Underdog Log Vapes


Well-Known Member
Before & after picture --- seriously scorched!

Silver lining, Dave mentioned it should be a little more insulated / run a tad hotter now. Also, since its using a closed air path, the char doesn't affect flavor whatsoever.


(wood colors look so different because first picture was with flash)


here for the chicks
Yeah, that's a mark :(

Mine got really hot too if I stuffed it under blankets or pillows too long. But it was running a bit on the cool side back then, I figured it would have taken mine at least a couple of days before anything would have caught fire. It did got really hot one time though, and ever since I can smell a bit of charred wood when I sniff the top of my UD :uhoh: I don't taste it when I use it though.

Dave, a little update on my freaky little bullet: I measured the resistance of my UD at 23,45ohms now I have a plug with a wire on it. I usually run it @ 14,3V, but I turn it down to 14 - 13,8V when it's on for more then 4 or 5 hours or so. The UD seems to like those values too. It runs a bit cooler now then with my 13,8V, which I measured up to 15,7V under load even :uhoh: If I could still edit the post where I recommended that thing I would remove the recommendation, it'll probably kill most UDs in hindsight. Core is still loose under operating temps (only slightly when cold), but it doesn't seem to get a lot worse for now.

HES: mine last a week at best, usually a day or four before I change them and give the stem a quick alcohol wash to get rid of the stickiness. I put like half a gram to a gram per day through it btw, for reference. Oh, and I stir a lot, between every hit. I think this clogs it up a bit faster with all the dust it causes.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that's a mark :(

Mine got really hot too if I stuffed it under blankets or pillows too long. But it was running a bit on the cool side back then, I figured it would have taken mine at least a couple of days before anything would have caught fire. It did got really hot one time though, and ever since I can smell a bit of charred wood when I sniff the top of my UD :uhoh: I don't taste it when I use it though.

This is what I found really odd, I was certain if I smelled the top of my UD it would smell burnt or charred, but it smells 100% normal o_O
EDIT: also, just wondering. how often do you guys change screens for your stems? i find that mine can get pretty gunked up after just two weeks.

I use it until I notice extra drag on the hits. A week or two is about right. I just take the screen out and throw it right in an empty bowl and scorch it with a lighter. You get a big hash hit and it cleans the screen perfectly.


Student of Vapor
I use it until I notice extra drag on the hits. A week or two is about right. I just take the screen out and throw it right in an empty bowl and scorch it with a lighter. You get a big hash hit and it cleans the screen perfectly.

good thinking. i think i might just throw it in some ISO real quick to clean it off too. just wanted to make sure i wasn't the only one going clogging them up so quickly. OTA, i do stir after every hit so i guess that also clogs it quicker like you.
If you don't want to inhale the combustion from the residue you can just hold it with a pair of tweezers or hemos and just burn it with a lighter. It will catch on fire and completly burn off in a few seconds. I don't soak in iso unless I'm already cleaning a bigger piece.
OhTheAgony- Yea I wasn't going for showing why its cool to vape
and drive. I actually already found out how quite dangerous that
is, unless my hits are water cooled i'm almost guaranteed to cough
my ass off. This obviously doesn't work well when your driving.
I bought this vaporizer for when i'm on the road and not at home
able to hit my UD, and yes i am taking precautions to make sure
nothing bad comes of it. Yes I am happy with my battery life, I
actually have 5 12v ports! UD Party!

The ways I had to get used to this new core is very minimal when I
think about it but there are just slight differences. Screen size and
adjustments. I also feel like the less thicker tubing I like after
using it for a while , but I was used to the thicker tubing.
I also used to just blow out through the other end of the tubing to get
rid of the ABV and apparently with this tubing it kicks the screen out with
the bud :D Last difference is the heat up time being much quicker and it extracts
all of the bud leaving almost no ABV. No there isn't a restriction to the draw
but I do believe if you hit it slower you get bigger rips than hitting it
faster. Taste stays exactly the same too.

Dave- My UD is working fine thanks again. The height is great and it sits
perfectly in my holder, next thing ill be looking into is buying some more
tubing to make a sort of whip so the UD can just be stationary, ill also be
on the look for glass elbows which i may have to backtrack this thread a
little to find as I thought I saw them. Matt mentioned me running my UD 24/7
on my car which isn't entirely true. I run it for about 6 hours at most, basically if i'm getting
out of work or planning a trip. I'll plug it in a few hours before I go out
(on my lunch hour perhaps). I am fully aware of the consequences this places
on my car and battery and I will not be involving anyone to blame if something
happens besides myself. My car actually has a battery meter on my dash so
i'm not too concerned. Thanks again for helping me get a car vape going, and
tomorrow I think i'm gonna try to get some videos going using my Aqua Vape
or my Bong. Happy 4/20 everybody!
I made a whip by cutting one of the silicon stems in half and sticking a silicon whip tube in one end and sealing it with a round rubber gromment to make an air tight seal. The way I can leave the UD in my lap and it just looks like I am sucking on a straw when hitting it.


shade-tree vapor engineer
@ OTA - thanks for the update on the bullet dude, that little pup has taken some abuse and is still going, impressive!

@ Joe - awesome car setup you got there, again glad it worked out so well. Thanks for the better explanation on how you're using the setup in the car and for how long, all good info to have here in the thread in case someone else want's to try something similar in the future.

I'm going to make it an early night around these parts so I can get started bright and early in the morning taking all the pictures and then updating the website with the new pieces. Huzzah! :rockon:


here for the chicks
Still going strong indeed :tup:

I'm still thinking about the shimming. I want to stop the core from moving but I'm worried it'll damage the UD even more when it cools down. When it's hot I can move the core about 1,5mm, perhaps 2mm at most. When it's cold it's perhaps half a mm or less. What would you recommend, and do you think that I will break internal wires fast with this little movement?

Joe, thanks for the details!

I'm curious about this size difference though, can someone post a picture of the new and older stems side by side? Is there a difference in inner as well as outer diameter? If not then why did you decide on different stem-material Dave? Should I not be talking about this at all? :rolleyes:

Also, where the heck is Abysmal?!? Are you still alive bro?


shade-tree vapor engineer
@ OTA - I think with so little movement you won't damage the wires too quickly. If you do shim I wouldn't worry to much about damaging the wood when it's cool as the wood is pretty dang strong. That being said it might be best to wait until it really needs it or in case I come up with a better solution than shimming. As far as the tube thicknesses go they are both 3/8" OD but the stuff I'm using now has a larger ID for better airflow and to also allow the use of Zap/PD style stems that slip inside the tube. I'll see if I can't get a picture of that today for you.

@ Gonzo - hope you're having a good 4/20 dude, you have a nice selection of UDs to keep you in fog that's for sure. Speaking of which I just finished a nice Twig made of that odd cream colored LV I told you about, neat stuff. I'll get a picture of that too today.

Alright, back to the camera for this Dog. :peace:
Got some really good medical grade flowers for the first time since I got the dog, and omg it's incredible. Completely fogged off one stem!


here for the chicks
Oh, I think you posted that new thinner material for the inner tube before Dave, got it :tup:

And yeah, stop typing and get back on those pictures :clap:


shade-tree vapor engineer
Editing and uploading pictures now, in a few hours everything will be updated on the site.

For now how about a teaser?

Here's a quick and dirty edited mashup of the pieces for the refresh. There are a few Dogs that some of you might have seen before but 90% are newborns. Hope you all like them. :p



Great Scott!
Pack stem hit one, move on to next and repeat. Enjoy ALL the underdogs. Gonzo style haha.

Hitting my 2 UDs today :D Only way to have it for me on this day of days.


here for the chicks
Nice teaser, more plz :brow:

Is that a Cebil twig there in the back, and a Blue Mahoe log in the middle somewhere?

Oh, the agony :p

Are all of these with the new core Dave?

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
:) Nice to see new dogs Dave .. What wood is the black piece on the right ?
Abysmal Vapor,


one in a billion
Company Rep
Hey there UDs!

Just wanted to introduce myself. :wave: I'm Dave's helper-monkey err, wife, Amanda. ;) I've been in the background here at Underdog Headquarters, managing the website, accounting and other little details, like treat dispensing for the four-legged underdog... :D But here shortly, I'll also be doing glass work and accessories like wooden stem caddies, so I figured no time like the present to un-lurk and say Hi!


Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
Hi there Underdoggete ! Can't wait to see UD accessories (Are you the one that is going to craft the future UD bubblers ? ).. Also complements for that shining smile , it one of those things a good person can't hide . (nice catch Dave :brow:).


one in a billion
Company Rep
Hi there Underdoggete ! Can't wait to see UD accessories (Are you the one that is going to craft the future UD bubblers ? ).. Also complements for that shining smile , it one of those things a good person can't hide . (nice catch Dave :brow:).

Yes I've got sugar plum dreams of special UD bubblers and other neat stuff. :ninja: It's easy to smile in this shop; never a dull moment working with Dave! :D
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