Underdog Log Vapes


shade-tree vapor engineer
Another vape out the door this evening - the Stacked Beehive is leaving us for new owners in our old stomping ground of Culebra, Puerto Rico!



Well-Known Member
Great looking beehive. The new owners will be pleased. :)

You said, "another vape out the door this evening". Does that mean some birthday vapes are on their way? :brow:


shade-tree vapor engineer
SirElton said:
Great looking beehive. The new owners will be pleased. :)

You said, "another vape out the door this evening". Does that mean some birthday vapes are on their way? :brow:

Haha.. no not quite yet SirElton, I was referring to the Madrone Burl Log that went out yesterday. The b-day vapes are getting very close though, we're on the home stretch.. but remember you can't rush awesomeness!


Great Scott!
zymos said:
underdog said:
Another catalog vape is on it's way to join a new pack where we're sure it'll be top dog. The lucky new owner will be partying in style with the Madrone Burl Log

That one's mine!
Guess it's time for me to unlurk and register here-
-can't wait to join the happy underdog family.

Welcome! You picked one hell of a vape to start with :D

Do you have any vaping experience at all? Enjoy that fine fine vape. I seriously think of my underdog as "the stupid maker" or something. One hit can really deliver effects, something I don't see with any other vaporizer.


Well-Known Member
We only have the MFLB. It's pretty nifty, and the portability is a big plus, but the general consensus among the household is that it hits too weakly. After a couple of weeks we were going back to bongs and bowls. So I came here for research , and the rest, as they say, is history.

I was sold by the raves of you and others, Dave's great attitude, and of course the beauty of the vapes.

Thanks for the welcome!


Great Scott!
The MFLB is great...for stealth. I'll never get rid of mine, but I hardly use it. I love it for what it is, and that is not a devastatingly effective vapor hit. The underdog does that quite well. I'd say no bong could compare to my underdog, not that I'd combust anymore even if it did.
zymos said:
We only have the MFLB. It's pretty nifty, and the portability is a big plus, but the general consensus among the household is that it hits too weakly. After a couple of weeks we were going back to bongs and bowls. So I came here for research , and the rest, as they say, is history.

I was sold by the raves of you and others, Dave's great attitude, and of course the beauty of the vapes.

Thanks for the welcome!

Well after seeing that 5/8 whitewall that sherlock yesterday I'd say you've come to the right spot. Couldn't believe it till I saw the video for a second time.


darkrom, i took a few hits from my MFLB that turned me upside down this evening. The more you work with it the better it treats you...

Please stop hurrying Dave on the B-day vapes, the slower he works the more love he can put into them!!! :brow:

lol, just thought of Cheech and Chong... DAVE'S NOT HERE!!!


Great Scott!
cluffy said:
darkrom, i took a few hits from my MFLB that turned me upside down this evening. The more you work with it the better it treats you...

Please stop hurrying Dave on the B-day vapes, the slower he works the more love he can put into them!!! :brow:

lol, just thought of Cheech and Chong... DAVE'S NOT HERE!!!

I've had the MFLB for over a year now. I love it and always tell people how much I love it, but I have a high tolerance and it's honestly just not enough for me in most situations. I also do not have 2700 mah batteries. I'd say the MFLB is in no way comparable to the vapor I get from an underdog though. No exaggerations here, I'd ballpark one underdog hit to be close to 3 full trenches for me. This thing is a nuclear power plant while my MFLB is a trusty old windmill lol.


Well-Known Member
darkrom said:
This thing is a nuclear power plant while my MFLB is a trusty old windmill lol.

Love the way you put that. Always nice to have the mflb, but it just doesnt always get the job done. You guys are really putting a lot of hype on this for me. I wonder how much more it is going to perform over my other wood vapes.


errl enthusiast
darkrom said:
cluffy said:
darkrom, i took a few hits from my MFLB that turned me upside down this evening. The more you work with it the better it treats you...

Please stop hurrying Dave on the B-day vapes, the slower he works the more love he can put into them!!! :brow:

lol, just thought of Cheech and Chong... DAVE'S NOT HERE!!!

I've had the MFLB for over a year now. I love it and always tell people how much I love it, but I have a high tolerance and it's honestly just not enough for me in most situations. I also do not have 2700 mah batteries. I'd say the MFLB is in no way comparable to the vapor I get from an underdog though. No exaggerations here, I'd ballpark one underdog hit to be close to 3 full trenches for me. This thing is a nuclear power plant while my MFLB is a trusty old windmill lol.

agreed whole heartedly. i love my box, i will never get rid of it, but for at home purposes it just does not deliver the kick i am looking for, even with the PA turned on full blast. its just much more of a hassle to get where i want, i have to load and unload around 3 trenches to get to my desired level, when i can load 1 stem up to the brim and achieve that same place.


Great Scott!
Stroh have you managed to discipline yourself to taking ONE big hit out of the underdog? I do this with my 3/8 all the time and find even one hit starts to really kick in shortly. Its always tempting to take many back to back, but try just one at a time and see if you are as shocked as I am. I've always laughed at the idea of just one hit myself. I guess the log style really is THAT much better.
I had to laugh at the windmill comparison, very funny!

To be fair to MF, I just had my old 1.5 year box replaced. The new box is SO much hotter and can deliver tremendous hits. I have to hit it with almost enough speed as to swirl the contents around. It's a complete reversal of my old MFLB. I've run enough batteries through it where I don't think its a breaking in thing. My point is, the MFLB can now deliver huge hits, and can be used with the WPA without having to use the microhitting technique... In fact, the whole technique is unnecessary with the new box. It's a very fair competitor to the Solo in hit size but requires greater finesse. I've fallen in love with it all over again. Not trying to be off topic, I just think older boxes and older batteries tend to get weak and their replacement with the new and improved is very dramatic, at least in my case.

I think that sherlock whitewalling video has all of us drooling..


errl enthusiast
yeah ive cashed stems in one hit, usually using the sherlock arm to milk it, though on occasion just through the stem
So I imagine the heat retention must be pretty amazing to do that. Have you been able to phase it with lots of hits in sequence when with friends or anything?

How's your ABV with the 12 volt? Nice and evenly vaped? How dark?

Thanks Stroh


errl enthusiast
no problem charlie dont surf (love apocalypse now btw), cashing the stem in one hit results in a dark chocolate ring in the center, surrounded by milkyish chocolate and even some tan bits. vaping a stem in the normal way using more even draws results in an even dark brown ABV. the 1/4" core results in slightly lighter abv, never going past milk chocolate in color, with some golden brown bits left in.

so far i haven't passed it around in a circle with friends, nobody is a fan of vapor from where im from so no word on the group usage yet, but i'm sure it would be able to handle them fine, if everyone had their own stem.

an added input, according to one of my friends the goblet was "amazing" good job Dave, you have impressed a regular combuster which is a first in my book.


shade-tree vapor engineer
Working feverishly to get the b-day vapes done and Abysmal's piece finished.. getting closer by the day and the finish is now in sight. I'm putting all the love possible in these things no worries, if I can get my hydraulic love press back up and running I'll do even better I promise... :lol:

So Stroh and Matt, when you guys are vaping with your Underdog how are you loading and finishing stems? When I use it I tend to use the straw method to load my stem, vape 2-3 draws from it, tap it out into a cup to mix it up then reload and vape again. I do this 1-3 times for a stem until my ABV is all uniform and seems to be cashed out. You guys just going through a stem without unloading/reloading? I wonder if either way is better...?

I think all you b-day folks are going to enjoy your soon to be born vapes. These things are sippers and will effectively cut the price you pay for herb in half (or more!) by being so 'frickin efficient. This batch is so efficient that I even decided to make an extra and keep it for my personal collection!

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
Uh,uh soon i will get my lungs and brain onto my dog :) ... Happier days are coming :brow: !
Abysmal Vapor,


shade-tree vapor engineer
Abysmal Vapor said:
Uh,uh soon i will get my lungs and brain onto my dog :) ... Happier days are coming :brow: !

We'll do our best to make your lungs and brain happy there Abysmal.. :cool:


errl enthusiast
mhm, this 1/4" core rips hard! its just not as effortless as the 3/8" core which rips hard AND fast

underdog said:
So Stroh and Matt, when you guys are vaping with your Underdog how are you loading and finishing stems? When I use it I tend to use the straw method to load my stem, vape 2-3 draws from it, tap it out into a cup to mix it up then reload and vape again. I do this 1-3 times for a stem until my ABV is all uniform and seems to be cashed out. You guys just going through a stem without unloading/reloading? I wonder if either way is better...?

so far i have just gone about vaping the stem without unloading it. i have tried unloading it and loading it back up, but i felt it wasn't a necessary step as none of my cashed ABV loads have been significantly blackened and tends to vapes mostly evenly.
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