PsychicMedium said:Wonderful advice and info here! Thank you.
I wish I could have grown to enjoy my Thermovape but I have no tolerance for the batteries and regardless of the learning curve, the performance is disappointing and combustion is still an option. Unlike the Rock Zap which conserves, gives great clouds, offers good healing affects and never combusts.
I REALLY wanted to love this product, I really did, but for me it requires too much high maintenance for too little a high affect. JMHO by experience.
got your number i reckon pm, i think in the weird world of pain... both physical and psychological, hanging off a joint is a pretty fast easy alternative to swapping out batteries and reloading. i currently have a painful mouth abscess and the thermovap[e can't keep ahead of the discomfort.
i appreciate the thermovape but it like most things (except me

i think it's really good to have such a plentiful choice of vapes to pick and choose from in these high times.