i think a lot of vapes are far too expensive and this one imltho is in that category. it is good for what it is but ...
you're right Mongrel but I have to disaggree on the part that this one is pretty groundbreaking when it comes to portable vapes!
-This is a market that hasn't been around for very long and its still growing. More and more people are getting ideas about vaporising and maybe some of us would be stupid not to jump on the train. I for one am happy to pay for a little technology thats doing what it is supposed to. They earned the right to ask what they ask

. This is with all new things... at first they seem very expensive.. but u gotta stop and think about the time they needed to consieve the whole project

. They need a base to build on and thats what they are doing with the high prices at first. It is expensive now but will become cheaper as time goes by ... Like someone said before in this thread "I feel like a vape pioneer yo". That is just what we are pioneers in this whole thing

. So are the products and the people who make them atm this is big and booming buissness.
-About the Thermovape, this is the first real portable convection vape! The only one I know it gets close to is the verdamper(own it) cause it basically works same way

. Without the water filter+cooling.
It still doesn't hit the same but for a portable it does hit like a champ getting me there in a few hits

. The battery life is a big bummer tho and doesn't cut it for big user like me so ill have to cut down a bit till i get more batteries and an extra charger. but all in all this is a lifechanger for sure and i am willing to work around the battery issue that is how much i like it

Some minor things:
-Taste wise there is a littel break in period im guessing since i was aware of some second hand taste that i could not recognise but as time passed it went along with it. Maybe it was the Bonding material at the base where the Thermocoil is screwed in? Yes also with me it came loose (I am guessing because of the heat) and is almost impossible to get right again unless u remove the Delrin sleeve around the chamber where the coil is housed in, the only way i could get it to tighten up again. Its fine now

-Also the breathing holes in Delrin Sleeve are not pointed exactly onto the holes(only one of them is drilled correct) that are made in the metal casing , again the room where the thermocoil is screwed in. I don't really now if this is an issue i removed the sleeve to see if it was the case but im not really sure... u need the sleeve to protect ur skin from the heat.
Anyway no real biggies here that i could not solve the vape is working as intended and I love it.