Before everyone goes and buys a ton of these batteries, remember lithium batteries have a operational life, even if left unused. So don't buy them with idea of just storing them for later. The shelf life of a lithium battery is about 3 years.
I was just going to say the same thing, they don't die completely but they won't last as long when they're old. Also by the time you'd need them they'll be better batteries available anyway
So you are wasting oil with the Cera or it's so good that you are using it to much? lol
Thinking about it, you aren't wasting oil in the sense that it's all going into your body. I mean we put it in the Cera cart, it doesn't leak or disappear, it has to go in our lungs.
But the other thing is that I'm betting more than
half of the vapor is exhaled again. Those thick clouds we love aren't made of soot and smoke, they're just solid oil droplets so dense it looks like fog. I've also noticed the eo resins up my glass quicker than even the thickest flower vapor. So some oil
is wasted because we don't absorb it.
And yet the final thing to think about is that the thicker and denser the vapor, the faster you absorb, the greater the effects. I'm a strong believer that stronger hits are more effective because more vapor is forced to condense and you absorb more (like glass pieces getting dirtier faster, our lungs are given more as well) and I have to say the eo cart medicates like no other so that theory seems to be holding