Interesting to see them before the finish is applied. How do you know what they'll look like after being polished up?
SM summed up pretty much perfectly.. experience (well plus a bit of random luck lol).
I've been woodworking for enough years to have a good idea of what something might look like once finished though occasionally I will get a wood I've never seen or worked with before and then it's down to chance and luck. The biggest difficulty is trying to guess what the inside of a piece of wood might be like when all you can see is the rough, dirty, sometimes bark covered outside.. in those situations you've just got to take your chances. As I've reported here a couple times sometimes that doesn't work out well like the recent case of the Sumac I got in.. not at all what I'd hoped when I bought it. Part of the cost of doing business in woodworking though and part of the enjoyment too oddly enough, it's like treasure hunting sometimes.
Alright, time for some more wood pictures, weeeeee!
Here's some boring looking thick stock, all good stuff though: Red Oak, Maple, Mahogany
Got a surprise delivery today and immediately started laughing. I work with a sawyer in Puerto Rico for some exotic woods they harvest there (sustainably) and told her (yeah a she-sawyer!) that I needed this Blue Mahoe and quick. Guess the postage printer was broke at the post office (classic Caribbean island living lol) so she had to get resourceful knowing I was in a hurry.. so.. 108 stamps later problem solved!

Same box opened up to display the treasure!
Treasured Blue Mahoe laid out for inspection and labeling, glorious! Enough for 50-60 UDs so it should keep me busy for a few weeks at least.
Alright show and tell is over for now.. back to work..