1st of all OF, I caught it the first time around. I thought it was hilarious. I also caught it this time as well, still just as good.
2nd of all J.D. 420, WHHHHHHHAAAAAATTTTTT!!!!! Sick! Kudos to you. I wish I was tech savvy enough to do stuff like that. I'm creative with what I got. But I could never put together something like that
Incase anyone is wondering at all this is what I do for my ceramic screen, I put the core O-Ring around it (fits perfect), keeps it in place inside the thermal cap.
Unfortunately my ceramic mouthpieces were apparently "Delivered" but never showed up... :/ so now I have to track this shit down. Now I know what Tweek was going through.

ha kidding, no way this compares.
Any ways, I tinker with everything I have, everyday pretty much. And stumbled across this, the EQ heater screen fits nice and snug inside the Cera cap. Random, but good to know maybe?