Thermal Accumulator by phattpiggie


Well-Known Member
The gap definitely helps to reduce the temp of the bowl, but we can agree that after 20 seconds of heating the Anvil the temp of the bowl is at least 300F before the air comes right?
I am no physics master so just cant say, short of a temperature probe.


Waistband Optimizer
Staff member

can do this multiple times off one heating, can wait a bit between hits without having to reheat in case I need to cough for a few


need to get a little bit bigger case and this combo is a nice travel option for me


Well-Known Member
I haven't used a IH to heat my Thermal Accumulator™ yet, maybe I'll charge my wand tonight.
I've still really been diggin it with my torch:science:. I don't use a timer, just go by feel.
I've pushed it to the point where the top is slightly charred a few times but never to where it's "lit". The TA™ is forgiving.
My typical session is 3-4 bowls back to back and I use a water piece 100% of the time. To help with the back to back bowls @phattpiggie includes one of my new favorite vape accessories. Besides the Thermal Accumulator™ itself also included is a wooden "Tamping tool/Hot Heater Holder".
Seriously, I love this little thing! It's so simple and yet still very well thought out. Without it I would have to wait for the heater to cool before I load another bowl and that ain't cool :disgust:.
Like a couple of the others, I also love how once the "cap/tip/heater" of the Thermal Accumulator™ gets a good heat soak I can get 3 nice fat clouds and 1 respectable one effortlessly.
@ShayWhiteGrow has been killing it with his videos. In the next couple days, to get a different perspective, I'll try to get a video of me using my Thermal Accumulator™, while retaining my anonymity.
Happy Vaping!

__________™ :razz:__________________


Well-Known Member
Do you think it can handle micro dosing ass well?
it will, all these vapes which the bowl is warmed before the user inhales, can do microdosing well, also the chamber doesn't seem too big, so it'll work i guess


Well-Known Member
The gap definitely helps to reduce the temp of the bowl, but we can agree that after 20 seconds of heating the Anvil the temp of the bowl is at least 300F before the air comes right?
Have you tried heating an anvil to the click and not inhaling? The herb is slightly crispy at absolute best. You have to draw air through it to cook the herb. This happens repeatedly and consistently.

I hate to drag this tired old debate up again but conduction vapes simply don’t behave like the anvil. My Vapman and DV both cook the herb to the same level whether I inhale or not. There’s more conduction than John says though, I will concede that.

To swing this back on topic though, I’m very interested in this vape! Does it do “RTL” style one and done hits or is it more like a convection biased tip that fits the DV stems?


Well-Known Member
I hate to drag this tired old debate up again but conduction vapes simply don’t behave like the anvil. My Vapman and DV both cook the herb to the same level whether I inhale or not. There’s more conduction than John says though, I will concede that.
convection occurs when you put a heater on a bowl and surprises the bowl with hot air flowing... not happening with Anvil/TA, too small, metals do conduct, copper especially, the bowl is heated before you inhale
if it takes you 20-40 seconds to reach the click, and the device is small, it's not a convection vape


Well-Known Member
convection occurs when you put a heater on a bowl and surprises the bowl with hot air flowing... not happening with Anvil/TA, too small, metals do conduct, copper especially, the bowl is heated before you inhale
if it takes you 20-40 seconds to reach the click, and the device is small, it's not a convection vape
I dunno man, that doesn’t really answer the question. I know the theory of why it “should” be a conduction vape, but the reality doesn’t line up with it.

Why does it need airflow to roast the herb? A conduction vape conducts heat regardless of airflow


Just a dude
I’ve followed Señor Piggie‘s insta & enjoyed watching the TA’s progress even though I wasn’t sure exactly what I was watching for some time! At first I just reckoned he was scratching some engineer’s itch on some brainstorm and might just be a one-off experimental design. But then I thought piggie is more than an engineer, he’s an entrepreneur (hell he’s called phattpiggie after all!) so it must be a product idea and holy fuck- the clouds were so thick. The mad genius had only gone and created his very own tiny monster that is worthy of the phattpiggie name! When I found out who a few of the testers were that just confirmed the Thermal Accumulator was definitely a beast designed for heavy hitters.
I can hardly wait for the first round of TA V1s to be released right here in the bloody UK! :rockon: After years of vaporising and buying vapes, I will finally be able to add a proper British Vaporizer to the collection. Thank you sir!


Charles Mingus
I think the anvil is definitely a hybrid that leans towards convection at the beginning of the hit. But the second hot air passes over the herb and cooks off the rest of the terps, the bowl is heated to conduction temps making it more of a true hybrid than anything else


Well-Known Member
I think the anvil is definitely a hybrid that leans towards convection at the beginning of the hit. But the second hot air passes over the herb and cooks off the rest of the terps, the bowl is heated to conduction temps making it more of a true hybrid than anything else
I mean that does make sense when you explain it in that way. What I’ve been struggling to understand is why a supposedly conduction biased vape is so dependent on airflow and nobody can answer why.

Hmmm, if someone has a temp gun a good experiment would be to heat until click, take the bowl out and measure the temp at these points..

1: Check the temp at the start pre draw

2: Check the temp after the first long draw when hot air has had a chance to pull all the way through

3: Check the temp just as that “almost finished” taste comes in, or at the moment vapour production halts


Just a dude
I mean, a vapcap is definitely a conduction vape yet it’s also dependent upon airflow. Not being a smart arse, but isn’t that true? So many members have a good temp gun and I bet a few of them have an Anvil as well, have you looked or asked in the Anvil thread? There was a temp thread with data for quite a few vapes but unfortunately that was before the Anvil was born. If it doesn’t exist already, I’d ask everyone over in that thread. Someone will surely hook you up.


Home of the Heavies
I am not sure the mod's are going to be happy with all this Anvil discussion on the TA thread. Whatever the case, the Anvil and TA may seem to have similar properties and perform in a similar manner but they are really different. The TA relies mostly on convection to get the job done but there is some radiant heat being built up in the tip.
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