Underdog Log Vapes


shade-tree vapor engineer
biojuggernaut said:
ud how would the cebil bubble hit compared to my bell? Whats the smallests height wise you could make a 3/8?

I'd say they are about the same or really really close to it. The Cebil Bubble is 2.5" tall which is about the shortest possible.. I might be able to go 1/2 inch shorter in exchange for slightly wider but not positive.


Well-Known Member
Ok. Well had a bit of fun today. Not only with the dog, but added a new member to the family. Mobius Ion Reti Perc.... Amazing Piece.

Thought it was about time to upload a video for something already. Still working on getting the techniques down for the vape, but it has been improving. I still wish it ran a little bit hotter, I do like my abv darker, but I feel I will figure out how to fix this with trial and error.


Also, on a side note, I found a great way to stir a stem. Put your finger over the bowl and then turn it upside down and flick it a few times. Shakes everything up and you dont need to stir or knock material out. A bit of a timesaver for me.


Well-Known Member
Also, I just wanted to show that I cut down one of my stems to better fit my needs. I also am using a 18mm water pipe adapter I had for the Eclipse vape. The tubing fits perfectly in to it. I know have the idea to make a bunch of roughly .75inch bowls and just save up a bunch and do a wash of them all, or just toss them. Either way, I like having a clean flavor and this is a great way for me to do so. in addition, its nice to have the GONG attachment.

In the picture you can see I used a razor blade to cut the tube, worked perfectly. Also have my screen really high up there. I still have yellow abv, and not brown, but Im getting good hits. Kinda confuses me. I do get more out of the toasty top afterwards, but it is quite flavorful.

Yeah crazy concept the UD delivers the milkiest hits but they are not that high temp. Its so weird. Whats the longest any given day I should leave it on?


shade-tree vapor engineer
gvape said:
Also, I just wanted to show that I cut down one of my stems to better fit my needs. I also am using a 18mm water pipe adapter I had for the Eclipse vape. The tubing fits perfectly in to it. I know have the idea to make a bunch of roughly .75inch bowls and just save up a bunch and do a wash of them all, or just toss them. Either way, I like having a clean flavor and this is a great way for me to do so. in addition, its nice to have the GONG attachment.

In the picture you can see I used a razor blade to cut the tube, worked perfectly. Also have my screen really high up there. I still have yellow abv, and not brown, but Im getting good hits. Kinda confuses me. I do get more out of the toasty top afterwards, but it is quite flavorful.


Ohhh thanks for the post gvape.. interesting setup you've got there and glad to see you're getting some good looking vapor out of that b-day vape! Gotta keep in mind that's the lowest powered core we offer so to see it performing so well is pretty awesome!


Master JedHI
underdog said:
Hey Alan thanks for joining in over here in Underdog land.. it's always nice to have other people with a passion for invention involved in our shenanigans.

You've got some great looking stuff and I have to admit I've always been pretty intrigued with the TT but I've never actually seen one. Maybe I'll get one for myself one of these days assuming you'd sell one to me.. or if you'd be game I'd love to trade you an Underdog for a TT.. that's be awesome.

Thanks Dave. Always nice to see a new twist to this style of vaporizer. Your creations are very beautiful. You know I have a thing for fine wood. There is always something new to be learned or discovered. Seems to work better when we can freely feed off each other for ideas to improve our products. I have certainly learned something from your silicone stem discovery. I also like how you provided photos of your internals. I did early on as well. Always nice to show people through what they will be breathing.
I have no problems with you owning a TT and would definitely be up for a trade. Would love to try a UD.
Keep up the good work and make a lot of people happy.


Well-Known Member
I've been enjoying my UD thoroughly this weekend. :) Discovering techniques that really makes this little guy perform. I hope everyone is enjoying their UD's as much as I am. :peace:


Well-Known Member
13Volts makes the biggest difference. I have an adapter that I can switch from 9-13 volts and I have never tried the 13v, but figured since many here were, Id give it a shot. It goes from yellow abv to the perfect brown! A nice milk chocolate color, and very evenly colored. I wont leave it on this setting more than when Im hitting it but its a great improvement. Working on a video now.


shade-tree vapor engineer
gvape said:
13Volts makes the biggest difference. I have an adapter that I can switch from 9-13 volts and I have never tried the 13v, but figured since many here were, Id give it a shot. It goes from yellow abv to the perfect brown! A nice milk chocolate color, and very evenly colored. I wont leave it on this setting more than when Im hitting it but its a great improvement. Working on a video now.

Looking forward to the video... :)


Well-Known Member
I went to clean the glass before making the video and broke my 18mm adapater... I guess I have to order another one, what a pain. At least it was something cheap and I had a 14mm one too.

Heres a video of the Underdog @ 13v. Its starting to grow on me..... Just wish I could leave it on 24/7



shade-tree vapor engineer
biojuggernaut said:
sweet video. Why can't I leave the unit on for lets say a day?

Cause I didn't engineer it to be left on 24/7 and I don't know what will happen and I don't want your vape to break or your desk to catch on fire. If you're feeling adventurous go ahead and try and let us know how it works out... :o


errl enthusiast
went to a buddy's house today who just so happened to have final cut express on his macbook so i attempted to finish the review i had shot with the tupelo goblet before its untimely demise (still haven't had a chance to get that to the post office yet Dave, its always been closed by the time i get back home from the city) so here is the end product of that endeavor, i had intended to polish a few things up and get a couple more shots of the dogs in use, but i think it covers it fairly well. also, stay tuned for another UD production that will be centered around the tortuga!



shade-tree vapor engineer
stroh said:
went to a buddy's house today who just so happened to have final cut express on his macbook so i attempted to finish the review i had shot with the tupelo goblet before its untimely demise (still haven't had a chance to get that to the post office yet Dave, its always been closed by the time i get back home from the city) so here is the end product of that endeavor, i had intended to polish a few things up and get a couple more shots of the dogs in use, but i think it covers it fairly well. also, stay tuned for another UD production that will be centered around the tortuga!


Nice work stroh! Once you've got your own MacBook up and running you should make a compilation music video of your epic UD vapor clouds haha.. :brow:


Staff member
Nice vid, Stroh. Love the Underdog song.

Have you tried to take your ABV farther by trying to vape a little more out of the twig? It looks like it's still got some green in it.



errl enthusiast
thanks guys!

haha thats actually what i had intended for the tortuga video, expect lots of vape clouds and some other fun tricks ;)

i can definitely get a little bit more out of my twig now, this footage is actually semi-old as i had shot this only a few days after i had received the goblet and twig, and since then my technique has vastly improved for the 1/4" core.
Dave thinking about buying that little cebil stump or taller cebil button you have. I like the stump more because it is smaller but I don't want just black suede; do you still have buffalo hide? What kind of leather is on the taller cebil button; it looks like the tortuga. Would you recommend turning the voltage down if we are leaving it on in between sess?


shade-tree vapor engineer
biojuggernaut said:
Dave thinking about buying that little cebil stump or taller cebil button you have. I like the stump more because it is smaller but I don't want just black suede; do you still have buffalo hide? What kind of leather is on the taller cebil button; it looks like the tortuga. Would you recommend turning the voltage down if we are leaving it on in between sess?

The Cebil Bubble has leather like the Tortuga and the Cebil Stump has black suede leather. I do have buffalo in stock and can change the bottom on one if you want.

If you're leaving the vape on between sessions it definitely wouldn't hurt to turn down the voltage then. Does that mean your variable is back up and running?

@ stroh - sweeeeeet, sounds awesome!
no the variable is still reading zeros no matter what :(, I am using an enercell 6v-12. I am on ebay right now looking at new voltage adapters however, how will amps influence performance? I feel as if the cecil stump is the smallest dawg you have correct? I assume I would go with either that "tortuga" leather or buffalo, but I would like to see all the selections before I spent the dollar. You're not making any other very tiny units in immediate future are you?


shade-tree vapor engineer
biojuggernaut said:
no the variable is still reading zeros no matter what :(, I am using an enercell 6v-12. I am on ebay right now looking at new voltage adapters however, how will amps influence performance? I feel as if the cecil stump is the smallest dawg you have correct? I assume I would go with either that "tortuga" leather or buffalo, but I would like to see all the selections before I spent the dollar. You're not making any other very tiny units in immediate future are you?

Ah, ok.. I'm sending you a replacement variable supply so you shouldn't need to buy one and amps won't influence performance unless the supply just doesn't have enough power for your device (like a 2amp device with a 1amp supply).

The Cebil Stump and Bubble are pretty much the smallest 3/8" cored vapes I have right now and I don't have any immediate plans to build a smaller one.. any smaller and we start to run into problems and it gets more and more difficult to make.
gvape said:
Heres a video of the Underdog @ 13v. Its starting to grow on me..... Just wish I could leave it on 24/7


Gvape, great video, look at the Dog almost whitewall that bubbler! I need to get a 13 volt adapter tonight! That's pretty Supreme-Vaporizer dense right there.

Stroh, great video too, very good information.

Is one of these adapters appropriate http://www.ebay.com/itm/AC-Adapter-...841?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5ae2c9b639 ?
^ it needs to be 13volts. I will probably end up buying the cecil stump with the bison leather. I would want to see a few samples of what leathers you have. You said Croc and snake as well :o


Well-Known Member
No, thats 5v.

You want 13 VOLTS and something above 800mA. I think 1amp is preferred although, this 13watt I have is only 800.

Give me a few, I will see if I can find what I have or something else that is suitable.
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