Discontinued ThermoVape


Get your Freak on....


Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
I think so too. Just send a PM to "Pipes" he's a member here. Good guy, for a Cannuk....

I had missed a couple posts here. Must have missed that email...LOL
Yep, still have them up on ebay. On holidays for a couple weeks but have them here waiting for a home.
Even willing to sell to Yanks.

Well, I've been happily using the Pipe's adapter with the regulated 6v power source for a while now on all my 6v TV products... barely even touched my batteries accept to top off charge them once in a while, but then, I've been home quite a bit to plug in. Sure is nice though, makes running through my water pieces a lot more effective too. :tup:
Thanks for your follow up Jam. Glad it worked out for you. It does put a different light the usage with not been so much a slave to the battery routine. I basically use mine every night as through the day I really need the portability.
Really does compliment the TV line up.


Well-Known Member
Even willing to sell to Yanks.

Ya know, some guys will do darn near anything for a buck.....although, everybody who thinks "Pipes" is his real name, raise your hand......

Enjoy the holidays, they are too few and to costly these days it seems to me.



Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
Ya know, some guys will do darn near anything for a buck.....although, everybody who thinks "Pipes" is his real name, raise your hand......

Enjoy the holidays, they are too few and to costly these days it seems to me.

I have to put my hand up. Pipes has been my nick name since childhood.
Was quite surprised it was open for use here. Usually end up with numbers or stuff after it.
Ironic for this forum....:wave:
Nice day today, just sitting pool side. Think I'll go grab my T1 for a bout.


Well-Known Member
I have to put my hand up. Pipes has been my nick name since childhood.
Was quite surprised it was open for use here. Usually end up with numbers or stuff after it.
Ironic for this forum....:wave:
Nice day today, just sitting pool side. Think I'll go grab my T1 for a bout.

I think you've got the logic backwards, bud? You don't think it's your real name (unless it's a real nickname??). I've no comment on nobody else using that name...... As far as numbers go, you'll always be "Pipes number 1" to me...I think. Maybe. Well, it could happen....

Good advice, it's about tea time isn't it? Time to pour a cup, select a tool and strain, and head out to the garden to see what mischief the cats have gotten into since I let them out. Life is good, ain't it just?

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Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
Good advice, it's about tea time isn't it? Time to pour a cup, select a tool and strain, and head out to the garden to see what mischief the cats have gotten into since I let them out. Life is good, ain't it just?
I'm relaxing in Ecig mode now. Dang hot out there.

Showed you mine, your turn OF. :clap:
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Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
Oh ya, pinch me, I'm dreaming.

Just made those cookies too.



Vapor Sloth
Everything was fine until I saw . . the foot . . . :uhoh: hairy leg not withstanding lol :)

Thanks for sharing :peace:
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Vaporist Extrordinair
I hope everyone is enjoying their TV's.


I sure as hell am Tim, what an excellent, top line product! It's in my pocket every day, and out a few times a day, best vaporizer I have ever owned, thank you for your hard work and dedication to our cause!


Get your Freak on....
Now that I am paranoid about putting any of the parts in water before I ask, can anyone that has one tell me exactly how to use my Smooth-Flow inline Moisture Conditioner? It came with no instructions... Do I wet the whole thing or just the black tip part???



The black tip is just a mouth piece. You can take it off and put the smooth flow under water then reattach the mouth piece. You can shake and/or blow the excess water out. Then attach it to the cap.


Get your Freak on....
The black tip is just a mouth piece. You can take it off and put the smooth flow under water then reattach the mouth piece. You can shake and/or blow the excess water out. Then attach it to the cap.

Ok So its not the black tip that I need to wet, but the metal(it looks like Metal) part that I need to wet correct?



Well-Known Member
Ok So its not the black tip that I need to wet, but the metal(it looks like Metal) part that I need to wet correct?

You can get the whole thing wet, it's a PITA to pull the MP off and put it back on each time. I just run it under the sink a few seconds, shake out any loose water, put it on and resume enjoying. If you look inside it you can see the little white cylinder of ceramic, that's the part that does the work, it only holds a drop or two but it makes a big difference sometimes.

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Previously Known as 'ThermoCoreTim'
Anyone interested in checkout out our pass-through should come to The Cup and see our final model!

There was such a liking to our pass-through at HempCon that we took the dive and are having a batch ready for High Times, might even come with our special edition kit.... :-?


Mod Note: Please review manufacturers rules on advertising:

Retailers are permitted to participate in discussions as a normal member, but advertising (anything even resembling it) is only permitted in this thread and will not be tolerated elsewhere.


Vaporizer Manufacturer
RE ABOVE POST: Sorry, Tim will edit when he gets back in front of a computer. Unintentional.

Back on topic... Thought we would pop in for a quick new product update :D.

Been very busy over here at Thermo....

We have some new products that we wil be showing this weekend. However, we always announce any new products here first.

So here is a preview. These are not on the website yet, bu will be very soon. No later then monday depending on how wild the cup is.... :D

Are Summer Catalog is just about finished (so please excuse any typos) available fordownload here and the website will be updated soon.



We are very excited about the new products. We will have the DC adapter for the Power Supply available soon as well. This is the high voltage model, although when we find the right power supply it will work with low voltage products as well.

If there is demand we can produce an 18G version of the All Glass Glass Adapter as well. Hope you guys and gals like the new gear!

Let us know what you think. Cheers,



I'm pumped for the power supply. Wondering how the all glass adapter keeps the herb from falling out when upside down. Must be something in there.


Vaporizer Manufacturer
I'm pumped for the power supply. Wondering how the all glass adapter keeps the herb from falling out when upside down. Must be something in there.

Big O-Ring, out of the flow path keeps it in place with a friction fit. Nice and simple.


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