Enter the Dragon
So, I'm thinking I may just grab an Orbiter and use it with the jhook or a small stem rather than a whip. Anyone tried this?
Really I just want a nice desktop water piece that I can use without standing up and messing around a bunch. Feel like this is my best option, but at 3x the price of some chinaglass I'd like to be sure.
There are a heap of options out there but I think you might want to look at the FC UFO & buy a longer mouthpiece from OGB. That will still cost you less than a Orbiter.
NonG doesn't require an o-ring though, it's what I stuck with even for the std. Snappahs, bub.
NonG's also run a little hotter & are perfect for "punching a cone". Some would say they were made for it

How do you like the 18mm NonG? Its by far my least used stem, the 14mm GonG seems to deliver a better all around hit than the 18mm NonG, I might just need to mess with the screen placement a bit more though...
It must be screen placement dude so play around (when you get it right mark it on your screen stick). For some reason @underdog & @underdogette must have listened to me when mine was being built as mine is tuned pretty much right on the money for my tastes.
NonG for bong & GonG for J hook works perfectly but if running at the same voltage & same screen depth then a NonG should always run hotter.