I've had my tinymight just over a month so I guess that makes me a expert

lol so I've come to post my results. After a initial hiccup of not getting any heptic feedback for the battery level and the vape not working, out of desperation I briefly charged internally and it must have rebooted because from there on I received feedback and the vape worked perfectly. I started out using the long stem with CU but my draw was off, to slow and while I was still getting good clouds I thought they could be better and I was vaping between 8-10. Once I realized a more medium draw speed must make a better pressure differential of air in through the inlets and off the coil I was able to dial back to a starting temp of 6 finishing at 7-8. I was really blown away by how big the clouds were and how much the CU tamed the vapour. After a couple days experimenting I tried my rbt stem and was pretty happy with it but actually found my still wanting to play with the long stem so I kinda put it aside for a while. Up until this point I was vaping the stem as deep as it is wide, with my light course grind it's around .1 a load more than double my load before I got the tinymight so I adjusted the bowl to .05 and kept experimenting but the smaller load size always seemed a little less stable than the bigger one and took more mindful packing. I circled back around to the rbt stem and tried a smaller load, just filling the basket maybe .04-.05 and found I could crush it in one draw, a prefect little one hitter. Been a couple weeks since I last used the long stem the rbt stem is getting all my attention with its little one hitters at temp 10 with the screen two depths down I get prefect brown avb. I think the rbt stem is my favourite, being able to pack loose and not worrying about bud flakes falling down onto heater screen is a major plus, not that it happened all the time but it just one less to have to always check.
The tinymight has quickly found its way into my rotation, more than I was expecting..... had only planned on using it for middle of the night/early morning and maybe walking the dog here and there and at my cousins but thought I'd try and baby it but instead I'm putting it through its paces 5-7 stems a day, sometimes more but not usually less depending on how much of a cbd kick I'm on. Its completely reinvigorated my love of vaping, not that I've been straying lately but its really shaken things up in the best possible way. The convenience can't be understated! I can literally medicate in two minutes start to finish, faster if I have a preloaded stem ready to go. That's faster than a 1/4 of the time my desktop needs to heat up, and I don't have to go to my vape station so I'm free to use it in my easy chair and it's always stays within arms reach.
Only a few minor gripes, first not working out of the box nearly gave me a heart attack but that was soon rectified and hasn't been a issue since, second the battery door had sticky parts in turning and was a little rough but a light scraping with a sharp pick tool got rid of what felt like burrs in the threads and now it's buttery smooth, both but especially one of my CU's were very tight to get in and out so today I replaced the top bigger oring with a smaller one from my many spares which all came red with my order and it's a bit better. Last is my button can be a little hit or miss maybe 15% of the time, I've tried slowing my presses but even that doesn't always do it, i seem to notice it mostly if I'm pressing the top half of the button and don't seem to get it pressing in the middle or toward the bottom. Not a long list of complaints but I guess you could also add the light leak around the bottom but that's not unique to me.
This vape still has a few tricks I'm going to play with, today temp stepping. Trying out all my stems today.... well maybe not all possible stems? I'm running out of time and cognitive ability to try
@SquirrelMaster ball stem tonight and really that deserves a full day of experimenting, between the stock stem and long stem I prefer the long it's a little cooler but overall I still prefer the rbt stem. Temp stepping is interesting and I definitely see myself doing it walking the dog to stretch out a session but really prefer just crushing small loads quickly.
This vape is truly versatile, potent, fast, effective and powerful, tiny but mighty indeed and my hats

off to the maker for a excellent device I just wish for the sake of others customer service was as good, hopefully as the company grows this improves so our warranties are worth something. Right now I have little to complain about, my order went by the numbers, dhl was fast, I received bonus extras and aside from a initial hiccup which has not repeated I've had a problem free month of operation and hopefully and as much as I would like to say indefinite operation I'd settle for a good long while lol
All this talk about second units seemed so silly, unnecessary, frivolous, extravagant.... until I received mine. Now I'm pondering picking one up for my mom to replace the crafty that doesn't work well for her needs so I can give it to my cousin who appreciates a larger bowl. My mom is also a evening/middle of the night user just like me, or at least that's when my need is greatest so sharing my one tinymight just isn't particularly feasible. So now the money I've been putting aside for a flux deluxe is now for a new tinymight

last I heard the flux wait list was at least 10 months so I could probably save up for 2 before my name gets called, no stress there. I was going to do a accessory order anyway wanted a second long stem and was going to ask about buying heater screens and a extra retaining ring, I like extras. Now that will have to wait until I order my second unit but I think I'll get the wheels in motion and send off a email with my requests now since it will be a bit of a wait. Am I really going to ride this bronco again? I think so yes