A week in..... you people were right (especially those that know me) this baby is working for me ! I am falling in love with the this beast of a vape, love the big hits(every single time) , low temps(4-6) taste great, higher temps(7-10) well that’s A one hit and quit It lol! Love the battery....when on demand yesterday got distracted and left it on for 45 mins came back and was like crap battery will be dead but no it was still at same level and rocked a few more stems! Four stems and CUs is definitely not enough for me lol , I’m sure I will add to it

. Battery lid has been fine thanks to nyogel and you guys suggestion to hand tighten Thanks again! The TM Feels great in my hand and I am a fan of The long stem over the short stem. WPA rocks but haven’t really given it a good go by itself( no kid weekend so it will soon!) I am using more bud but the quality of the medicating is worth it and will offset cost, not to mention I’ve been hitting it hard

! Testing is so much fun but so damn expensive lol!
So since My usage has brought down two companies and working on FF lol , I’ve decided to purchase an additional TM !!!!!
Thanks to all for helping me find what seems to be a solid piece of machinery!
Have a great weekend!