in my car for when I'm out and about on weekends, it's no longer a daily driver. I am able to get some decent hits from it but never as good as the Hydrobrick and now the log
15v power supplies are a secret menu sort of thing, but yes, you would not want to take your vape above 13 or so, and that extra volt could produce a significant amount of heat.
Before you go to the 15v though, try a different grind and pack consistency. Try less herb, with a medium grind. Don't fill past the basket, and then try different draw speeds. If you still feel you want more heat, send me a message.
Also, any 15v power supply with a 2.1mm barrel plug and at least 1-3 amps will work -- but make sure you only ever use it with a VVPS or dimmer! The full 15v will cause damage and/or fire.
Hope that helps and I hope you all had a great weekend! We certainly did. Packages and messages will be taken care of tomorrow.