So my new red and yellow "flame" vvps came in yesterday, and I figured I would post with some observations. I really like that it has a power switch so I don't have to keep pulling the plug to turn it off, and the "lab style" cord from Dave is of really nice quality, a little more rigid than the "tattoo" style provided.
Also I noticed quickly that while 12.8v on the travel vvps was my "sweet spot" for water, on this vvps it's more like 12.5v, while the "direct draw" 12v setting seemed to taste, feel, and produce about the same on both.
Either way, I'm loving my new setup and won't be in need of any new home vapes for a long long time!
PS. I recently purchased this Vapor Brothers Mini Hydrator, it goes really well with the Dogs, and the size and "chug" are perfectly suited for vapor! So this is my new daily setup, the Jyarz are perfect for storing ground up material to "suck-fill" the GonG stems!