The Vapexhale baskets are indeed a perfect fit for the TM stem. The rim does catch on the o-ring, just like with other baskets, but a bit of filing/grinding will likely fix that. I find the baskets to be a bit too deep, tho (they're over an inch deep), so I used a hacksaw to lop off the rim plus a bit of length:
View attachment 3378
It's about 5/8" deep and I believe that it's keeping the glass from immediately leeching away some of the heat from the edges because I'm getting noticeably more even ABV with the screen in place. This is after a session where I didn't stir or even rotate the stem (it's not really darker at the top - that's just a shadow):
View attachment 3379
Edit: I should add that I've added an
additional screen above the heating coil, mostly for peace of mind (after pushing the OG screen in) but also because I thought that it might help even out the air flow a bit more. So the screen may also be contributing to the more even ABV:
View attachment 3381