Well-Known Member
Ugh, I couldn't stand that show...
That main chick was annoying as fuck Imo, and she was trying so damn hard to put on that bogan accent that she looked like some horror combo of "constipated" and "mid aneurism".
I've never really been a fan of the pizza crew though, so it probably just wasn't for me..."
I hadn't seen any Pizza stuff before I watched Housos - I've seen some since and haven't found it nearly as funny, probably because the Housos characters made such a strong impression on me! Get down to Sunnyvale - but if ya come after seven you'd better look out for Kevin! He'll prolly thong yer. Jeez I want to re-watch that show

Another Aussie series I loved was Rake - not the US remake.
And a great NZ show from a few years back - The Almighty Johnsons.