Discontinued ThermoVape


Well-Known Member
gvape said:
If I order the Revolution, can I just order a pack of the High res carts to use it as an e-cig too or do I need another heater.


Got to be honest I would be mad confused about who needs what too many items.

TVT1, TV Revolution, TV Revolution w/ universal concentrate w/ tv adapter interface, TV Liquid Atomizer w/ Adapter, TV Universal concentrate. Prices at 39.77 74.97. 84.97, 119.00.

I can't tell what is what. What is a unit, what is a replacement part. What you would need to buy.

SF Giant

Reluctant vape collector
jeff said:
gvape said:
If I order the Revolution, can I just order a pack of the High res carts to use it as an e-cig too or do I need another heater.


Got to be honest I would be mad confused about who needs what too many items.

TVT1, TV Revolution, TV Revolution w/ universal concentrate w/ tv adapter interface, TV Liquid Atomizer w/ Adapter, TV Universal concentrate. Prices at 39.77 74.97. 84.97, 119.00.

I can't tell what is what. What is a unit, what is a replacement part. What you would need to buy.
Maybe you should vape less, it seems fairly simple :p
SF Giant,


Dab Trotter
Honestly if you just read the description of each item its pretty easy to put together.

The revolution and ecig atomizer work off the same adapter to the battery sleeve, so you only need one "full set" with the adapter (revolution, or atomizer) and then one of the other without the adapter.

So to get the full thing you buy Thermovape kit, revolution with adapter, and an ecig atomizer.

To get just the revolution and an e-cig atomizer you get : Revolution Kit, e-cig atomizer.


Looks like I won't be getting the Revolution today. USPS is the worst when it comes to shipping updates and my packages last known whereabouts are in San Francisco yesterday. Seems to me the package should have arrived today if it was shipped as Express Mail.

This is the third package this month via USPS that has been delayed/misrouted. Just a bad spot of luck I guess! I'll remember to opt for FedEX or UPS next time when given the chance.

Can't wait for the water attachment, received a Headford Inline today and this little thing rocks! I would love to see how the TV performs with a little diffusion!

Back to the clouds!


in flavor country
jeff, it can be confusing at first, but take a deep breath and feel free to ask any questions you may have. It all made perfect sense to me too, and if you are confused, ask. This is a kind group willing to help you out. :D


in flavor country
when I go to your website store and try to read the descriptions, the text moves up and down every time the photo changes, a bit hard to keep track of what I am reading when it bounces up and down the screen over and over. I think it is because the photo images are different sizes as it scroll through them. Does this happen for anyone else?


his reaction in that youtube is priceless. that alone convinced me to pull the trigger. apparently it shipped today. so excited. pretty seasoned Omi user and just need bigger clouds and more consistent operation. i know the Persei is coming, but his stuff has been slightly imperfect in the beginning, understandable, and this might be too. if persei had come sooner maybe i woulda gotten that first, but the Revolution looks amazing.

FWIW I vote two threads. I have no major interest for the TV1 really and if I did, I'd want all of its info in one place. These are two different beasts with two different sets of users, optimization techniques, etc. no real sense in grouping them together.


Well-Known Member
:rolleyes: Hey, im with you BossBrew, but the big truck wont have to stress my dog and i figured it might be less of a carbon footprint to get it with my regular mail. FedEx my old doggy dont mind so much as the white van equals a treat when she out front.:)
I wish i had went with FedEx for the T.E.tech Tv Revolution. I got my Tv T1 two weeks ago yesterday via ups. I dimpled a battery fooling with the sleeve (pushed up on it too hard) and dented the bottom. That one battery on the bottom stopped working shortly after so i replaced it and picked up a couple more. I really enoy this device. :ko:
Thank you FC, Tv, and participants. Peace:peace:


Active Member
jambandphan03 said:
also when I go to your website store and try to read the descriptions, the text moves up and down every time the photo changes, a bit hard to keep track of what I am reading when it bounces up and down the screen over and over. I think it is because the photo images are different sizes as it scroll through them. Does this happen for anyone else?

Yes this happens to me also. (If u were talking about the Apax e-cig site)

Edit:And all this talk about splitting the thread, we ned to split in 3 now, what if a conduction add comes out? New tread again? and flashlight? Ceramick lighter?lazer? and...and...
What if all those adds come out? How will the forum look like in the end?


Noob Saibot

I literally sprinted to get it from the doorman. I got a free mouthpiece!

Twisted open the deflated soda-pop container - attached it (already had the e-cig attached - so just removed the atomizer).

Really love the small leaf when you close it, and the etched words designs. Seems like it's from Revlon.

Put some hash that I broke into tiny bits. Turned it on, waited a few seconds, pulled. NOTHING. I didn't see any light/red/orange like in the photos. Tried again several times, for a minute at least, no heat, no light. I almost felt like crying.

I took off the Revolution, and attached the regular ThermoVape with some old material and some hash. It worked, I taste the hash, I haz a small tingle of effect.


Tried the Revolution again - it doesn't even turn on.



Vaporizer Manufacturer
sessnet said:

I literally sprinted to get it from the doorman. I got a free mouthpiece!

Twisted open the deflated soda-pop container - attached it (already had the e-cig attached - so just removed the atomizer).

Really love the small leaf when you close it, and the etched words designs. Seems like it's from Revlon.

Put some hash that I broke into tiny bits. Turned it on, waited a few seconds, pulled. NOTHING. I didn't see any light/red/orange like in the photos. Tried again several times, for a minute at least, no heat, no light. I almost felt like crying.

I took off the Revolution, and attached the regular ThermoVape with some old material and some hash. It worked, I taste the hash, I haz a small tingle of effect.


Tried the Revolution again - it doesn't even turn on.


Try taking the battery compartment off, and then pushing the switch up towards the revolution so that it is fully inserted, and then restart. The contact for the base of the revolution is slightly shorter than the ThermoVape Heater Core.




in flavor country
Now I am even happier I posted that video link ;) I hope it works out for you!

igot5onit said:
his reaction in that youtube is priceless. that alone convinced me to pull the trigger. apparently it shipped today. so excited. pretty seasoned Omi user and just need bigger clouds and more consistent operation. i know the Persei is coming, but his stuff has been slightly imperfect in the beginning, understandable, and this might be too. if persei had come sooner maybe i woulda gotten that first, but the Revolution looks amazing.

FWIW I vote two threads. I have no major interest for the TV1 really and if I did, I'd want all of its info in one place. These are two different beasts with two different sets of users, optimization techniques, etc. no real sense in grouping them together.


Well-Known Member
ThermoVape said:
jambandphan03 said:
Here is a question for TV~ do your e liquid atomizers work with standard 510 mouth pieces?

Yes indeed!

Careful here, I don't think that was asked quite right? As I understand it the atomizers a guy might buy to run on his Revolution body are high resistance to deal with the higher voltage, I don't think they'll do well on standard E-cig batteries?

Given the right resistance/voltage match of course, all is Jake.



Noob Saibot
The Revolution has made me love the ThermoVape. This $50 attachment is worth $500 to me.

Thank you for the instructions ThermoVape! I did just as you said and I could instantly tell it was working.

I put just tiny minuscule bits of hash inisde - and it WORKS VERY VERY GOOD. I JUST VAPORIZED HASH. I didn't have to burn it - it provided enough to make me decide I should put it down. I JUST VAPORIZED HASH.

After about 20+ huge hits between a friend and I - I have a feeling there is more hits - and I realized this in amazing, just wanted to say I am happy, so I will be back later. :brow: Did I already mention I JUST VAPORIZED HASH AND I GOT HUGE CLOUD AFTER HUGE CLOUD AFTER HUGE CLOUD AFTER HUGE CLOUD X 20.

The Revolution MAKES the ThermoVape. I just told my girlfriend - "I just held the future". The Revolution is the future, and I am ecstatic to own it, and try it more.

So - yes, it does work for hash.

A quick rundown of the ThermoVape Adapters and their performance, to only me, personally - so far:

Herb Adapter - lots of testing: 7/10
E-Cig Adapter - need more testing: 9/10
Revolution - need more testing: 10/10

ThermoVape, you made my 2012.
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