Hey! I'm looking to upgrade from an mflb. I've only really had it for 5 months or so, but with daily usage it has just become a little too much of a hassle and has left me desiring something a lot more powerful. I think the batteries are much weaker than they used to be and maybe things would be easier if I got some new batteries, but regardless, my tolerance has shot through the roof and I know it will still just take a long time with the mflb. I guess what I mean to say with all this is that I need a better 'daily driver.' I want to be able to just breathe in and not have to do anything and have a super simple vaping experience, so:
the UD seems pretty perfect for me - I was originally thinking of going for a Solo or maybe waiting for an Ascent, but: the Solo isn't really all that stealthy as far as portability goes, and if something is portable it has to be stealthy in my opinion, so it would really end up being just a home vape - a nice one too, but why not actually get a home vape right? The ascent seems really rad, but if I can get the mflb to do the trick again with some new batteries, again that could take care of my portable needs and even if the ascent has all the cool ass features like the automatic temperature changer, it seems like maybe I don't really need to upgrade the portable route so much as get a better home delivery mechanism, and so I am left with the most logical option of getting a home vape. Also I reallllly don't want to have to wait so long for the ascent.
I have a few questions about the UD:
I will be in a dorm come fall, and so discretion is pretty important - why I would err towards the solo, but it seems like the UD is pretty mellow/low-key (much more so than something like a dbv or huge eq) as far as blending in. My question is, what is it like smell wise? While you're vaping and the plant matter is in the tube, is it passively super smelly since the plant is close to the heating element? Does the smell disperse a lot in between hits etc? I would be taking the usual precautions like window open, sploof etc, so it's not so much the exhaled vapor I'm worried about as much as any passive smell from heating the plant matter.
Also, this should be worlds apart from my mflb right, like infinitely better?
Stems: Is there any reason to not get 2 GonGs when I order it? Seems like they are nicer, don't have any plastics/silicone to weird me out, etc - fragile, but I'm careful with all my stuff. I don't have a water pipe, hopefully it's in my future but given that I am student and don't have a ton of funds/water pipes are usually not the most discreet, I probably won't have one for a while (side note: can anybody recommend any of those short, super simple bongs? I've seen them and think they're really cool but can never find any). Also, have I misunderstood something and the GonGs are only for use with bongs, not direct draw?
Finally, power supply/temperatures: I find I like to vape pretty hot because I am mainly an indica person/vape primarily for bed and I like the heavier feelings then - is it easier to get higher temperatures by just drawing slower and having it heat the plant matter for longer/less cooling because of less airflow etc, or do you have to have the vvps to get to higher temperatures? Or is this where you use the 'bowl distance' to adjust temperature? Is it still variable with a glass stem?
Is there a functional difference in the various designs, or is it purely aesthetic? The one that i realllly like is the Oregon County Myrtle - so beautiful, so simple.
Sorry for all these questions, thanks so much for taking the time to read them - maybe they have been answered before in this thread, but sometimes it is hard to wade through 270 posts trying to find the answer. Thanks for helping a noob out!
Also, customer service seems pretty amazing.