its official! I am a downunder doggie. Got my 'vino' today.
I had a few problems, but reading the thread previously really helped with a plan to get it sorted right away.
Like all new puppies it will take some time for us to get to know each other.
At first Vino was a little cold towards me & I couldnt get really any vapor at all, even after an hour of heat time.
I played fetch with the screens for a bit, but it didnt really change anything.
So, I took 'vino'in the car. well he just loved the car didnt he? Within 5mins of being plugged in the cig socket i was blowing clouds so big i was wagging my own tail.
I then popped off & bought a new power supply that goes to 13.8v, come home & whacked a few stems.
Was ok, decent clouds, I found it a bit solo like, but with a cord that keeps falling out of the back.(shitty socket on the new power supply)
So, after a couple of hours I had another go.
I got a WPA & put that on the end of the stem & packed me a tight little typical solo load.
loaded it, and huffed away.
well I must say, it was pretty nice. still trying to get my vapebong doggie technique sorted, but got some really decent clouds. Not thick, but pretty big. But that could be the herb.
the abv looked pretty cashed, but it is lighter than the solo abv.
I will later put some of the UD abv thru the solo & see if anything is left.
I need to find a way to secure the power plug in the UD, like i said above it keeps falling out & is a PITA.
So far, I am pretty happy with the vino but definately need to spend a lot more time with him in order to apprecitate him fully. I find vapebonging a little awkward, to wield the ud needs two hands & I would still like a hand to hold the bong. I might have to experiemnt a bit with a whip & see how that goes.
thankyou dave for such a cool product. It looks awesome & packs a punch that will only get harder as we go I am sure. thankyou psyshaman for the opportunity to purchase such a fine vape.
Thankyou gonzo, OTA for the advice, you guys helped me alot.
thankyou to stroh, abysmal & gonzo for the cool vids.
also thankyou to darkrom for being the biggest one eyed fan boi I have seen in a while. Your postive raves regarding this vape were always enjoyable & informative to read.
and lastly to all those who have posted here, thankyou very much too.
all the info was right here to get my cloudface on quickstix!