Hey everyone! I thought I’d quickly check back in, I’ve had the Tornado for a moment now and wanted to share my thoughts. After all the information and advice owners gave me to help inform my purchase and get going, I feel like I should return some of my own for future owners.
Firstly, it’s surprisingly small! Something me and the Tornado both have in common. I don’t know why I’m surprised, I guess I expected it to be huge compared to the Anvil head. It’s a bit longer and a bit thicker, but not by a whole lot.
Does it do the thing? I don’t know. I kind of don’t care either as it is great regardless. The vapour doesn’t look much different or finer to me. It’s incredibly smooth though, you can push it to near black ABV if desired and take some mad rips with relatively little irritation. I think that’s the real achievement of this atomiser, it really conditions the vapour.
The flavour. I think the Anvil has a “clearer” flavour profile for better and worse, but the Tornado tastes more pleasant at higher temps. Like any vape you can run it lower and get a pretty good flavour, but at higher temps it’s just okay. Much like the Anvil you can also heat it faster to get a terpier rip that’s still high temp. I prefer the more sedating effects of a slower heatup but the option is there if I fancy it.
Heating it I find is easier than the Anvil once you get in the groove with it. I combusted a fair few times at the start so I think prior comments of having to forget your Anvil heating experience are valid.
I like that the heating is much more direct, and your input is felt with less lag than you’d get heating the thermal battery on the Anvil. This has lead to more precise roasts and better outdoor performance. I’ve found you simply need to heat the main oven, moving the flame higher or lower down depending on the power of the flame. Always stopping at first click - if I need to go past it I will heat a little lower down the oven on subsequent bowls until I get my desired results at click. I haven’t needed to over complicate things with any special techniques - simply find the right combo of flame length and heating spot, then point flame and wait for click. The atomiser does its thing (whatever it is) regardless of heating it directly or not, at least with me.
To me this feels more like heating a Dynavap with FMJ or a Dani than it does heating an Anvil. Removing that lag caused by having to heat a thermal battery separate from the oven is probably my favourite thing about the Tornado. Feels noticeably more responsive now.
I’ve had great results with a dynavap sized single flame and also the RONX/Cadrim torch that’s been well loved in the Vestratto community for a while now. Single flames of varying sizes are definitely what I’m getting best results with. Did not have great results with a quad flame torch, for whatever reason I couldn’t dial in a consistent roast and it would jump between under roasting or combusting despite heating the same spot. Going to try a Vertigo cyclone next, just waiting for it to arrive here. Probably won’t be getting an IH now - I really am enjoying the torch experience.
Now for the hits. I solely RTL with as dark brown coloured AVB as possible so bare that in mind. The clouds are dense and go down smoothly, I only tend to cough on the exhale of a big rip - but it’s that “oh man that was a big hit” cough and not a harsh hurting your throat and lung cough.
The effects come on thick and fast, and are full bodied. Wonderful head and body effects that last for a good while. It hits very hard. I don’t think it hits noticeably harder than the Anvil using the same amounts in both, however the better heating experience and smoother vapour have sent the Anvil to early retirement for me.
Works well filling that huge bowl, and also with smaller amounts. I’ve yet to try hash but it’s a powerful hybrid vape, I’m sure it crushes hash. With a single flame heating for a good heat soak the AVB is always evenly roasted with no gradient. More even than the Anvil in my experience, which was itself very even.
The stem situation still sucks. No getting around it. Vestratto are lucky Scruffy stepped up to fix this. Still doesn’t change the fact a lot of us have Anvil stuff that we have to choose between keeping incompatible or mutilating with a hacksaw.
That being said, with the adapter and a BFG rosewood stem it’s both pretty and premium. It’s quite cheap to get a stem setup this way but the quality is far from it. I spent £5 on the case, £5 on the magnet, £27:50 on the adapter, £44 on the stem and £10 for the mouthpiece. So less than £100 for a full artisan wooden stem and case setup. Not bad. You could get that figure under £50 if you went for a simple glass stem or something.
I don’t see a market where an official Vestratto stem adapter succeeds unless it’s included with the Tornado. The scruffy is cheap, simple and sturdy. The only thing I’d ask for in a future adapter option is no cooling fins - they don’t seem necessary on these wooden stems and only serve to make the Tornado end even longer.
The bowl locking isn’t as bad as I expected. The early Dani models were so much worse than this! Here it’s simply a thing of letting it cool and unscrewing it. Or not fully tightening in the first place. I dunno, not a big deal to me at all but maybe it is for others. Makes it harder to chain bowls than the Anvil though, you really do have to wait for it to cool properly before it lets you remove the bowl if you’re like me and don’t like to run things slightly loose.
In short I really like this vape. When these are properly available I think it’ll be one of those vapes you just have to own. Especially if you like quick one and done hits. Other than the bowl locking and stem situation I don’t really see any weak points, and I’ve been using this for a good while to make sure it’s not just honeymoon love. Have attached a photo of my setup too, I think it’s quite sexy but I’m also quite biased.