Good to be back after breaking some rulezzz .... dam 20 pages to read in 2 weeks, looks like the TM thread is still buzzing....
@dzoinp Mod and Cork, i know this guy since he posted a wood crafty housing some while ago and then i discovered he is Portuguese like me after talking a while in english

so we have been sharing ideas about the TM and other vapes, actually i waited for him to get the Tetra P80 before going for the TM, he is a really handy guy as you can see.
The Cap, Portuguese engineering at his best, using a cork from a Portuguese wine and after drinking it brainstorming and voila!!!!

The beast MOD for the screen on top of the heater, now that is an upgrade IMHO

using it for a while after seeing here, i was using a screen cap in the stem, so for my use is perfect since i like some distance from the heater!!!
I stir, i can pull 2 extras draws when i do this and the AVB look the same instead of having green spots looking there is still something to vape.
How do you stir your material? I find it quite difficult and usually some of the material drips onto the floor. or do you pack your material loosely to make it easier to stir?
sorry my English is not very good I hope you understand what I meant
If you put the load away from the edge of the stem you have space to stir without greens falling off, i learned that while vaping and when the stem is hot it wayyyy easy to push the CU down the stem and gaining enough space to stir without any problem and then you just need to push the CU back to the original place and go back to vaping, this will work despite of having space between the load and the heater or not.
Aaaand try again, picture about my setup.
In the beginning i went exactly for similar solutions, i even used boro beads... using a G43 rimmed cap (got stuck), wishing an smaller ELB to use but i quit since it wasn't available and i didnt want to trash an ELB, adding a screen after the CU can prevent reclaim building up on the stocked screen of the CU but i dont use anymore since the CU needs to be cleaned often, so now i just use
@dzoinp MOD, dont get me wrong i went for this kind of solution because on the go i dont want extra "things" to handle, at home is different but on the go.... now i only have the stir tool to use and thats it, no screen cap, no ELB just load it up and vape and then 1 stir before the final 2 draws...