Underdog Log Vapes


Well-Known Member
I always forget about FC Chat. Ill have to get back on that.

Once I get my unit I am gonna do some extensive testing to compare it to my many other vapes I have. I look forward to seeing if I can use any of my custom wood and glass stems for pd and tt.
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Staff member
I'm such a sucker for a good deal....

You can never have too many vapes, right?



errl enthusiast
day two of being a happy underdog, and i cant get across how impressed i am with this vape! about .1 gives mes 3 super dense hits, 2 decent hits, and about 3 wispy hits. the ABV comes out a very even chocolate color, with no char marks whatsoever. Faster pulls will equate to bigger clouds and a more stoney feel, while slower draws seem to be better for lighter hits.

i have only smoked one stem today and already i am quite medicated :D
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shade-tree vapor engineer
stroh said:
day two of being a happy underdog, and i cant get across how impressed i am with this vape! about .1 gives mes 3 super dense hits, 2 decent hits, and about 3 wispy hits. the ABV comes out a very even chocolate color, with no char marks whatsoever. Faster pulls will equate to bigger clouds and a more stoney feel, while slower draws seem to be better for lighter hits.

i have only smoked one stem today and already i am quite medicated :D

Awesome stroh, glad to hear things are working out for you! Thanks for all the feedback... :)


Well-Known Member
Getting my antsy now that I have to wait for the new vape to be made! Keep up the great work Dave, I cant wait to see the piece of artwork you send me!


Well-Known Member
i was getting a new vape regardless :brow: a fiddleback pd was my original target but this birthday deal came along and i just couldnt resist. i cant wait!

oh and thanks everyone for all replys to my ?'s


shade-tree vapor engineer
Thanks everyone for the good wishes and purchases, our Birthday Vape special was a great success and I'm already hard at work in the shop today working on the orders.

We will also be continuing to work on the 3-4 custom pieces currently under-way including Abysmal's.

Thanks again!


Good job on the sale Dave. I think you took a little pizazz out of our RZ roll out. That is the name of the game though. Get them beauties in peoples hands.
Happy Bday! Is it out how old you are? I have not followed every post.
Sweeeeeeet puppy too. Nothing like a dog or two or three or four or.....?.. to keep all of us and our family in touch with the real world.
I sure as hell am glad I moved to SS or I would be a goner for sure.
Good to have you and Alan in the ring. I love our gloves.
Nice to have a helpful wife too.
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vapor accessory addict
:doh: Totally spaced on wishing you and the Underdog a happy birthday. Hope you both got a treat. :D


shade-tree vapor engineer
Rick said:
Good job on the sale Dave. I think you took a little pizazz out of our RZ roll out. That is the name of the game though. Get them beauties in peoples hands.
Happy Bday! Is it out how old you are? I have not followed every post.
Sweeeeeeet puppy too. Nothing like a dog or two or three or four or.....?.. to keep all of us and our family in touch with the real world.
I sure as hell am glad I moved to SS or I would be a goner for sure.
Good to have you and Alan in the ring. I love our gloves.
Nice to have a helpful wife too.

Hey Rick nice of you to stop by.

Sincerely hope you're not upset if we did take a little pizazz out of your roll out.. if we did it really wasn't the intent. I don't think you'd be a goner without your SSSZap with your kick ass service and years of experience but I totally understand where you're coming from and what you mean. I know you're still working on things but your new core and all the new tech your pushing out is majorly awesome. Like I offered to Alan (Toasty Top) maybe we could collaborate sometime.. make a ZapDog or something. I'd like for all of us who have a love for this business and these products to be tight and keep Chinese knock-offs or some corporate CNC shop from taking the business from us all! Crap, I'm rambling again.. sorry.

To answer your question, nobody has asked yet and I haven't ever volunteered my age but I just turned 35 and my beautiful wife is 26 and I don't know if I could do this without her!

Anyways, if you ever want to talk shop, collaborate or anything like that let me know.. I'm much more into the friendly-competition peers thing that the cut-throat corporate adversaries thing! Maybe when we both get caught up on our back-orders we could trade vapes, a Dog for a Zap.. that might be fun.

Take care and come back soon!
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Well-Known Member
Rick said:
Good job on the sale Dave. I think you took a little pizazz out of our RZ roll out.

I was waiting for the RZ but the birthday deal opportunity caught my eye and I had to take it. I figure there will be plenty of time to get a RZ in the future, but only one chance to get an Underdog for such a low price. Both of you gents have been amazingly kind and helpful to me and I definitely plan on being involved with the evolution of both your vapes.

Glad to hear you are already hard at work, Dave. It shows devotion to your craft and your customers. :)
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Active Member
underdog said:
... maybe we could collaborate sometime.. make a ZapDog or something. I'd like for all of us who have a love for this business and these products to be tight...

Stop teasing us :brow:


shade-tree vapor engineer
treecityrnd said:
underdog said:
... maybe we could collaborate sometime.. make a ZapDog or something. I'd like for all of us who have a love for this business and these products to be tight...

Stop teasing us :brow:

Sorry tree.. I'll try. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I know these vapes wont be heading out right away, but about roughly how long are you thinking it will take to get the birthday orders out? I cant wait to celebrate my new present for your birthday!


Great Scott!
Underdog here to start the morning off right!

One thing I really can't explain is why the hits from the underdog irritate my throat far less than any other vape I've used or owned. I've tried most kinds but never another log vape. It seems like I can hold the hits until I turn blue if I was inclined and not feel any irritation other than the lack of oxygen. Is this somehow related to the log design, or is this voodoo magic specific to the underdog?

It's worth mentioning that my current stem of choice is the 3" and not even the 4" so I am quite shocked.
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Well-Known Member
darkrom said:
Underdog here to start the morning off right!

One thing I really can't explain is why the hits from the underdog irritate my throat far less than any other vape I've used or owned. I've tried most kinds but never another log vape. It seems like I can hold the hits until I turn blue if I was inclined and not feel any irritation other than the lack of oxygen. Is this somehow related to the log design, or is this voodoo magic specific to the underdog?

It's worth mentioning that my current stem of choice is the 3" and not even the 4" so I am quite shocked.

I can only speak for my own throat and a MyrtleZap, but I have no irritation of the throat either so it must be a log vape thing. Once Dave gets those birthday beauties out, I'll be able to make a proper comparative analysis. The MZ was my first log and first vape so I'm looking forward to putting her toe-to-toe with Underdog. :)
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shade-tree vapor engineer
gvape said:
I know these vapes wont be heading out right away, but about roughly how long are you thinking it will take to get the birthday orders out? I cant wait to celebrate my new present for your birthday!

Sorry gvape I can't really say.. all I can say is I'm working on it and hopefully soon! I'd like to get them out in less than a week but I don't know if that is realistic.

Rest assured we're working our hardest though!
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Well-Known Member
Great! Not trying to rush you in any way. Take your time and make them all beauties! A week would be great, but I wont hold you to it. Im sure you got a lot to do over in underdog land.

Ill be doing some nice comparisons with the UD to the PD and TT, for anyone interested.
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shade-tree vapor engineer
Hey all, it's been a busy day in the shop today so I'll just give you a quick update and then I'm headed off for some R&R.

Cut and started prepping all the Birthday Vape bodies so we're off to a good start. The wife really helped me out and did a bunch of core welding so I could concentrate on the wood work which was awesome of her! We'll get them done and in your hands as soon as we can, we know you're all anxious. :)

Roughed Abysmal's custom piece to round this evening, gave it a light underbutter'ing and now it needs to sit for a bit and let the colors settle. Since it was dark in the shop by the time I was done I popped it under the studio lights and snapped a pic so you all could see the progress.

Well we've got a busy day tomorrow so I'd best be off. I'll post later in the day tomorrow after work and once I'm able to get back to the vapes. :ko:
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Well-Known Member
WOW, that is looking pretty f**king awesome! Nice work with it. Also, great to hear that all the birthday bodies have been cut. Love getting updates!


Well-Known Member
if i like the birthday vape i ordered, im definitely gonna order a custom piece cause that custom piece for abysmal is quite the looker :brow:
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