theVaporSpot said:
Are you saying I should open the bowl and poke it / stir every other drag? that kinda kills the whole "stealth" thing huh? Does shaking or knocking (ala MFLB shaking?) work to stir it in your experience?
I'm lurking on this exchange (and have therefore said noting....) but I
will say that now. Yes, you should try it out before dismissing it. There's a lot of us here not sharing your experiences, and I think we've all done exactly that. This thread is full of such stories.
Oh, yes, fine grind is important IMO, I don't think that's been brought up?
It's been said 'the TV wants to teach you to use it right', but you have to experiment some not shy away from techniques based on their being 'work'. If you think about the nature of the holes that hot air comes through I think you'll see that not mixing is just going to overcook the already vaped material as it heats the more remote material up to 'the magic temperature'. Shaking won't do it unless a) there's plenty of room in there (partial fill) and b) the herb isn't lumped together. Most of the bud I've tried does clump together for the first few hits. This too needs checking and experiment.
Not sure what to say about the metal taste. Except maybe I too don't find it. You do know it's Nickle, not Chrome or Aluminum, a material not famous for taste. Could this be an expected result? What I do taste is the condensate from what came before. Changing strains is 'muddy' to me for a while. My experience is this is mostly in the cap and a ISO wash and blowing out the holes with a toothpick works wonders here. I guess if 'metal taste' was an issue to me it would rear it's ugly head about then?
Our collective experiences and advice is here although not convenient. For starters I suggest: grind fine, load part of the bowl, let the heater get to full temperature (say 8 seconds or so average?), pull fairly hard to move hot air into the bowl, as the temperature comes up modify your draw to control production. Keep the power on, regulate with draw in 'reverse LB' fashion (draw harder to heat, stop to cool it off). Physically mix the bowl to present different material on the next pass.
Sorry it didn't meet your expectations, and in fact might not if 'no work' is part of it, but it certainly has most of ours eventually. As a bar owner, I'm sure you've heard 'if three men in a row tell you you're drunk, it's time to sit down...'?
Thanks for the review and attention.