here for the chicks
You should hear me on the six-string dude 

Muut said:I have a question: how much weed do you put in your stem?
I have to unload my stem, mix up my weed, and put it back to get more vapor some times..
I was used to shake my Extreme Q to mix my weed between hits, how do you do with the UD? no need?
OhTheAgony said:Gonzo, according to the website in that link Dave posted the two larger Grav Labs also have showerhead diffusers. You can see it in the (tiny) picture as well. They're a bit more expensive than the smaller ones though.
Abysmal Vapor said:Damn I am fogged !
I remember that different packing methods have been discussed so i decided to share mine.
Small loads with dry herb/wet herb. - when i need to achieve the one hit wonder i grind very finely almost at sand(honestly i don't grind but i collect the dusted material which falls off the nugs and use it to that purpose).. I will usually retard the airflow if you pack too much.. but it will milk again .. i just don't like to suck.. i like dragfree. When you load small enough to cover the screen there is no such problem. With that tech i use also screen position as closest to the core as possible.. and that way i get all in one strike.
When my material isnt done dry i would just chop a tiny bud in 2-3 pieces and put it in the stem.. Then stir after every hit.. 0.05 lasts for 2-3 bonghits.
Medium to big loads wit dry/wet herb - When my herb is dry ,for me it is a shame to grind it.. So much kief wasted. I just put a whole bud in the stem.. and hit it away..
Anyway if airflow stucks you can pierce the bud with a poker a few times.. After one hit it is getting very easy to grind it down to sand while it is in the bowl..
With wetter buds i stick the bud in the stem, if it is undense (not solid or pressed) i just vape away but if it is rock hard i chop while it is inside the stem with a tiny nail Scissors..
When i don't grind nothing sticks to grinder or my fingers + i don't spill .. It is very important to me that anything active goes into the stem and in my brain.. not my fingers.. so even i have to chop grind i would do it inside the stem.
As a bonus the none grinding method gives a very nice kief taste on the first one-two hits.. cuz you are vaporizing off the very surface of the bud where the kief is.
Ghosthunter987 said:Yeah my friend and I used it after 45 mins of being plugged in, and didn't get clouds. And the herb wasn't really THAT brown..so we thought the vape couldn't get to the right temperature. I came back from a party 3 hours later and used it and it milked the bong and ripped me. Once warmed up for an hour, it's incredible...Compared to my Arizer Solo, this thing gets me to a much higher level
Gonzo said:OhTheAgony said:Gonzo, according to the website in that link Dave posted the two larger Grav Labs also have showerhead diffusers. You can see it in the (tiny) picture as well. They're a bit more expensive than the smaller ones though.
My LHS sells the larger and smaller models as well as the Silika bubblers. The larger Grav Labs have the Showerhead but not the smaller Grav Labs. Thats why I recommended the smaller Silika which has the Showerhead. I liked the look of the larger Grav Labs but decided to go with the Silika because it had a 18mm gong attachment. Neither of the Grav Labs hammer bubblers have the gong attachment.
Well there are some Australian owning UD for sure,, I am pretty sure Dave does shipping to Australia... Even if he doesnt check ot here http://lacentralevapeur.com/17_underdog-aromatherapyTai Sun said:Just wondering if i was to order a UD, i read that international shipping can be arranged on the website but i think i may have heard elsewhere you dont ship to Australia ? Im most probably wrong and sorry for posting if my answer was a page away and i didnt look hard enough but i did look, just trying to confirm. And a couple of other things, is there anything else i will need to connect it to my power supply ? Anything extra needed for use with water pipes ? And one last question i noticed there wasnt many models available left on the website i was wondering if there were new ones coming in stock soon or if it is possible to custom order one ?
Thanks for any help and advice its just my first log vape and im trying to find details, sorry for asking answered questions if i did !![]()
Tai Sun said:Just wondering if i was to order a UD, i read that international shipping can be arranged on the website but i think i may have heard elsewhere you dont ship to Australia ? Im most probably wrong and sorry for posting if my answer was a page away and i didnt look hard enough but i did look, just trying to confirm. And a couple of other things, is there anything else i will need to connect it to my power supply ? Anything extra needed for use with water pipes ? And one last question i noticed there wasnt many models available left on the website i was wondering if there were new ones coming in stock soon or if it is possible to custom order one ?
Thanks for any help and advice its just my first log vape and im trying to find details, sorry for asking answered questions if i did !![]()
Abysmal Vapor said:Well I guess that we've came to the conclusion that UD is kicking ass so much that everyone thinks they got a "magic setup" ... IMO UD get you vaked no matter what packing,drawing rate screen position ,filtration,type of grind.. at the end you are fogged out of your mind.