Question, my glass is now pretty gunked up. I could have sworn i read that you can scrape out that residue? If not Im just going to iso it out.
I use the little metal picks that (used to? still do?) come with the underdog in the little test tubes. I use the blunt end of the really skinny one to scrape all I can, then toss that on top of some flowers and re-vape. You can do the same with your downstem, and even your water piece if you iso it and evap the alcohol. Assuming you're not also combusting in the piece, that would just taste terrible. If your res is really runny like mine usually is, dip it in some kief to give it some substance and extra oomph

Iso-salt the rest of the glass to open that air path back up, and you're in business. It's surprising how much a few millimeters of res can restrict the draw, at least IME.
Been on that sober life for a few months, and probably a few more to go. Glad to know I've still got the pup waiting to be fired up if/when I decide to come back. She probably appreciates the break after couple of years of constant power anyway lmao.