I'm sorry dude, we've all been there, I cannot tell if you have the retainer ring, but if you unscrew the top ring, take out the o-ring and metal tube, you will see if a ring falls out, if you have that you can get your own screen to put in easier, but yeah you are missing the screen at least unfortunately! That sucks that you let it fall upside down into the heater, I always take hits upside down first to avoid this even with the heater screen, because I'm a little OCD about keeping things as clean as possible, after the first hit the load usually stays seated in the basket screen... Anyway reach out to TM, they should set you up with some resolution, in fact I bet they would send you a new one that is pristine if that is a concern for you, but you may have to send this one back, you could buy another one and sell this one used probably make all the money back? Sorry we've all been there, the whole situation does really suck, good luck resolving!