For those wondering about using and charging at the same time,ive done it twice and the results are....
Pretty f

cking good! I saw no difference in performance in any way. But I did notice that after those sessions it took longer to recharge than usual. That could just be the result of how often I recharge. I've only drained it to the point the red light flashes 15 times then the unit shuts down. I don't know much (anything) about these kind of batteries,but I think this function is so you won't run the batt. completely flat,which I think is very bad,the kind of bad that ruins the battery and gives you herpes,so I'm glad that fail safe is built in. I generally recharge after 3-4 sessions and so far no herpes,Tvape should use that asma selling point,"Buy our product and use it correctly and you won't get herpes,unless you know Tweek,then all bets are off.
Wtf was my point...oh yeah,it does work when charging but I don't know what,if anything,it does to the battery.I'd also like to know if i I have a 2200mah,or a 1650 as stated in the manual.
Either way I'm digging it,and like all vapes,the more I use it the more I learn to use it better. Which is a very good reason to Vape more pot.
Also I LOVE being able to Vape cigarette tobacco! Put it in the tube loose or just rip off the filter and stick it in!

I get my nicotine fix and have cut down on my ciggy use,at this rate it will pay fore itself in a little over a month. But I am a heavy smoker,your milage may vary.
Vape on my brothers and sisters,Vape on!