Discontinued ThermoVape


it's hte other way around charlie the TV with the herb chamber is the one that kills the batteries quickly. On the rev, it uses a lot less power to warm up those ceramic elements. so you can expect much longer life from the bats on the REV

SF Giant

Reluctant vape collector
Well, just finally decided that it was high time to stop worrying about stuff for the day and settle in to the couch with the Rev, i decided to try some seemingly VERY pure budder that i got the other night, i rolled up a little ball just big enough to cover the ceramic piece in the chamber and watched on the initial heat up as it puddled up and quickly seeped down into the reservoir, took my first pull quite gingerly and for only about 5 seconds as im kinda scared of this budder after putting myself completely out of commission with it the other night, got a nice little pull about the size of your average drag off of a cigarrette, taste was kinda funky but it was hard to tell if it was the new Rev or the Budder that was causing it. Worked up a bit more balls on the second pull and took an 8 to 10 second slow draw and blew a massive cloud, my initial impression is that this thing is pretty awesome, with this particular concentrate it was a breeze to load and hit like a champ, more testing is needed on the flavor issue and i will most likely do a side by side flavor test with a hot knife later, never tried an Omi so i wont be able to help with comparisons there (unless there is some northbay folks who wanna meet up and have a session with their Omi and my Rev :) ) but i'll say again that my initial impression is very positive
SF Giant,

SF Giant

Reluctant vape collector
charliedontsurf said:
Urge to buy Thermovape, rising...

Are you guys finding the batteries die faster when using the Revolution with oils rather than the herb chamber? I thought it might need more heat, and exacerbate the only thing resembling an issue with the TV, the battery life.

This thing is starting to sound so damn good now, with all the trusted reviewers giving their 2 cents. I like this alot better than the Omicron for some reason, partially because it's made in the US.
i started with fresh charged batteries today with mine and will be keeping track of exactly how many hits i can get off of the set, TV said the beta testers were getting 50 to 100 so yeah, it's safe to say that batteries last a good deal longer with the Rev than they do with the T1
SF Giant,
weedemon said:
it's hte other way around charlie the TV with the herb chamber is the one that kills the batteries quickly on the rev, it uses a lot less power to warm up those ceramic elements. so you can expect much longer life from the bats on the REV

Thanks for the info guys! That's fantastic news knowing the TV + Rev is an all-day kind of solution, and a tiny, indestructible one at that. Wish they still took Paypal..


Noob Saibot
charliedontsurf said:
Urge to buy Thermovape, rising...

Are you guys finding the batteries die faster when using the Revolution with oils rather than the herb chamber? I thought it might need more heat, and exacerbate the only thing resembling an issue with the TV, the battery life.

This thing is starting to sound so damn good now, with all the trusted reviewers giving their 2 cents. I like this alot better than the Omicron for some reason, partially because it's made in the US.

Batteries- for the Herb adapter - seem to last OK for at least one time/session, once you find the right technique. Compare perhaps to using the MFLB, and pulling super hard, and not getting much, and wasting your battery....something of the sorts if you don't do it "right".

Oils - I didn't try much, but from the concentrates I did try so far - the battery seems to at least outlast one session. That is one session of constant big clouds! Much more than the Herb Chamber. I have plenty of experimenting with the Revolution, but ThermoVape said about 150 hits off one charge? From what I've seen - that's 150 cloudy as hell hits. The reason most likely being it takes half the power to heat the Revolution?

Omicron - I have considered buying, but the fact that the materials are of unknown origin and build makes me wonder if it is worth the risk. I am glad I took the jump with the ThermoVape first, since they seem to be raising the bar.


Glass Blower
me and a friend have been hitting both the omi and the rev, they just both give such a different result but overall we prefer the awesomeness of being able to just quickly load some nasty cheap bubble hash and get everyone lit for such a low cost! This and the omi are getting all my friends and everyone i know into the world of vaporizing, normally most people hate it and just like to smoke, but as soon as someone is ripped its "where do i buy this? how much?"

on another note...anyone have any other questions about this thing? id gladly answer, this is the one device ive bought that i have no remorse over! i feel 150 was such a fair price for this!!


any tips you have discovered for using it?

types of concentrate work better for you over another?

really glad to hear you are enjoying it so much!


Glass Blower
weedemon said:
any tips you have discovered for using it?

types of concentrate work better for you over another?

really glad to hear you are enjoying it so much!

So far, ive only got moonrocks, they're a real high quality BHO wax tested at 88% pretty much consitencey of budder. I have over an ounce of vaped weed about to be made into some QWISO oil. so ill def be testin some of that :) free oil!

My first tip would be, bring it to work and get lit as hell without anyone knowing :D

Find your medium of how you load it too, you can just put tiny amounts in and just roast the hell out of it and get every last drop out. or pack .250 of a gram in and just scrape it down every session and it auto-loads. Each way yields different hits.

BTW....lets get some bubbler hit videos up in here! ill be recording as soon as these batteries get a full charge
Xchad, I'm really interested to hear which vape you ultimately prefer as your opinion and experience develops. Others probably are too, so keep us posted!


I love how quickly I can switch from vaping herbs with the TV1 to concentrates with the Revolution in seconds. It's an all in one vaporizer at this point! :brow:


Glass Blower
im coughing my ass off! finding it very hard to make some videos!!:p this thing puts me on my ass EVERYTIME! ok i made two vids, a small super high review, and me hitting the bubbler once and dyin like a bitch, will post in a min


Well-Known Member
The wait between ordering and receiving this ANY product is horrible. Especially with reading everyone's reviews... that isnt helping either.

I love the omicron for my oils, but I have a pretty good feeling once I get my Revolution I am barely ever going to use the omicron, its going to basically feel like outdated technology to me.

In the mean time, I have been getting used to the Thermovape. It has been suiting me well, but I have a hard time with this thing lasting me all day with the 4 sets of batteries I have. Thats why I really think the Revolution will change this and allow this bad boy to last all day. I do find that if you overload the bowl its a lot harder to get milky consistent hits. I tend to kill one set of batteries each session which is also 1 bowl. I get very even browning of material in the end, which I was not when I over packed at first. I get anywhere from 7-12 hits a bowl/battery. I am not happy with this, but I wont feel this an issue once I get my revolution. It really helps to keep the device on the warmer side, as I noticed when the device is REALLY COLD it hinders the life of the batteries since it takes so much more to heat it up.

My technique has been the following:

-Pack bowl about 1/3 to 1/2 way full of finely ground material (I use a 4 piece space case for this)
-Allow heat up time of 5-10 seconds (depends on how dry material is)
-Start with a slower pull, but gradually speed up. As I speed up I start to feel my throat tickle which indicates to me Im getting a good hit. I like to hear a slight whisper of air traveling in to the device when inhaling.
-After each hit I usually just tap the device on my hand or just shake it. Since I dont have much packed in, the material shakes very easily without ever having to take the cap off (I dont take the cap off to keep the heat in allowing more life to my batteries)

As far as portable vaporizer for flowers, this has taken over what I choose on the go. Depending on what I was doing I would choose my I-Olite or MFLB. Those have not been touched since I got the Thermo and I doubt my MFLB will ever really get any use any more. To be, it just cant compare to what I can get from this. Just remember as many have mentioned, dont try to hit the Thermovape like a MFLB, it is in no means the same technology. You will find yourself hitting it a lot harder/faster then you would with a MFLB. The sip method from a MFLB wont get you far.

Anyone else need me to answer any questions feel free to ask. Im sure most have already been answered, I just wanted a follow up with my review on the device. I still find the only flaw of the device being the short life span of the battery.

Also, did a quick search on ebay. Came up with this:

Cases for CR123A batteries

I already ordered some cases off dealextreme, but who knows when those will be here.

I was thinking about ordering these. Get half of them blue and the other half red. Keep the fresh in the blue and the expelled in the red. Id end up order more batteries and another charger for sure. Also found it pretty funny the auction says its for 10 cases and the item description says 6. Hmmm....

Pack of Cases

Anyone else find any better cases than this and for a reasonable price? I have not given much effort in to finding a dual charger, but I dont doubt its out there. Ill give it some more searching later.


Staff member
I guess you can only get those moonrocks in Colorado, eh?

I'd like to try them things but unfortunately I live in California where we have to make due with what we have. :ko:


Glass Blower
Stu said:
I guess you can only get those moonrocks in Colorado, eh?

I'd like to try them things but unfortunately I live in California where we have to make due with what we have. :ko:
yeah. hah....just like how i can't get pure gold bho :\ but....i only pay 30 a g for moonrocks and 15 for .5 :)

My lackluster super high review, enjoy hahaha


Glass Blower
yeah i make all the videos using my tablet and just upload em from there, its very annoying and i dunno how to just flip em :\ im staring at my other vaporizers...prob gonna pack em up and throw em in the closet. before i sat here all night suckin on EQ bags and a SSV whip and barley cetchin a buzz, now i just kick it on the couch for 5 mins, cough, and be high as hell and get back to enjoin bein high. Hands down, i havent been this high since i first started smoking. either this bho is amazing or this rev is hahah ill let you guys decide


Xchadb said:
Stu said:
I guess you can only get those moonrocks in Colorado, eh?

I'd like to try them things but unfortunately I live in California where we have to make due with what we have. :ko:
yeah. hah....just like how i can't get pure gold bho :\ but....i only pay 30 a g for moonrocks and 15 for .5 :)

My lackluster super high review, enjoy hahaha
I couldn't agree with you more. My very first hit was literally like a dab on my TI nail. The Revolution can wreck you pretty quickly if your not careful. :ko:


Xchadb said:
Hands down, i havent been this high since i first started smoking. either this bho is amazing or this rev is hahah ill let you guys decide
haha probably both!

this summer i discovered the joys of making your own bho and it was totally worth it! the taste is amazing, and a little dab will do ya lol!

you thought your tolerance was up there before? well now you are rocking bho buckle up! haha! This stuff(concentrates) is a tolerance destroyer :p

btw, i enjoyed your video review too! tides me over till mine arrives!


Glass Blower
I used to have a glass nail vapor globe, and ti curve swing. Still have mybed bath n beyond torch too! And I was like "ill never go back!" But this is in a more moderate dosage
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