well well look what we have here, reading the last three pages of this thread have THRILLED me, I was actually quite bummed out till I read the posts.
some may be aware, I have shared my views on the tvs cat and his reviews in the AR thread. I may have been in little harsh in my language. BUT... there is always but right?
first things first, I had interest in both the TV and AR. following the threads. everything is in both thread, questions, answers , some, pics, personal vids. all is cool ......
then this cat comes in here and posts up link to his utubby vid. excited for more info on the AR as there was (and still is ) so little info on it..... I watched it and was like man this is a bummer this guy that owns a vapor related business surely will, well know his shit.
came back to forum and watched everyone's smiles turn upside down in the tread, talk about Billy-Bob Buzzkill
I get to things at times in a round about way at times when writing sorry folks...
after seeing folks all bummed, cause the so called consolation of the AR. I went back and watched it again.
and having no particular knowledge about it or its workings I wanted to see how he used it . and the long and short of it all is this.
The first thing that got me to scratching my head is why this "professional" businessman would be down right rude , condescending, making fun of people of this forum and even snickering about. THAT... now that shit boils my blood, sorry I can not stand anyone that perceives themselves ABOVE others. and the fact he had the gull to do this in a REVIEW? there is absolutely NO room for ANY such dumbass shit like that in a review of a product. PERIOD and I still feel EXACTLY the same as I have all along. I TAKE GREAT EXCEPTION to your behavior and ELITIST AIRE . and since it left such as nasty fucking taste in my mouth I (very much like my purchasing research) started to RE evaluate and took ALL things related to him into account. I am getting everything laid out and will try to present my take on things in a clear and concise manner. and when I have finished it I will post it in this thread as well as the other.
I wont go in to anymore of it now, but I think you all just my be a bit surprised at what you read. I was the kind in school that always looked out for the timid and weak and/or unpopular kids. I don't know why its just the way I am, I guess it may stem from growing up so poor. I detest and hold great distain to any and all that feel and act that they are superior.
two members of this forum share their personal vids of the AR, for who ? for US, no agenda , nothing . and the businessman is gonna do that. frankly I cannot take that lying down.
its gonna get interesting up in here , today or tomorrow I will finish.
there are just TOO many points of contention with him and his vids. and still feel there is more to this/him that meets the eye.
I have apologized(in AR thread) for my brash words, I truly am sorry, lack of judgement on my part. So I will try to say what I have to and be civilized.
so many questions, I had in my mind, still do. but I feel I pretty much got this nailed down. get ready.
Stone__Man out
oh lol dang I almost forgot .... to the TV crew... is there ANY chance this TV1 can operate with different batteries? I know that may seem a strange question. this one set of batteries for ONE bowl is just such a killer to me . are there no options of battery that could last longer? I keep picturing a delrin sleeve that goes inside the metal and batteries inside that ... the AR battery life is one of the main reasons I had interest in it. I cant' tell you how many times I've thought, I wish I could use the AR kind of battery in the TV. I would be stoked, as a portable I personally don't wanna fiddle fart with a big bunch of batteries, and that is what it will take me to use it on camping trips. even alone the TV will only last for 3 bowl (2 bats per bowl) .... how did you come about to determine this battery would be the best when a set only last one bowl? I fail to see how a one bowl battery set up is portable. to me anything that has batteries that you take along where there are not plugs batteries should last as long as possible.
lol I thought I was done but seen more posts have been made. It's

how you seem different now tvs guy. what comes around goes around and you about to get yours buddy, in the AR thread. You are Transparent to me, I think I got your number. I thought I did before but fairly certain... EXPERT you can't be serious. I know an old wino he is an EXPERT in wine, and he NEVER ONCE made me feel like I was stupid, even though regarding WINE knowledge I was and still am. He is a wonderful human being full of life, understand and compassion. where to you learn your tact pray tell? what you are is a pretentious self important elitist.
why don't you see if you can SQUEEZE your business name in like 100 more fucking times? THAT is why you are here. P E R I O D.. I said it from the get go.
folks seemed to bring up to me "well he is nice in all his posts" what on earth could be wrong with me?
go ahead everyone look at all his post, 95 % of them are self promotion.
this is just the tip of this iceberg. you bring your life jacket with you tvs guy? cause your dingy is about to go down.
Modnote: You need to review the forum rules. Flaming is not allowed.