Alrighty then,test run #1 done,let's see what she did..
First one was with weed,(there's a shocker huh?) but a fate would have it,as of the moment I don't have much of the good stuff to test. (Thanks God,that was a good one!) But I did have a little blueberry. I've been growing this same strain for years,the seeds came from the man himself,D.J. Short. This is my favorite strain,and I've been using it enough to know what to expect.
A lot of folks are wondering how it does with smaller loads,so that's where I started. Using the long tube I loaded what for me was a decent sized bong hit, or a bout half a MFLB trench. I put on the nipple (

) and pressed the power button five times. Please note the button is pretty easy to depress,but as it sits flush I highly doubt it will get pushed accidentally in your pocket,purse or which ever body cavity you choose to carry it in.
The red light came on and in about 2 mins, it changed to green,which the factory says is 370 degrees. Please keep in mind this is the first time I've used this Vape,and as such I haven't learned the subtle nuances that bring the best results. That will come with more use,and it's gonna get a hell of a lot more use in the coming days!
When first holding the unit I did notice the batt. section was warm,warmer than I was expecting. Not near enough to burn you,just a bit warmer than expected,not uncomfortable but you will notice it. As I took my first draw I used my MFLB technique of a long,slow draw. The intake was no where near as warm as the outside,in fact it was Launch Box like in temp,very nice. What wasnt Launch box like was the flavor of the first hit,it was very tasty,much more so than the'box. So far so good! On the exhale the Vape was light and thin,like most vapes on the first hit. On the second hit used a very long slow draw. Taste was still very good but the exhaled vapor was very thin. One thing left to do right? I hit the power button to increase the heat and held it down for 30seconds or so. That was good hit,even coughed a couple times,but still no clouds. What I did notice was the fact that I was pretty damned stoned for the small amount of weed I loaded. About as high as doing a bong rip with the same amount of weed. And that's why Vape marijuana. Not for the clouds,but for the buzz. Imdid one more hit then used the poker tool to empty the ABV. Gottamsay I love the design of the herb changer,just a straight tube that emptys completely with a push from the poker or just a few taps on the outside.
Examining the ABV I was struck with 2 thoughts.
1, The ABV was a nice even brown
2, I had a pretty good buzz going!
Since I had only a little weed left,I tried the cigarette thing. This was easy,screw the battery back on,rip the filter of a cig and put it in the tube. Then replace the nipple(

) give the button 5 clicks and your off to the races. It heated up quickly and I did my first pull.
Now I don't know shit about Vaping straight tobacco so dont know at what temp it combusts at. I do know that first pull was tasty. So figuring more is better I held the button for 10-15 seconds and hit it again. Wow! It's been a long time since I got a good head rush of a ciggy,but that hit had my head spinning like a top for a minute or so...good times! I hit it about a dozen or so times before turning the unit off and inspecting the cig.I have no idea when to stop Vaping a cig so I just guessed. Mind you my head was still swimming when I shut the unit down and checked out the cigarette. It was VERY dry and the paper was kind of crinkly and shrunken a bit. To be honest it looked like a joint! I lit it up to see what the effects were. There was much less smoke than normal and it tasted like dried shit. Won't be doing thatnagain anytime soon. But I WILL be Vaping my cigs! I get good flavor,I get my nicotine fix and it doesn't stink up the room,which means my wife will stop cursing and throwing stuff at me for reeking up the room,gotta like that!
I took my last bong load of Blueberry and loaded it up in the shorter tube. After it reached operating temp.,(370) I hit it long,slow and deep. Again I was surprised at the flavor....mmm good. So right away I held the button down to get more heat. (Those that know me know I like my Vape on the hotter side). I got a couple good hits,one making me cough a bit,but still no clouds. The clouds were comparable to a MFLB. Please remember this is my first day using it,and it was loaded with pretty small hits. BUT, I did notice the buzz. And it was good,very good! I dare say it ws better than if I had just done the 2 bong hits out of a,well out of a bong. The ABV was a dark tan to brown color with no signs of black combustion bits at all.
Fuck! It's 2am and I have to be in court at 9,so I'm gonna wrap this up for now. I'll score a big bag of good weed and tomorrow we'll see how that works.
Here's what I know from my very limited use,
1, It's a well made,good looking unit.
2, it's a little bigger than I thought,but still easily fits in your jeans pocket. And if you use the short barrel its even smaller.
3, It works! I'm high as hell right now off a small amount of weed.

4, Works with tobacco,get your nicotine fix without combustion.
I'm sorry folks,I have to crash,I cannot be late for court. (9am).
Please remember that all of the stuff I wrote is one mans opinion,one mans VERY limited experiences.
Tune in tomorrow,same bat time,same bat channel for a more in depth review.
I apologize for all the bad spelling and grammar. It's been a tough day but wanted to get you folks at least a small taste of what this Vape is all about,and so far I like it,and I'm hard to please!
Thanks for reading then decoding this mess,it's harder than I thought it would be.