Discontinued ThermoVape


in flavor country
mflb~ congrats!! :lol:

I almost bought the TV/Revolution add on, but my CC already took a big hit over the holidays, and after thinking about it I realized I aready had the battery parts here, so I just went for the concentrates vaporizer part. I am also curious to hold out for upgrades, if any are to be had in the near future.


Vapor concierge
jambandphan03 said:
can't FC users start threads??

yes, but we like the manufacturers to start their own model threads, if possible. Ultimately, I would have no problem leaving it up TV how he wants the threads organized. If he wants a seperate revolution thread, then that's fine with me. It still seems like an accessory to me and should probably stay here.

darkrom, you and I are the only ones mentioning an issue with this, so for now I think we should just buck up and live with it, unless TV wants to change the thread structure. I sure as hell do not want to go through the admin headache of splitting out posts already made into two different threads.


Dab Trotter
I don't understand how darkrom's interest in the Thermovape "died down" when the revolution came out... lol

unless hes really that bummed out people like it and are talking about it when he doesn't need one lol.

i'm all for having awesome new accessories!


Director of Vapor Research Labs™
D'oh!! I didn't realize that there was more than one option for the FC Shipping thingy. USPS is kinda slow... :o
I'm cool though...Mine says it shipped priority mail which means it might not be too bad!!!

I'm psyched to try my own experiments!!!! Thanks everyone for your contributions so far. The TV looks so totally win!!! :p

It looks like I am gonna have to get the juice attachment as well, I have been using various 510's and my AtmosrRx . An all in one unit sounds great! So has anyone just rolled up a little dab and thru it in the revolution or is there more preparation to it than just that? I have a few varieties to try out which I have been saving for a special occasion! :brow:


Well-Known Member
MarcellusWiley said:
i'm all for having awesome new accessories!

Excellent point. If we did come up with some hard and fast rule to keep the 'junk mail' out of some folks reading of a thread by mandating a new thread for evolutionary stuff like the Revolution we'd be DISCOURAGING SUCH INNOVATIONS at least at some level. I mean if your customer base was going to be split up because you were offering new stuff, would you consider not doing so? I sure would.

I guess I don't see that as a positive thing, at least not for the majority.

I agree with the idea of letting the tread host decide how do deal with it, or at least strongly favor it at this point. Folks that want to screen the posts for stuff they want to know is one thing, but guys that want to spread that information all over the web in places they don't want to mess with so they will have an easier experience........



Great Scott!
MarcellusWiley said:
I don't understand how darkrom's interest in the Thermovape "died down" when the revolution came out... lol

Well to be clear I'm not less interested in the unit itself, but now it is much harder to read comments that apply to the Thermovape rather than the revolution. Simply put I wanna read about cannabis and the thermovape not extracts and the revolution. Just a request to keep them separate.


Dab Trotter
That's understandable. I think it's just easier for me to keep up with as I've been reading everything since the beginning of the thread and I'm fairly interested in seeing where the project as a whole goes.

edit: looking forward to a vaporpedia update on the revolution attachment. with all the videos on it now there should be a lot of information to compile. id be willing to help when I get mine :D


Great Scott!
Don't get me wrong the revolution is great and I'm not bitter I don't have concentrates, its just quite difficult to tell what the hell people are commenting on, but at this point it looks like MOST discussion is on the revolution only.

Kind of a bummer for someone looking to talk specifically about the TV.


Well-Known Member
MarcellusWiley said:
That's understandable. I think it's just easier for me to keep up with as I've been reading everything since the beginning of the thread and I'm fairly interested in seeing where the project as a whole goes.

Yeah i don't see how it makes a diff. In general I am interested in like 1/3 or 1/4 of the posts on any one thread. Like who is really interested in the last 6 or so posts nobody. It is a message board. It is the net. It is how it goes. Stop SOPA and PIPA.


Great Scott!
jeff said:
MarcellusWiley said:
That's understandable. I think it's just easier for me to keep up with as I've been reading everything since the beginning of the thread and I'm fairly interested in seeing where the project as a whole goes.

Yeah i don't see how it makes a diff. In general I am interested in like 1/3 or 1/4 of the posts on any one thread. Like who is really interested in the last 6 or so posts nobody. It is a message board. It is the net. It is how it goes. Stop SOPA and PIPA.

I don't know what to make of your comments at all, but I assure you nothing I have said is in any way related to SOPA or PIPA. I simply made a request that would make reading about the thermovape easier for people who aren't interested in the revolution. Look at how many pages this thread was BEFORE and after the revolution. You may not care, but when it becomes significantly more focused and less and less what I am interested in I tend to stop reading. It was a request. Nothing to make a big deal about.


Well-Known Member
darkrom said:
jeff said:
MarcellusWiley said:
That's understandable. I think it's just easier for me to keep up with as I've been reading everything since the beginning of the thread and I'm fairly interested in seeing where the project as a whole goes.

Yeah i don't see how it makes a diff. In general I am interested in like 1/3 or 1/4 of the posts on any one thread. Like who is really interested in the last 6 or so posts nobody. It is a message board. It is the net. It is how it goes. Stop SOPA and PIPA.

I don't know what to make of your comments at all, but I assure you nothing I have said is in any way related to SOPA or PIPA. I simply made a request that would make reading about the thermovape easier for people who aren't interested in the revolution. Look at how many pages this thread was BEFORE and after the revolution. You may not care, but when it becomes significantly more focused and less and less what I am interested in I tend to stop reading. It was a request. Nothing to make a big deal about.

Sopa and Pipa was a joke, as like keep this thread open and uncensored. See nobody cares about us bantering and nobody has suggested we get a separate thread for a BS banter that has nothing to do with the TV the revolution or anything. Separating seems dumb. Do they have a separate bag and whip thread fro the EQ. Anyway I am dumb wasting pixels.


I'm ready to hop on board w/ the Revolution, I'm just waiting for some reviews to trickle in.

I was hoping you guys could help a huge concentrate noob like me though. I'm a medical user, and have been vaping for 2 years now, I use my VHW daily, but I have to admit, I have almost no experience with concentrates.

I once got a gram of dark hash, and I would crumble it and "smoke a glass" with it, but the experience was not too good.

I really want to try out the Revolution, but I'm curious about usage. I have access to some good quality wax (what is the diff between BHO and wax?) at some of the dispensaries here (only 10 of around 120 are left) but I'm not sure what I should be expecting volume wise.

I'm assuming w/ the wax I can just put like 1/2 a gram in the compartment and then I'm good to go? How many hits do you think I would average per gram? I'm also a little confused on how to use keif in this; would I just sprinkle some in on the ceramic disc in the center - can it be off the disc and still be used?

Once again, sorry for what might be really obvious questions, the one reason I have not delved into concentrates is that I am just completely ignorant about them, I was not a recreational user before getting my medical card, and it's a bit intimidating.


Noob Saibot
Revolution discussion should be hot for a little while, since it is TVs latest accessory.

I assume as they upgrade/fix stuff to just the herbal mechanism, and more stuff (glass adapter) along the way, it won't be as one sided as it seems now.

Or you can buy a Revolution in hopes of trying concentrates ( like me, even though I am not in a medical state as well) - and it shouldn't bother you as much :)


Well-Known Member
I ordered mine last night and the only option it would allow me was the slower shipping

I was really wanting 2 day and to pay the difference

TV sent you my phone # please process my order!!! so exited

Hope to get it by Saturday


in flavor country
ctk... those are all good questions. So far what I have been reading about the way the revolution works, any of the oily extracts work great. The more solid or dry the extract the less you want to load, and from what I understand, with keef, you can sprinkle it on the ceramic disk, and as it heats and convects, it should vaporize. If you have any extracts that are solid, but melt as they heat up, they should be fine to use. I can't tell you exactly what is different about waxes, oils, etc... I also missed a bunch of that lingo when it was emerging. What I do know is it's super easy to make your own oils with 99-91% isopropyl alcohol, and some good threads if you search on how to make it. That is what I am doing to my older keef that has been sitting for a long time, if I find it won't vape well in the revolution. If you go back down a few pages in this thread OF has done some experimenting with his Revolution, and has posted his results. There is a lot of good info on the web about all of your questions, google it, you'll find youtube videos, and all kinds of topics in other forums. You may have to wade through some BS but there is a lot of useful info out there. Good luck


Well-Known Member
ctk2011 said:
I really want to try out the Revolution, but I'm curious about usage. I have access to some good quality wax (what is the diff between BHO and wax?) at some of the dispensaries here (only 10 of around 120 are left) but I'm not sure what I should be expecting volume wise.

I'm assuming w/ the wax I can just put like 1/2 a gram in the compartment and then I'm good to go? How many hits do you think I would average per gram? I'm also a little confused on how to use keif in this; would I just sprinkle some in on the ceramic disc in the center - can it be off the disc and still be used?

I think the definitions are a little loose, but BHO seems to cover concentrates extracted with Butane, although the 'oil' part is a little subjective. They can be quite liquid to awfully hard solids at room temperature. Waxes seem to be mostly made with other solvents, but I guess could also be made with Butane? The key feature is being wax like (soft), they generally do very well.

I'm just getting used to the machine too, but right now I'm thinking half a gram is a little too much. I'd go with 1/4 or even 1/8 which is what I'm currently loading. You can work up from there. Seems good for twenty plus heavy tokes, enough for half a dozen session for me. It seems to give fatter hits than the Omicron, although it varies a lot with strain, fill and technique, I'd say something like maybe 150 to 200 hits per gram is close? You'll probably need a few of those for a typical session.

I haven't finished sorting out kief, but I think it has to contact the disc to play. I loaded too much, it was like so much vacuum cleaner dust jamming up the top end of the cart. When I go back, I plan to start out treating it as a 'one hitter' and work up from there.


lepstadder said:
wax or budder or whatever is bho or iso

Its a liquidy solvent extract

Or it's extracted with CO2, Nitrogen, Oxygen or some other super critical gas. Or any of several other alcohols . Or lots of ethers and similar solvents. And it's pretty stiff sometimes, not what most guys would call 'liquidy' I think.

Of course you can also use fractional distillation like Pure gold does. Not a solvent in sight. Point is it's not all Butane or ISO. BHO is a process that can yield one of many product types. Wax is one such product, but it can come from Butane or other processes.



Thanks for the replies; I'll be keeping my eye on this thread, and will probably hop in with the revolution in a few weeks.

Thanks again! :)


Well-Known Member
If all is well and tim tebow is on my side then i will have mine by saturday

So I will be sure to let you know what I think of the revolution.


in flavor country
darkrom, what is stopping you from discussing the TV? I am pretty confident that if you initiated conversation about it, people here would be happy to respond. ;) Instead of discussions about discussing it, why not just discuss it? sorry I'm in a funny mood today :lol:


in flavor country
SF Giant said:
My Rev is out for delivery :D

sweet!! mine must still be in transit... doesn't have too far to go we are only 9 hours from SF ;)

*my batteries showed up early this morning, they are deff. the right ones :)

SF Giant

Reluctant vape collector
Aaaaaaaand unfortunately when you choose express mail as your shipping option it seems to require a signature to be delivered...... And of course i was at school when it came..... shit
SF Giant,
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