Tornado by Vestratto


Well-Known Member
That's what I'm trying to qualify... "better hits" how exactly? Other than just the speed to get there. I do find it interesting that the Wand is your preferred method.
I suspect it has something to do with all the vapour that leaks out before it hits temp, but quantify it beyond a suspicion. And I prefer it cos I have ADHD and it's stupid easy to get the same hit every time.


Well-Known Member
For those living in places where postage is costly from the UK and US or for peeps just curious about stem options here are a couple of pictures of the budget stem adapter and tornado stem I cobbled together on night 1 of ownership. I haven't posted pics before so I hope this works! all parts visible fully assembled

I used an SS vaphit dynavap adapter which slots perfectly into the base of the tornado head then popped a few orings I had lying around at its base and twisted it into an eds TNT tinymight WPA I already had. The vaphit adapter serves as a nice heatsink which then mates to the wood so there is no heat whatsoever transferred to the stem, ever. The two tight rolls of titanium sheet metal cool and further diffuse the vapor (more conductive material= cooler vapor) so it's very comfortable for native use and mates into any rig or waterpipe that I might come into contact with in my travels ;).

This much cooling adds some restriction but I still find it super easy to one hit extract nado bowls with 14mm (or larger obviously) pieces so I leave the cooling unit in at all times. As a bonus I can pull the nado head off and the CXL head can be popped in right in its place, I take the stem and both heads with me everywhere. So it serves as an excellent all in one for both all my native use and glass rig use for both my primary daily drivers. I really enjoy the versatility, ease of use, cool vapour and short form factor of this stem, it cost me nothing and I wouldn't trade it for an Anvil stem that fit the tornado head perfectly. If you happen to have Eds TM WPA I highly recommend cobbling something together, you might be presently surprised ;)

Edit: A little more info on my experiences and findings when attempting to engineer maximum cooling and diffusion into short stems from another post I made:

I like and use shortish stems around the length of the warheads quite often, usage style is cashing bowls quickly and comfortably for me. I fit a lot more cooling and diffusion into short stems using tightly rolled pieces of titanium sheet metal inserted into stems than I could ever get from the ol' dynavap style spiral intercoolers. The tighter the ti sheet metal is rolled the greater the level of cooling (the vapor is passing over a greater mass of highly conductive material, the sheet metal). Primitive open source design utilising basic physics that is highly effective and customizable. For less restriction and marginally less cooling snip the sheet metal length down with scissors and roll it a little looser to personal taste. This makes for a more modular design with respect to cooling (it's fairly inexpensive to have multiple very portable cooling options on hand for the same stem). The only way I've been able to achieve a greater degree of cooling than this provides on a short stem is small silicone carbide balls (higher degree of thermal conductivity) but I prefer titanium roll ups for less restriction (no issues chucking the stem straight into a rig and cashing the bowl) and for the less frequently required and quicker cleaning process.
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Well-Known Member
I suspect it has something to do with all the vapour that leaks out before it hits temp, but quantify it beyond a suspicion. And I prefer it cos I have ADHD and it's stupid easy to get the same hit every time.
It is pretty much bulletproof with a silicone dab cap setting the nado up for hands free heating and a consistent roast every time. I've got ADHD too and use it the majority of the time for quick mindless medicating 🌈


Well-Known Member
Maximum, 28 V
That’s smoking area there lol.

For me, low 21.x with 3 seconds on the atty and 8 seconds on the chamber. Not a lite spin touch, but slowly turning making sure the head has consistent contact. Not click until I start my pull. Second click is usually right after. If not, 2-3 seconds heating and done.
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Hey everyone! I thought I’d quickly check back in, I’ve had the Tornado for a moment now and wanted to share my thoughts. After all the information and advice owners gave me to help inform my purchase and get going, I feel like I should return some of my own for future owners.

Firstly, it’s surprisingly small! Something me and the Tornado both have in common. I don’t know why I’m surprised, I guess I expected it to be huge compared to the Anvil head. It’s a bit longer and a bit thicker, but not by a whole lot.

Does it do the thing? I don’t know. I kind of don’t care either as it is great regardless. The vapour doesn’t look much different or finer to me. It’s incredibly smooth though, you can push it to near black ABV if desired and take some mad rips with relatively little irritation. I think that’s the real achievement of this atomiser, it really conditions the vapour.

The flavour. I think the Anvil has a “clearer” flavour profile for better and worse, but the Tornado tastes more pleasant at higher temps. Like any vape you can run it lower and get a pretty good flavour, but at higher temps it’s just okay. Much like the Anvil you can also heat it faster to get a terpier rip that’s still high temp. I prefer the more sedating effects of a slower heatup but the option is there if I fancy it.

Heating it I find is easier than the Anvil once you get in the groove with it. I combusted a fair few times at the start so I think prior comments of having to forget your Anvil heating experience are valid.

I like that the heating is much more direct, and your input is felt with less lag than you’d get heating the thermal battery on the Anvil. This has lead to more precise roasts and better outdoor performance. I’ve found you simply need to heat the main oven, moving the flame higher or lower down depending on the power of the flame. Always stopping at first click - if I need to go past it I will heat a little lower down the oven on subsequent bowls until I get my desired results at click. I haven’t needed to over complicate things with any special techniques - simply find the right combo of flame length and heating spot, then point flame and wait for click. The atomiser does its thing (whatever it is) regardless of heating it directly or not, at least with me.

To me this feels more like heating a Dynavap with FMJ or a Dani than it does heating an Anvil. Removing that lag caused by having to heat a thermal battery separate from the oven is probably my favourite thing about the Tornado. Feels noticeably more responsive now.

I’ve had great results with a dynavap sized single flame and also the RONX/Cadrim torch that’s been well loved in the Vestratto community for a while now. Single flames of varying sizes are definitely what I’m getting best results with. Did not have great results with a quad flame torch, for whatever reason I couldn’t dial in a consistent roast and it would jump between under roasting or combusting despite heating the same spot. Going to try a Vertigo cyclone next, just waiting for it to arrive here. Probably won’t be getting an IH now - I really am enjoying the torch experience.

Now for the hits. I solely RTL with as dark brown coloured AVB as possible so bare that in mind. The clouds are dense and go down smoothly, I only tend to cough on the exhale of a big rip - but it’s that “oh man that was a big hit” cough and not a harsh hurting your throat and lung cough.

The effects come on thick and fast, and are full bodied. Wonderful head and body effects that last for a good while. It hits very hard. I don’t think it hits noticeably harder than the Anvil using the same amounts in both, however the better heating experience and smoother vapour have sent the Anvil to early retirement for me.

Works well filling that huge bowl, and also with smaller amounts. I’ve yet to try hash but it’s a powerful hybrid vape, I’m sure it crushes hash. With a single flame heating for a good heat soak the AVB is always evenly roasted with no gradient. More even than the Anvil in my experience, which was itself very even.

The stem situation still sucks. No getting around it. Vestratto are lucky Scruffy stepped up to fix this. Still doesn’t change the fact a lot of us have Anvil stuff that we have to choose between keeping incompatible or mutilating with a hacksaw.

That being said, with the adapter and a BFG rosewood stem it’s both pretty and premium. It’s quite cheap to get a stem setup this way but the quality is far from it. I spent £5 on the case, £5 on the magnet, £27:50 on the adapter, £44 on the stem and £10 for the mouthpiece. So less than £100 for a full artisan wooden stem and case setup. Not bad. You could get that figure under £50 if you went for a simple glass stem or something.

I don’t see a market where an official Vestratto stem adapter succeeds unless it’s included with the Tornado. The scruffy is cheap, simple and sturdy. The only thing I’d ask for in a future adapter option is no cooling fins - they don’t seem necessary on these wooden stems and only serve to make the Tornado end even longer.

The bowl locking isn’t as bad as I expected. The early Dani models were so much worse than this! Here it’s simply a thing of letting it cool and unscrewing it. Or not fully tightening in the first place. I dunno, not a big deal to me at all but maybe it is for others. Makes it harder to chain bowls than the Anvil though, you really do have to wait for it to cool properly before it lets you remove the bowl if you’re like me and don’t like to run things slightly loose.

In short I really like this vape. When these are properly available I think it’ll be one of those vapes you just have to own. Especially if you like quick one and done hits. Other than the bowl locking and stem situation I don’t really see any weak points, and I’ve been using this for a good while to make sure it’s not just honeymoon love. Have attached a photo of my setup too, I think it’s quite sexy but I’m also quite biased.



Well-Known Member
It is pretty much bulletproof with a silicone dab cap setting the nado up for hands free heating and a consistent roast every time. I've got ADHD too and use it the majority of the time for quick mindless medicating 🌈
Agreed. Have only combusted once with it when I was dialing it (not counting when I had the defective bowl). Can't say the same for when I use the torch. Don't have to worry about overthinking it, just double click and leave it til it times out.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
@PrematureEvaporation Hey, thanks for the mention. Regarding the 'cooling fins' on my stem adapters, they're not intended as cooling fins but are there to improve grip when fitting and removing. Thanks for the suggestion, a 'short' version is definitely something I can provide. ✌


Active Member
I will take my chances on the Tornado....Im seeing amazing results with the wand.
Yeah it's a great little device and seems to work well with the wand. I had trouble with a torch but with the wand its super easy., just set the temp and go, although not sure how accurate the temperature is it does work well with the tornado. The only trouble I've had with it i consider my own fault and that's with tightening the cap all the way, it should be at 1/16th of an inch or more undone so it's not tightened otherwise it gets thermal lock from the different metals expanding and contracting at different rates. Presume that's what it's from if my memory serves me right. When that happens you just let it cool, also never tighten it fully when it's still hot or very warm as that's when it happens the easiest as its cooling so always undo it that bit


Well-Known Member
A friend let me borrow their Tornado. Thought I would give my thoughts.

My first impressions were poor. So I may as well run through the things I don't like about it. But please read my whole comment as I'm putting the negative stuff upfront to get it out the way.

I hate the WPA. I hate the way the black ring looks and feels. I think it has a poor loose fit with everything I tried it with. I also dislike using a metal WPA in general. When it comes to WPA I want glass for taste or wood for less conductivity. I like metal WPA's only if they are built into a stem. This WPA should be optional. Let people buy the head, and make an adaptor for it, or change the connection size. Being forced to pay extra for a poor WPA is not great.

This WPA dislike ties into the lack of native fit to existing kit. That we have to buy an adaptor as a third party product is not great. Especially as it adds more mass to an already really chunky vape.

The airflow is poor compared to similar devices. In a very noticeable way. However this is a design choice, so I can't say this is objectively bad. It's restricted because of the atomiser. So it's a conscious design trade off. But it's up to the individual whether the trade off is worth it. I advise not packing the bowl at all. I also advise to use with j-hooks or smaller glass pieces. You don't want to add any more restriction to it imo.

I also found it quite power hungry, whether via torch or induction compared to similar devices. However, when using a full bowl the result is definitely worth the outlay. I would be less thrilled if I was one of the people loading very small bowls into it. Doing that would feel very inefficient to me personally. But this is purely subjective.

The advertised bowl size is not terribly accurate unless you pack. A loose fill to the brim is closer to 0.19g than 0.3g. Whether this is a negative is up to the individual. I don't have bad feelings about it. Just thought people should know.

Now for the positive.

Smooth, potent hit, with a conduction sig. This is the reason you buy one. This is the reason I still want to buy one. I like to have a conduction vape in my line up. This is a very good one imo. I only like to use conduction in late evenings. Currently I only have the Vapman Click for that. I feel like if I had the Tornado it would win my conduction vape reach test most of the time. I'm quite confident of that, despite my love for the Click.

I found it easy to get perfect OHE first time. I used a torch, with a bigger flame than I used to use for the Anvil.10 seconds heating the atomiser, the rest half way down the chamber until the click. I think my previous experience with the Anvil made it easy for me. But new users should know that once you have your technique down, it will be generally repeatable.

The smoothness is real. I'm using the j-hook I used when I had the Anvil. 0.18g in the Tornado is smoother than 0.1g in the Anvil through j-hook imo. I don't think we can fully blame conduction for the smoothness as the Anvil had conduction also. This makes me open minded to some of the atomiser claims to be honest. Until we have a better working theory as to why this is happening.

When John claims he sees the Tornado and Anvil having different use cases, I generally agree. Each to their own, but if I was a microdoser, or even wanting to use bowls as small as 0.05g I would prefer to use the Anvil instead. For large bowls the Tornado is superior though.

I have not tried it on a stem yet, due to not having an adaptor. I can say though that I don't think I would use the Tornado as a true portable. If i'm going hiking I would reach for something else. The Tornado is bigger, clunkier, heavier than similar vapes. I also just wouldn't pick a conduction vape for outdoors daytime use. I don't view the Tornado sig as being daytime functional. I tried using it during work hours and didn't like the experience. It did not help my productivity. For me the Tornado sig is more medicinal in nature, and is more fitting to switching off your body and mind after a long day. Here I agree with John's claim of it being a medical device first and foremost.

For me the Tornado is an absolute glass canon. It has multiple weaknesses, some of which are unavoidable due to it's very nature. However it tries to master one thing very well. Delivering a potent, smooth, conduction high. It is like an assassin in an RPG with all it's stat points into sneak attack. It is not a well rounded or flexible vape. But it doesn't need to be to warrant a purchase imo. If you have room in your line up for a very nice conduction signature, then you will enjoy it a lot. I will be buying one personally after using it.


Well-Known Member
Exactly why I microdose. When I first got the Tornado it slapped a bit too hard on a full bowl
I think I would just generally shy away from that kind of signature for daytime use. I find the same is true for the Vapman, even with smaller loads. It's not a Tornado specific thing. More how I don't like conduction during the day, unless it's a lazy rainy Sunday morning wake and bake.
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Pranayama; of a sort.
I think I would just generally shy away from that kind of signature for daytime use. I find the same is true for the Vapman, even with smaller loads. It's not a Tornado specific thing. More how I don't like conduction during the day, unless it's a lazy rainy Sunday morning wake and bake.
interpreting your review, the tornado requires a lot of energy but produces a powerful conduction effect - however it’s an incomplete offering in its current iteration and the eventual release of native stems, adapters and bowls (cold start etc) would improve your opinion yeah?

It’s been a while hey… but I’ve been raising a puppy and starting spending a lot of time with him and it was impossible to use TED’s on the regular but now he’s is old enough to know to avoid it.

I also just got a Forge V2 in the mail on Friday

I’m a big fan of the tornado effects. It’s probably the hardest hitting device I have that can manage a dab like effect similar to a hit on the Pivot (by Puffco) which is rare from a herb / non-concentrate device.

Sure I use a third party adapter to use either the Dani stem or the Revolve but it does fit on the Anvil stem however a little off but useable. I really dislike the WPA as the conduction / airflow is configured for MTL use imo and much prefer it to on a stem to just take puffs off it.

As someone with a stupid tolerance and very heavy use the tornado is one of the few devices that can keep up.



Well-Known Member

interpreting your review, the tornado requires a lot of energy but produces a powerful conduction effect - however it’s an incomplete offering in its current iteration and the eventual release of native stems, adapters and bowls (cold start etc) would improve your opinion yeah?

It’s been a while hey… but I’ve been raising a puppy and starting spending a lot of time with him and it was impossible to use TED’s on the regular but now he’s is old enough to know to avoid it.

I also just got a Forge V2 in the mail on Friday

I’m a big fan of the tornado effects. It’s probably the hardest hitting device I have that can manage a dab like effect similar to a hit on the Pivot (by Puffco) which is rare from a herb / non-concentrate device.

Sure I use a third party adapter to use either the Dani stem or the Revolve but it does fit on the Anvil stem however a little off but useable. I really dislike the WPA as the conduction / airflow is configured for MTL use imo and much prefer it to on a stem to just take puffs off it.

As someone with a stupid tolerance and very heavy use the tornado is one of the few devices that can keep up.

Hey Yogi. It's been awhile. Glad to hear from you. I thought you maybe left the forum.

Yeah some things can be ironed out as you said. Some of the negatives I feel are just inherent with the design. It has a very singular design philosophy. The poor airflow is a design choice. The weight and mass is a design choice. Even the potential for the chamber threads to lock seem unavoidable due to the sheer amount of metal used.

So it's more an understanding that the Tornado has a set of trade offs also. However these trade offs are a purposeful design choice that makes the Tornado quite unique. I'm happy for it to have those weaknesses in order for it to give me that potent conduction signature. It's the beauty on having multiple vapes. They can cover each other weaknesses and different use scenarios.

I just thought it is important to be open about what I saw as the trade offs. I'll miss the device when I give it back. Hopefully I manage to snag one soon.

I'm glad you are enjoying the device. I know you are a high tolerance medical user. It seems a really good match for that usage scenario.

Do you find the hest cycle to be long enough when doing stem puffs?

Congrats on the puppy.


Well-Known Member
A friend let me borrow their Tornado. Thought I would give my thoughts.

My first impressions were poor. So I may as well run through the things I don't like about it. But please read my whole comment as I'm putting the negative stuff upfront to get it out the way.

I hate the WPA. I hate the way the black ring looks and feels. I think it has a poor loose fit with everything I tried it with. I also dislike using a metal WPA in general. When it comes to WPA I want glass for taste or wood for less conductivity. I like metal WPA's only if they are built into a stem. This WPA should be optional. Let people buy the head, and make an adaptor for it, or change the connection size. Being forced to pay extra for a poor WPA is not great.

This WPA dislike ties into the lack of native fit to existing kit. That we have to buy an adaptor as a third party product is not great. Especially as it adds more mass to an already really chunky vape.

The airflow is poor compared to similar devices. In a very noticeable way. However this is a design choice, so I can't say this is objectively bad. It's restricted because of the atomiser. So it's a conscious design trade off. But it's up to the individual whether the trade off is worth it. I advise not packing the bowl at all. I also advise to use with j-hooks or smaller glass pieces. You don't want to add any more restriction to it imo.

I also found it quite power hungry, whether via torch or induction compared to similar devices. However, when using a full bowl the result is definitely worth the outlay. I would be less thrilled if I was one of the people loading very small bowls into it. Doing that would feel very inefficient to me personally. But this is purely subjective.

The advertised bowl size is not terribly accurate unless you pack. A loose fill to the brim is closer to 0.19g than 0.3g. Whether this is a negative is up to the individual. I don't have bad feelings about it. Just thought people should know.

Now for the positive.

Smooth, potent hit, with a conduction sig. This is the reason you buy one. This is the reason I still want to buy one. I like to have a conduction vape in my line up. This is a very good one imo. I only like to use conduction in late evenings. Currently I only have the Vapman Click for that. I feel like if I had the Tornado it would win my conduction vape reach test most of the time. I'm quite confident of that, despite my love for the Click.

I found it easy to get perfect OHE first time. I used a torch, with a bigger flame than I used to use for the Anvil.10 seconds heating the atomiser, the rest half way down the chamber until the click. I think my previous experience with the Anvil made it easy for me. But new users should know that once you have your technique down, it will be generally repeatable.

The smoothness is real. I'm using the j-hook I used when I had the Anvil. 0.18g in the Tornado is smoother than 0.1g in the Anvil through j-hook imo. I don't think we can fully blame conduction for the smoothness as the Anvil had conduction also. This makes me open minded to some of the atomiser claims to be honest. Until we have a better working theory as to why this is happening.

When John claims he sees the Tornado and Anvil having different use cases, I generally agree. Each to their own, but if I was a microdoser, or even wanting to use bowls as small as 0.05g I would prefer to use the Anvil instead. For large bowls the Tornado is superior though.

I have not tried it on a stem yet, due to not having an adaptor. I can say though that I don't think I would use the Tornado as a true portable. If i'm going hiking I would reach for something else. The Tornado is bigger, clunkier, heavier than similar vapes. I also just wouldn't pick a conduction vape for outdoors daytime use. I don't view the Tornado sig as being daytime functional. I tried using it during work hours and didn't like the experience. It did not help my productivity. For me the Tornado sig is more medicinal in nature, and is more fitting to switching off your body and mind after a long day. Here I agree with John's claim of it being a medical device first and foremost.

For me the Tornado is an absolute glass canon. It has multiple weaknesses, some of which are unavoidable due to it's very nature. However it tries to master one thing very well. Delivering a potent, smooth, conduction high. It is like an assassin in an RPG with all it's stat points into sneak attack. It is not a well rounded or flexible vape. But it doesn't need to be to warrant a purchase imo. If you have room in your line up for a very nice conduction signature, then you will enjoy it a lot. I will be buying one personally after using it.
I really agree with you on several points that you described very well.
Only a little less for micro dosing.
Yes, my tornado brings out its full potential with a full bowl, it's magical! And that's how I use it 90% of the time.
But I also find that with micro doses, if I want to be less stoned the tornado does a decent job.
Although I prefer my other option dedicated to that specifically.

I think almost everyone agrees that the Tornado, is a one of a kind heavy hitter, and even more than a ballvape in my opinion. Where Tornado also stands out compared to other vapes is that it definitely has the best balance of flavor and cloud density.

I also agree with you on the fact that this is not the vape that I would take with me outside of my home.
It gives me a much too powerful high.
This is why my tornado has become my unmissable evening appointment.
And I love it


Pranayama; of a sort.
Hey Yogi. It's been awhile. Glad to hear from you. I thought you maybe left the forum.
Shift of priorities for a while but things are better and some mates have poked me a few times to stop lurking.

I just thought it is important to be open about what I saw as the trade offs. I'll miss the device when I give it back. Hopefully I manage to snag one soon.

I'm glad you are enjoying the device. I know you are a high tolerance medical user. It seems a really good match for that usage scenario.

Do you find the hest cycle to be long enough when doing stem puffs?
Hey I’m always up for a debate and I totally agree there are trade offs that you accept to get the punch in the face it can achieve; and that’s the main thing I like about it the ability to get a punch in the face off half a bowl that I can’t quite achieve on most other devices of the same size.

Short answer yes. I can heat the tornado on a stem, walk over to the door, MTL & blow my vapour out the door and come sit back down to empty the bowl. I’m only packing 1/2-2/3 of the bowls capacity because that’s all I need to get the hit I’m looking for from it.

Over the weekend using the Forge V2 I’ve found myself doing things differently. I run a heat cycle that doesn’t make the device click but produces clouds of vapour - then at a point I’ll add a little heat again later - still no click - it’s easy with the forge and harder to get right with a torch or the wand. The power usage is pretty high though.

I also agree with you on the fact that this is not the vape that I would take with me outside of my home.
It gives me a much too powerful high.
I took mine with me for the trip to pick up my puppy driving 1000km and it was my daily until I picked him up; it’s just efficient and quick which is useful to get a dab like hit downstairs at a hotel before going back up to your room.

However when I got the puppy I bought a solo 3… which reminds me to visit that thread later.


Well-Known Member
I really agree with you on several points that you described very well.
Only a little less for micro dosing.
Yes, my tornado brings out its full potential with a full bowl, it's magical! And that's how I use it 90% of the time.
But I also find that with micro doses, if I want to be less stoned the tornado does a decent job.
Although I prefer my other option dedicated to that specifically.

I think almost everyone agrees that the Tornado, is a one of a kind heavy hitter, and even more than a ballvape in my opinion. Where Tornado also stands out compared to other vapes is that it definitely has the best balance of flavor and cloud density.

I also agree with you on the fact that this is not the vape that I would take with me outside of my home.
It gives me a much too powerful high.
This is why my tornado has become my unmissable evening appointment.
And I love it
Yeah I don't doubt it functions very well with a microdose. For myself I would need lots of microdoses, so the energy outlay would start feeling inefficient. For people who just have a smaller tolerance, and a microdose sets them up for the whole morning/evening, then I don't think my opinion on that matters so much to them. I'm in full agreement with everything else you wrote.


Well-Known Member
I think I would just generally shy away from that kind of signature for daytime use. I find the same is true for the Vapman, even with smaller loads. It's not a Tornado specific thing. More how I don't like conduction during the day, unless it's a lazy rainy Sunday morning wake and bake.
Once I adjusted the dosage: no problem for me, but then, I've always liked a conduction edge
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Comfortably Numb

Well-Known Member
I got in on last drop after Canadian Postal Service went back to work and Vestratto was still using the $30 shipping carrier.
Comfortably Numb,


Well-Known Member
Do owners of both detect a big difference in potency between an Anvil and the Tornado with similar amounts used?
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