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I'm going to prepare for getting my TinyMight by ordering some batteries, but would someone tell me is the battery flat-top or button-top?
LG HG2s are still on sale at Liion. I've been really happy with them in my Splinter mods.I'm going to prepare for getting my TinyMight by ordering some batteries, but would someone tell me is the battery flat-top or button-top?
Tales from customerserviceland: so I ordered a set of o rings for the cu quite a while ago. I'm generally very patient when it comes to shipments and the like, but almost four weeks of waiting made me shoot an email to the company. I got a quick reply (as usual) explaining that the order was waiting to be looked upon even because he didn't check for those only wanting spare parts instead of the actual device (which of course has a bit of a waiting list). No prob, package was send the next day (DHL Express even with spare parts), just arrived at my home.
Package contains the set of o rings which meanwhile was upgraded to also contain two spare o rings for the tubeholder (the red ones) and some extra screens (for both the cu and the stem I suppose), so that's nice. But: because of the wait he also included one extra tubeholder, a short stem, a long stem with one more basket screen, one complete cooling unit, one extra screen for the heating element, and a bunch of extra nuts, washers and screws for the cu. So I'm pretty well set up now when it comes to spare parts. :-)
For those seeking video's....
So anyone have the tinymight and either the tetra x or P80? I have the tetrax in a two battery mod and I love it. Hate having to swap out the batteries every day but not much can be done to change this in my current setup. So is the tiny might still worth getting if I have the tetra x?
I do love the TM's size and portability factor, whereas my tetrax is pretty big and not pocketable. So does the TM hit hard like the tetrax, less, etc? And how many bowls can one get on a full charge and size of bowls? Thanks guys!
@karec – Well, taste preferences are very subjective. I myself enjoy the taste in pretty much any setting (with 8½ being the absolute max., I usually start at 5 or 6), but found that the temp setting is not the only parameter that has an impact on the flavor. Both pack and draw will tailor the experience and taste quite a bit and should be considered when looking for the sweet spot too, the pack being the major thing here. For me sticky buds work best, because I can grind them pretty fine (medium to fine) while still giving it a fluffy pack. Drier stuff might need a bit of a firmer pack, so I would grind that a bit more coarse. But the tighter the pack, the more uneven it will be roasted and I assume that affects the taste negatively for some. I found that the less tight I pack, the less likely that dark ring will occur.
When I experience harshness from the TM, it's always because of the amount and density of vapor. While inhaling, it's actually hard to gauge the amount of goodness of a draw, so it's easy to go too far.
One thing I'd like to recommend is the Mistvape cup screen (I think I have the „low profile“ ones). They fit like a glove in the TM stem and keep things cleaner. Unlike the MV dosing capsules, they do not stretch a session (less mass, better fit), yet using them will result in supereven abv and smoother vapor too.
And yeah, reviewers will always go for clouds, what else can they do to demonstrate the performance of a device? I agree though that this often results in cloud competitions, which not only is a bit silly, but also sets a standard for people being new to vaping, which is not a good thing at all.
Just got a note that my Grav stem arrived at the post office, will feed back.
Seems that now the postage is higher.... with Brexit im assuming its going to be worst....
I empathise with your position but please don’t bring Brexit into this as it has absolutely nothing to do with it. The UK is currently in a transition period so very little will change until we leave at the end of the year.
Tales from customerserviceland: so I ordered a set of o rings for the cu quite a while ago. I'm generally very patient when it comes to shipments and the like, but almost four weeks of waiting made me shoot an email to the company. I got a quick reply (as usual) explaining that the order was waiting to be looked upon even because he didn't check for those only wanting spare parts instead of the actual device (which of course has a bit of a waiting list). No prob, package was send the next day (DHL Express even with spare parts), just arrived at my home.
Package contains the set of o rings which meanwhile was upgraded to also contain two spare o rings for the tubeholder (the red ones) and some extra screens (for both the cu and the stem I suppose), so that's nice. But: because of the wait he also included one extra tubeholder, a short stem, a long stem with one more basket screen, one complete cooling unit, one extra screen for the heating element, and a bunch of extra nuts, washers and screws for the cu. So I'm pretty well set up now when it comes to spare parts. :-)
The TM can handle different loads and is highly efective at macrodosing with 1 hit at higher temps enjoyable, myself i like to prolong the session.
Regarding packing; I'm having good results by using the straw method with the stem horizontal, to suck material into the chamber. I have my chamber set to 10mm deep, and insert the mouthpiece,with the device upside down (I don't tamp at all, and if I were to turn the stem upside up, herb would fall out) once it buts up against the screen above the heater, the herb ain't going nowhere, and you have a perfectly packed chamber.
Notice the dark rings that can occur; these are because of excess heat building up in that area, due to not enough air movement over the coil (prob due to restriction caused by too tight pack)
I am very glad to hear that. this is incredibly cool. I also like to fall asleep ~ 0.3 and quickly evaporate everything in one powerful hit