TV Shows - General Discussion


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My short-term memory is definitely impaired. I love watching good movies and quality TV. I also love vaping. Oftentimes, my mind wanders and I have to rewind and watch the same scene again. Sometimes I do it by choice when there's a particularly good scene like the ******** in this week's True Detective. The hardest part is keeping up with the story-lines of half a dozen TV shows I watch. I know a lot of people prefer the box sets but I'm old-school and like the week to week suspense. Thank god for "Previously on..."

Yup. I have trouble sometimes with the multiple story lines going on in GoT. And yeah, I DVR a lot of stuff and keeping up with the story lines of multiple shows is hard sometimes. But as far as rewinding a bit, I find that I do it more for not hearing what their saying then losing the story line. Fuck, I never thought I'd ever use closed-caption but I find myself turning it on and off to get through those spots I don't understand. The weird part it, is that it has nothing to do with volume. In those parts I can't understand, I can rewind and crank up the volume, and I still can't fucking understand what they're saying.


Oil Painter
Yup. I have trouble sometimes with the multiple story lines going on in GoT. And yeah, I DVR a lot of stuff and keeping up with the story lines of multiple shows is hard sometimes. But as far as rewinding a bit, I find that I do it more for not hearing what their saying then losing the story line. Fuck, I never thought I'd ever use closed-caption but I find myself turning it on and off to get through those spots I don't understand. The weird part it, is that it has nothing to do with volume. In those parts I can't understand, I can rewind and crank up the volume, and I still can't fucking understand what they're saying.
We've been using CC for years, since Hubby has some hearing impairment. I find it helps immensely for action movies with a lot of background noise/rock music tracks. It was also absolutely ESSENTIAL for watching "Last Days" by Gus Van Sant.. the mutterings of the main character are priceless! but you can't make them out for shit... even at the Portland screening, I couldn't figure out 90% of the monologue...


Well-Known Member
Yup. I have trouble sometimes with the multiple story lines going on in GoT

Seems like all the series have multiple threads these days! Sense8! Penny Dreadful!! Orphan Black!!!! They're all so complex...and there are so many of them :goon::goon::goon: Ironside was never this hard to follow, or Colombo or Mission Impossible or The Fugitive :rant::doh::leaf:


Well-Known Member
Those are older shows that we watched when we were younger. Is it the shows or is it our age?
Nah, the shows are waaaay more complicated nowadays... used to be simple three acts, standalone weekly adventures. Now it's all style over content - captivating style, granted, and some very good TV out there, but jeez some of it can be hard work. Oh for an episode of The Rockford Files or Alias Smith and Jones. Trouble is, when I go back and watch them they're generally very dated, woodenly acted, disappointments :razz:
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Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
Nah, the shows are waaaay more complicated nowadays... used to be simple three acts, standalone weekly adventures. Now it's all style over content - captivating style, granted, and some very good TV out there, but jeez some of it can be hard work. Oh for an episode of The Rockford Files or Alias Smith and Jones. Trouble is, when I go back and watch them they're generally very dated, woodenly acted, disappointments :razz:
Honestly, IMO "style over content" describes current cinema way more than it does TV...
Is seems like so many movies are just "throw all the budget at the CGI - maybe get a writer if we can spare some change"
The trend seems the opposite with TV - interesting/captivating stories, generally focusing less on SFX...

There are still plenty of week-to-week procedurals, mostly the Law and order/CSI/NCIS crime type stuff, but they tend to be kinda boring IMO because they've just kinda become slaves to the format...
OK, interesting guest star appears ~1/3 of the way thrppough the episode? - probably the killer :\

There's only so much story you can weave when you've gotta return to a mostly blank slate at the end of each ep...

(though full disclosure, I haven't seen an episode of The Rockford Files or Alias Smith and Jones, they're before my time ;))
Rick & Morty, Season 2 starts July 26!! :rockon: Ten episodes..
Supposedly 2 of them already leaked :evil: :freak:
OMG! :razz:
I... must view these... in a manner which is entirely legal in my jurisdiction :ninja:


Downward spiral
True Detective-HBO series

1st season of True Detective = A nice relaxing, hybrid, 60-40 leaning indica. Clear, heady, not too spacy, nor too relaxing. Hints of whatever your favorite flavors are, cured perfrectly. The kinda stuff you want to show to everybody you know.

2nd season of True Detective = Bath salts, and synthetic herb.

Can't get enough of the first one, doing everyhting I can to avoid the second

I didn't expect them to clone the first season, but I sure didn't expect this mish-mash, confusing, all-over-the-place writing after such a great story the first time around.


i get vaked and hit vongs is it so wrong?
also have watched ray d from the start is rectify where there is 2 different ones from diff countries.
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Well-Known Member
also have watched ray d from the start is rectify where there is 2 different ones from diff countries.

No, it's about a guy serving a sentence on death row for raping and killing a 17 year old girl when he was 18 and then being released back to the small southern town where the crime took place and where he grew up after 20 years due to DNA evidence.


i get vaked and hit vongs is it so wrong?
No, it's about a guy serving a sentence on death row for raping and killing a 17 year old girl when he was 18 and then being released back to the small southern town where the crime took place and where he grew up after 20 years due to DNA evidence.
okay the name sounded similar to a show i was thinking of


Well-Known Member
Can't get enough of the first one, doing everyhting I can to avoid the second
Well, season 2 of True Detective is very different, that's for sure... more conventional maybe, but the characters are fleshing out and the storyline is less outrageous than the first. Different strain, different buzz but also excellent, IMO.
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Active Member
Mr Robot is cool and has huge potential, watched the first episode last night.

'Follows a mysterious anarchist who recruits a young computer programmer who suffers from social anxiety disorder and forms connections through hacking them.

Elliot, a cyber-security engineer by day and vigilante hacker by night, is recruited by a mysterious underground group to destroy the firm he's paid to protect. Elliot must decide how far he'll go to expose the forces he believes are running (and ruining) the world.'

This show is slick with real world problems and they got all the technology correct and on point.

Roll on episode two.

Also will be starting Rick and Morty tonight thanks to @polvoman :)

Season 2 starts soon so get watching!!


Cannabis Enthusiast
True Detective-HBO series

1st season of True Detective = A nice relaxing, hybrid, 60-40 leaning indica. Clear, heady, not too spacy, nor too relaxing. Hints of whatever your favorite flavors are, cured perfrectly. The kinda stuff you want to show to everybody you know.

2nd season of True Detective = Bath salts, and synthetic herb.

Can't get enough of the first one, doing everyhting I can to avoid the second

I didn't expect them to clone the first season, but I sure didn't expect this mish-mash, confusing, all-over-the-place writing after such a great story the first time around.
Yeah I'm not digging season 2 at all. Vince Vaughn is about the only good thing about it in my opinion and his character is definitely confusing as hell. Expected a whole lot more from it :disgust:


Well-Known Member
Saw The Bomb last night on PBS. Great documentary on the history of the Atomic Bomb. Some really unique footage and interviews from behind the scenes.

Hitler came close to getting it first. Talk about a game changer......:uhoh:

Midnight Toker

That is not a drug, it’s a plant.....
I've been binge watching Marshal Dillon, the 30 minute black and white version of Gunsmoke on Encore's western channel. Classic, simple stories where Matt Dillon is the baddest gunslinger around...he just happens to wear a badge. Loving it. :)


Active Member
I'm glad I'm not alone on the shows being hard to follow these days. Sometimes I worry about how much of it is down to my age and/or the weed! But I do hear younger non-vapers/smokers having the same issues (referring to "the dwarf" in GoT etc).

TV is definitely getting massively better in quality as time goes on but I do miss the old shows where the scripts were always very explicit in using character names all the time or blatantly reiterating what has gone on before. :\

I'm watching Daredevil on Netflix at the moment which is refreshingly easy to follow.
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