There are a lot of people here who enjoy their working units. Everybody who has had your problems (low vapor production, hard to draw through, etc.) in this thread has had them resolved by fixing their technique. Having an incorrect technique is not an "insult" (and I would love magic lungs

). Most vapes have a learning curve--that is nothing new. If adjusting the technique does not resolve anything, the unit is defective. I am sorry you are having trouble with your one unit, but your unique experience does not negate the pages of satisfied customers. You should contact the manufacturer if you are having trouble, or actually read through this thread for tips on using it. To claim the unit itself is the problem when there are dozens of customers
in this thread who can all speak in favor of the unit is irresponsible. The only real difference between their WDZ and yours (if it isn't defective) is the user.
I do believe there are other log vape users who had problems because their outlets were not supplying enough power. That could be something else for you to check, because the unit would not show as defective in that case. I've noticed some (slight) variation in temperature based on which outlet in my room I use, and whether or not I use a surge protector.