First off, I have years and years of Lithium battery experience. I used to wire up my own 10cell RC helicopter batteries. Figuring out what one cell to order based on manufacturer recomended specs and offered batteries for sale isn't hard... I ordered the batteries based on specs that were giving to us on their site!There is no cautions anywhere on their site in regards to what I bought. I bought High quality japanese made cells with protection circuits wired in.... Just like what Thermovape recommends and sells for their Cera! I want to hear what you are saying from the horses mouth. Not some dude that shoves foil in their Cera. If we are suppose to use unprotected Lipo batteries why have they always said otherwise? Durka dur
Now please tell me how I rushed out and ordered the wrong ones again...

Looks to me that Thermovape rushed out a product without thorough
battery testing if what you say is true OF.
OK, I got it.
Your experience with battery packs is not germane in a single sell application like this is it? A single cell doesn't face the abuse from the stronger cells in the pack, right?
I disagree, it's not an easy decision to make wisely, especially with only part of the information to work on. Even with all the information TV didn't find it so. There are lots of "Japanese made cells with protection circuits wired in" available that are basically useless to us, basing a selection on that factor alone is clearly problematic.
We're not looking for OK batteries but the best for the job, right? Performance over other factors?
They have, from the start, said they only recommend the batteries they recommend, obviously they're looking for performance, not construction. Well, obvious to me. AFAIK they have never sold anyone a protected battery by that feature. In fact, the only two batteries they've ever sent to anyone are different chemesties but
neither has protection.
You may not have bought the "wrong ones", just sub par. I have an opinion on how that might have happened, but happen it did. By actual testing, the TV recommended battery performs better or they'd likely recommend the ones you bought. They too have search engines and are sure to have considered them (for all I know I got one of them in the color coded Beta batteries, they're mostly protected). I don't think TV did anything like you suggest, they have an ongoing quest for the best possible battery for the job. I'm part of that test, I'm now on my sixth type for them I believe. I think
most would not want to wait until the best possible battery ever is found, that's likely to be a
never ending process. They should go with what works best, and look for better IMO. And I believe I'm not alone in that.
Finally, a personal request. I don't accuse you of lying just because I disagree with what you say, please extend that courtesy to me? TIA