Today I received my gorgeous AirCore BuckeyeDog and a MiniBuck!
I've been staring at them more than using them so far, I just keep getting lost in the beautiful grains! They're both beautifully figured.
The two tone and eyes are out off this world on the BigBuck, also has some cool voids. The MiniBuck is just as beautiful if not more so. She also has a bit of half & half goin on. My favorite is the Spalted action going on. After
@DieHard's Buck I've been in love with the Spalted buckeye. It's wonderful surprise to find some in mine also!
@Snappo supplied every piece of Buckeye Burl(minus drip tip made by Doug at, it's not buckeye but still beautiful

). The amazing service and workmanship for the log vapes are of course the from masters at Underdog,
@underdog &
@underdogette as you all know. The SS tip WonG was made by the man, the myth, the legend Ed from
@Ed's TnT, more soon to come

. The beautiful Buckeye box mod was created by Nico from, as I said a few posts back. All sitting on top of a future Buckeye Hi set!
Thank you to everyone, on this forum and not for these beautiful works of functional art that will be cherished for many many years to come!
Well enough jabbering here are some pics of my Buckeye collection, so far....
Thank you again to all!!!!!!