Update time,
The reasons I wasn't getting the vapor I expected were pretty simple and I feel kinda stupid for not sorting them out earlier.
The first reason is so apparent I want to kick myself in the nuts...the weed was a bit to damp. I don't know why the hell I used stuff that wasn't as dry as I use in my MFLB,but I did. I also ignored the instructions and packed it down a bit,not much but enough that affected the performance of the unit.
So about 2 hours ago I broke out some Blueberry that I had dried out for the MFLB. And those who have one know the importance of being dry,dryer than most people like to use in other vapes. Dry enough that you don't need a grinder,it just crushes up nicely between the fingers. I then loaded the long Etube about 3/4 of the way full and DID NOT PACK IT DOWN!
I let the unit warm up to the starting temp,(370) and began a long,slow draw. Like before I was rewarded with wonderful,thick taste and a light,whispy exhale. I hit it 3 more times at that temp. The flavor tapered off as did the exhaled vapor. I bumped it up 10 degrees by holding the button for 10 seconds and began hitting it again. There was not as much taste as before,but there was still the same whispy vapor as before. I hit it about 6-7 times then cranked up the temp to 400 by holding the button down almost 20 seconds. I got about 5-6 good hits before I got a faint taste of burned popcorn,the universal signal to stop.
I dumped the load

and it was a darker brown than before,nut no trace of combustion at all,no black flecks,and the load had vaped evenly. Most importantly I am high,realy high! As for the issue of the Etube getting to hot....well that was TOTALY my fault.
For some reason I was expecting bigger clouds,but this is not that kind of vaporizer. So in my misguided quest for thicker vapor I was holding the temp button down for 10-15 seconds between each hit. What an idiot,no wonder it got that hot,I was asking for more heat and it gave it to me,so naturally I blamed the equipment not the idiot using it.
My apologies to anyone who thought I was ragging on the Tvape. In my misguided attempt to give an accurate review,I jumped the gun,I think I was looking for something bad to report so I wouldn't look like a fanboy/shill,and I apologize for that.
So now let me break it down for you fine folks,the Tvape works,and it works well. It's not a massive cloud producer but it was nor meant to be. If you learn from my mistake and READ THE FUCKING INSTRUCTIONS you will be rewarded with a very nice Vaping experience. As I said before the unit itself is very well built and well thought out. It gets you high and is a snap to clean,just what I was looking for.
I'll keep giving updates as I learn to use it better,and if anything changes,good or bad you all will be the first to know.
Now just so there is no misunderstandings,the issues I brought up earlier were TOTALY due to operator error,sorry about that.