Underdog Log Vapes


Great Scott!
Admieral was yours running too hot for your tastes? I should get one for my car, but it seems like a hassle in a cramped car space so I just plug mine in then pack the stem and in about a minute or 2 I can hit it 2-4 times max and kick it fairly evenly spent with a darker spot in the middle most times. I don't stir with a car vape so I can understand that. Pleasing results every time. I just have to not mess around. Hit it a few times then unplug it. No reason to leave it plugged in after a bowl because mine heats up so damn fast it will easily reach temps that I feel are too high. I've gotten some BLACK abv with it on after 10 or so minutes, but there was no ash and the stem did not smoke when I remove it from the bowl after a hit, so it must not have combusted. Think solo on 7 black just not as crispy. That is far too dark for me and I like it hot. A dimmer would fix it but its high speed heat ups make it more trouble than its worth. I think it serves its purpose of a quick car vape very well.


Hey all, just registered on this site to thank dave for the great vape. I bought the plainest one I could find(simple person), at it works great. I mainly vape hash out of it, and it works oh so well. Whenever someone asks me for a vape recommendation, I'll always send them your way dave!


Great Scott!
Hey all, just registered on this site to thank dave for the great vape. I bought the plainest one I could find(simple person), at it works great. I mainly vape hash out of it, and it works oh so well. Whenever someone asks me for a vape recommendation, I'll always send them your way dave!

What kind of hash and what is your method?


It is pressed hash, that has been crumbled into powder and small balls. I grind it up with my fingers so that it is all in small pieces, then simply set it inside of the tube as I would any other bud. Huge clouds, much more then could be achieved from a bong.

I'd also like to thank you darkrom, your posts in this thread helped me decide on getting an underdog.


Great Scott!
Aw cool to hear that haha :cheers: I'd have felt bad if you didn't like it, but I'll take those odds since Dave keeps turning out works of art that never disappoint.

Nothing sticks to the heater core that way?


Some sticks to the heater core, and to the screen, but once it builds up enough that it has any sort of effect I just scrape it off.


Well-Known Member
in my experience the silicone stem works well for hash while the glass one doesn't, is your experience the same?


in my experience the silicone stem works well for hash while the glass one doesn't, is your experience the same?
Yes, I never use the glass stem, as it seems that me and everyone salivates(I think this is the spelling, I mean spills there spit:p) into the glass stem and that effect the pull, and can cause the hash to not heat. I never actually use the glass stem, I see no need in it.


Well-Known Member
I often use my glass stem for the first hit or two, then take it out (I don't have it in the stem all the way) and do the rest through water.

It just doesn't seem to work great for finishing the stem, but starting off I love it.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I never use the glass stem, as it seems that me and everyone salivates(I think this is the spelling, I mean spills there spit:p) into the glass stem and that effect the pull, and can cause the hash to not heat. I never actually use the glass stem, I see no need in it.
my idea is that the thicker silicone of the silicone stem restricts the input inti the heatercore more(and so restricts airflow a bit), and maybe the domed screen alsy plays a role.
I love the glass stem with weed, but with hash it just doesn't work


Staff member
my idea is that the thicker silicone of the silicone stem restricts the input inti the heatercore more(and so restricts airflow a bit), and maybe the domed screen alsy plays a role.
I love the glass stem with weed, but with hash it just doesn't work
I think it has to do with the thermodynamics of the silicone vis á vis the difference in thickness between the thick and thin versions.

I'm probably totally wrong of course. Ususally am.

I have discovered that it takes a very long time to read this entire thread.

My first Underdog is on it's way, it is a Tasmanian Blackwood Twig:


So far today I've only checked the mailbox twice (it's 10am and I know my UD is still in SF). But hey, waiting is part of the fun! I've never used a log vape before and am really looking forward to it. I've had a MFLB for 6 months but it's not really as hard hitting as I like, especially since I stopped smoking a couple of weeks back.

I bought a DaBuddah without doing my research simply because I needed some big clouds ... and while it hits beautifully, I really don't like the whip and would prefer something that looked less like paraphernalia (I got a tribe of little kids around so everything must be locked/hidden away).

The Dabuddah will be sold as soon as the UD arrives but I will keep the MFLB for when I'm out and about.

Problem is ... I am having trouble finding the right power supply to use my UD in Australia. Dave said to grab a regulated/switched power supply in the range of 13.25v to 13.75v that is rated at least 1A power output (or 1.2A to 2A range is even better) ... but finding a 13.25v to 13.75v is proving tricky.

The closest that I found was a variable power supply that outputs 13.8v, however I wasn't really looking for anything that chunky/expensive. While I've got a 12v/1.5A power supply here from an old external HDD that I'll try when my UD arrives, I'd really like to find one in the right range so I can get the most out of my UD. Other Aussie UD owners ... what power supply are you using?
Rename Rev Ye Us,


I definitely know what you mean about the da buddha, it was my previous vape also and it was so much less... fun I suppose would be the word to use. The underdog is simply the most enjoyable way that i've ever used to consume this wonderful plant. Once it is time for me to get another vape, ill be looking at getting another UD, but a bigger and badder one!:)
I'm glad to hear you find the UD so much more enjoyable than DBV. After reading so many positive reviews in this thread I feel that the UD will be exactly what I've been looking for. I cannot wait for mine to arrive.
Rename Rev Ye Us,


Yeah, not only do I prefer it, but everyone who's tried it also does. I'm sure you'll not only find it great, but with an even easier learning curve then the DBV.

Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
Hey everyusername, I think you got the brother piece to my one! :)
2 dogs made out of Aussie wood, flown halfway around the world for Dave to work his magic, then flown back down under for our enjoyment :tup:

I have a 12v supply for my one, and it runs a bit cool at that voltage.
Wrapping it in a jacket/blanket has helped me get it a bit hotter, but I ended up getting a variable voltage power supply from eBay.
I got 2 of em for $25 including shipping.
Frederick McGuire,
I love that both of the Tasmanian Blackwood dogs have ended up back in Australia - it somehow seems right. The one that you picked up is beautiful.

I was really hoping to avoid variable supplies, but it sounds like it might be the go. Or do you reckon something like this might work okay?
Rename Rev Ye Us,

Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
I would think it should work fine.
It's got the right sized output jack, and all the extra amps it is able o provide shouldn't be a bad thing.
It seems a tad pricey though.
That 1 power supply is double the price of the 2 variables I got from eBay.
Having said that, if it's good, it is a simpler setup :tup:
Frederick McGuire,
Your right, it is expensive, I was so excited that I found a power supply the right voltage that I didn't even notice the price! I wasn't sure if the extra amps would be an issue, thanks for clearing that up.

Anyway, I'll resume my search for the right power supply ...

I think I may have found one! Amtex have a 13.5V wall plug listed on this spec sheet and it even says that they can make one with a special output voltage on request. I've contacted them to find out the cost - hopefully they are not too pricey.
Rename Rev Ye Us,


Great Scott!
Joined the glass party to hopefully help myself get over some hard times I'm working on right now.

When I get out of work later today I'll post a pic or something. 12 arm perc and 3 slits per arm makes one hell of a bub. So much airflow I really don't think I can milk it, at least not the 1 stem I tried with it. I hit it thinking (why isn't it white walled like everyone else) then exhale and check the ABV is dark and I'm feeling it...must have been working well.


Student of Vapor
sorry to hear about the hard times you're going through darkrom but some good glass always helps the situation! please post some pics of it too. im always interested in what other glass people have especially if they have a UD and how it performs with their piece.
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