Discontinued The Woodeez Vaporizer/Diffuser


Well-Known Member
mrfloopa said:
Shoddy workmanship =/= any tiny imperfection. It is a heavily subjective term. I am not sure how the device looked in person, so perhaps I am wrong and most people would call it "shoddy," but everything comes slightly different. Even mass-produced machine made parts. The fact that another log vape manufacturer is aware of how this can happen and that it does tells me that it isn't exactly a unique design flaw with this particular log vape. Perhaps you just got a flawless one and somebody else with your style didn't, but figured that was the epitome of craftmanship and decided to keep it. The fact of the matter is, these are *hand-made.* As such, imperfections shouldn't be seen as impossibilities, but rather a sign that your device was, in fact, made by hand.

Look at that pic again, floopa. That was much more than an imperfection.

Be that as it may, I'm happy that Todd took care of this in a timely manner and that Will got a vape that he can proudly display.

From my point of view, the value of a manufacturer is not only the quality of the product that they produce, but also the quality of service after the sale has been made. In the latter, Todd pulled through with flying colors.


I bought my WDZ brand new for $125, and didn't expect a pretty looking vape, just a fully functional log vape for the cheapest price had. I got both fortunately, guess I'm lucky? Mine did have a few "rough" spots around the power jack but I'm a nerd for wood work so I had no problem sanding a bit and making the log "mine". In fact I use #0000 grade steel wool every time before I wax just to smooth it out, not because I have to.

Like another poster said, you get what you pay for. I didn't want to wait a few months for a PD, and the MZ was brass which I didn't like too much. Also Tom couldn't do a vegan bottom instead of leather at the time but Todd was willing too. So I went with the cheapest option that was also the fastest. As long as the wood was dried properly and didn't crack then I was good, everything else was an extra to me. Maybe I just had low expectations, or rational expectation's considering the price and the fact that it was made and in my hand in less than a week right during Christmas.

I never had the impression though that a WDZ would share the same beauty that Rick and Tom's work does. Once again, the price told me that, and the limited wood species available was a hint as well. Although Todd's Pilsner shape does look very sexy. The WDZ is a workhorse and that's what I bought it for.


lwien said:
Look at that pic again, floopa. That was much more than an imperfection.

I also think I may have missed something the first time. If I read everything correctly, the unit wobbles? That is definitely something that should need to be replaced. It is also much worse than what I thought mine had. I wasn't able to view mine in person to imagine what it would look like in person, but now that I have I do agree that seems to be a bit much in the way of a mistake in creating the unit. I'm glad Todd responded to you with the return address. When I tried to return mine, he mysteriously stopped replying when it got to the part about where to mail it, how, etc. Luckily, the problem resolved itself, so I let the issue die.


mrfloopa said:
I'm glad Todd responded to you with the return address. When I tried to return mine, he mysteriously stopped replying when it got to the part about where to mail it, how, etc. Luckily, the problem resolved itself, so I let the issue die.

Woah, that's not very reassuring. Mind I ask what the issue was with your WDZ that led you to try and get a replacement?


aesthyrian said:
Woah, that's not very reassuring. Mind I ask what the issue was with your WDZ that led you to try and get a replacement?

I think I had mentioned it earlier, but never reallly elaborated. Apparently something came loose inside my WDZ that caused a slight twangy buzz feeling and sound every time it "bumped" something. That is, even when I set it down. I e-mailed Todd and asked if that was something I should worry about, and during that conversation, something else changed and it seems like a washer is loose somewhere in the unit (the first noise stopped). Todd assured me that it would in no way affect the functionality of the unit, and that the one he uses also has the same issue. He recommended I tap the washer down to see if it helps. The last e-mail to him went something like this (paraphrasing):

"I'll give it some time, but if I do decide to return it, how would you like it shipped (instructions, identification of my unit, etc) and where should I ship the unit to?"

I didn't get a reply. I kept using the unit, and am fine with it. I have a tendency to fall in love with my first and original, and after being reassured that the unit would still work fine I decided it wasn't something I truly wanted to return anyway, because it wasn't worth returning the unit that fate chose for me. Todd did end up replying pretty instantly when I asked him about the type of wax I should use, which upset me since my old e-mail is still pending in his inbox somewhere. I figure if it was a real issue (i.e. I was more intent on returning it), I would have a brand new unit in front of me, but the way it turned out I can't comment on customer service too positively. I would put my experience in that of VaporEyeSore--probably seen as more "nit-picky" a problem by the manufacturer, and therefore put on a lower priority or resisted. I'll leave that up for y'all to take as you will. He also mentioned not having been on FC for a while, so I am not sure if he actively monitors this thread anymore to address things like this.

aesthyrian: Could I get some pictures of your vape to see how it looks after your steel wool? I was thinking of sanding my down some to make it hotter, or smoothing it out in some way, but I don't want to ruin the thing.

Edit: By the way, according to Todd, any cocoa butter hand cream serves the same purpose as the "wax" that came with the vape. It seems to be the exact same thing, honestly, which a different smell. Anybody have a better suggestion?


mrfloopa said:
aesthyrian: Could I get some pictures of your vape to see how it looks after your steel wool? I was thinking of sanding my down some to make it hotter, or smoothing it out in some way, but I don't want to ruin the thing.

Sure thing. The steel wool just helps to smooth and dull it out before I give it a good wax and polish. I don't see how using the grade of steel wool I use would remove enough wood to affect the temperature of the vape, which is why I highly suggest #0000 grade steel wool for finishing up your log vape, removing nicks and dings from dropping it, and just to give it a nice cleaning.

Here is the WDZ looking dull after some steel wool action

and here she is looking nice and shiny after a liberal application of wax and some polishing.

any scratching you see neat the heater port is from my installing an extra o-ring without ring pliers. Doing that will leave you with a few scars :p


aesthyrian said:
The steel wool just helps to smooth and dull it out before I give it a good wax and polish. I don't see how using the grade of steel wool I use would remove enough wood to affect the temperature of the vape, which is why I highly suggest #0000 grade steel wool for finishing up your log vape, removing nicks and dings from dropping it, and just to give it a nice cleaning.

That looks great! And you can really see the rings in the wood, which I love. I was thinking of using really fine sandpaper to smooth it out, but I was wondering if the steel wool would be good enough to help smooth our some slight roughness near the curve at the top (where I imagine the veins of the tree 'open' as it cuts across them). Do you have to scrub it with the grain, or is the steel wool fine enough that going against the grain won't leave any visible scratches? i'm very inexperienced with steel wool. :uhoh:

Also, what was the extra o-ring for? Should I fear liquids getting in my vape, or was there another reason I can't think of?

Will B. Good

mrfloopa said:
lwien said:
Look at that pic again, floopa. That was much more than an imperfection.

I also think I may have missed something the first time. If I read everything correctly, the unit wobbles?
Well what i was talking about was the stem wobble, that can drop some bud in the heatport. The unit doesn't wobble.
Will B. Good,


Will B. Good said:
Well what i was talking about was the stem wobble, that can drop some bud in the heatport.

Iirc, the only log vape that doesn't wobble is the MZ. The PD and the WDZ allow some wiggle room, so that isn't anything specific against this vape. The wiggle isn't too much of a hassle, though. After a while, I kinda forget it does that. Though my friend claims that you have to smash the stem into the vape to get a good hit, but he inhales like there's no tomorrow making everybody else's hits cooler. Kinda annoying to try and tell somebody how to use MY piece (he had previously never even heard of/seen a log vape) and have him be stubborn as hell. Imo, the wiggle doesn't affect the hits as long as you breath in reasonably.

Edit: It does allow some to drop in. I forgot I added a screen to mine. Very easy solution, and it completely stops anything from falling in. I don't know why the log vape manufacturers don't include screens in the unit. =/ I forgot if 1 of them does, but I believe WDZ and PD at least don't have a screen, so they both have that issue. After a hit or two, your material tends to stay in the unit, though.


mrfloopa said:
That looks great! And you can really see the rings in the wood, which I love. I was thinking of using really fine sandpaper to smooth it out, but I was wondering if the steel wool would be good enough to help smooth our some slight roughness near the curve at the top (where I imagine the veins of the tree 'open' as it cuts across them). Do you have to scrub it with the grain, or is the steel wool fine enough that going against the grain won't leave any visible scratches? i'm very inexperienced with steel wool. :uhoh:

Also, what was the extra o-ring for? Should I fear liquids getting in my vape, or was there another reason I can't think of?

The grade of steel wool I use won't leave any visible scratching after you wax and polish it. It should be fine to what you wish to do.

The extra o-ring was to help tighten down the heat exchanger. The problem you described earlier with the rattling sound is usually a loose o-ring.

I also support adding a screen in the heater port, best thing I ever did to my WDZ.
Hey Guys, I just bought a new woodeez. I have had it plugged in for hours and it hasn't heatd up yet. I have changed powerpoints. Have any of you guys had a similar problem and found a simple solution? I was wondering if there is a way to tell if it is heating up without having to wait that first hour?


Revolting Peasant
Can you check your power supply? If you don't have access to a multimeter, maybe another appliance around the house that uses the same power supply- it's a fairly common size and spec's. I found that the supply for my wireless router can also run my log vape, and vice versa. (12V DC, 1A (1000mA))
Thanks Watyler. I dont have a multimeter nor another appliance that seems to work with it. However, I took the power adapter to my local electronics store and they tested it and it was stuffed. So I bought a new one and that worked for minutes before it also died. I took my bought adapter back and got a replacement. I plugeed in the replacement and had to leave for a few hours so I put some oil on it so I knew if it had worked for a while. I came home and the oil was used, the woodeez is warm but the power adapter seemed to stop working (relatively recently). I borrowed an adaptr from the neighbour and that seems to be heating the woodeez up.

I have been toking on it and I don't know if I a doing it right?? I am pulling hard but I don't seem to be getting much vapour. I can't see any and only 1 in about 6 tokes willl I get a taste and a little tickle at the back of the throat. Is this normal? From these forums I gather there is a learning curve to vaping. But considering my troubles with power supply, long warm up times, and a lack of indicator saying that the woodeez is on makes me unsure whether theproblem is me or the equipment. Is there any advice you guys can give regarding the skill, sensations of actually vaping with the woodeez? That way I can try to verify if it is me or not.


FireofYouth said:
I have been toking on it and I don't know if I a doing it right?? I am pulling hard but I don't seem to be getting much vapour. I can't see any and only 1 in about 6 tokes willl I get a taste and a little tickle at the back of the throat. Is this normal? From these forums I gather there is a learning curve to vaping. But considering my troubles with power supply, long warm up times, and a lack of indicator saying that the woodeez is on makes me unsure whether theproblem is me or the equipment. Is there any advice you guys can give regarding the skill, sensations of actually vaping with the woodeez? That way I can try to verify if it is me or not.

Pulling hard on it probably isn't the best way to go about it. Taking too many giant, hard-and-fast rips will cool down the unit. After all, you are pulling in air from outside the unit and heating it up inside--the faster you do that, the less the air heats up and the cooler the unit will get as the room temp air rushes over it. Still, you should be able to do those hits at least a couple times and get big clouds. Not seeing the vapor isn't necessarily a bad thing. After all, visible vapor clouds coming out of you means that's a bunch of vapor that could have stayed in you, whether it be via smaller hits or holding it longer. Of course, that's all just personal preference. You should still get the taste. When you empty out the stem, is your herb brown or dried at all? Also, do you plug it in for each use, or leave it on constantly? Whether or not it is on should be obvious--if you have doubts, it might be the unit. How long do you let it warm up before you start pulling hard? It also might be that the unit never really has a chance to heat up.

I think an easy way to test whether it is the unit or not is to plug it in and let it sit the hour. It should then be warm to the touch. Try taking a longer, slower drag through the stem and leave it in the unit. Then look inside the stem, and you should be able to see the cloudy vapor hanging out. Once you get a way to get vapor down, you can start experimenting to come up with what works best for you. :2c:
Thanks guys. I finally got a power supply to work. I killd 3 transformers before I went for a higher amp (2 amp) transformer and that works fine. I still need to learn the subtlties of vaping but I figured it is like drinking an entire milkshake in 1 breath; pull for as long as you can instead of as hard as you can. The end product went a brown but not a black as some vaporisers apparently get it. I collected all my left over weed and measured it by cones so I could get an equivalency measure compared to bongs. 1 large cone got me absolutely smashed. I was surprised. I haven't been that smashed in years and the effect kept creeping up on me after I had stopped. The weed tastes and smells a hell of a lot sweeter than smoking. After all the hassle I had I was feeling quite discouraged by the whole thing but after a single successful session I am very happy with the results. :)


FireofYouth said:
1 large cone got me absolutely smashed. I was surprised. I haven't been that smashed in years and the effect kept creeping up on me after I had stopped.

It definitely is more effective. As I kept using it, I ended up conserving more not only because the thing is so efficient, but because I would put it down to do something, then get so caught up in what I was doing I forget that I'm supposed to finish what I started!

FireofYouth said:
The weed tastes and smells a hell of a lot sweeter than smoking. After all the hassle I had I was feeling quite discouraged by the whole thing but after a single successful session I am very happy with the results. :)

Very glad to hear! I don't see how this unit has very much of a learning curve--set temp devices are fairly easy to manage once you find a pace of breathing that works for you. It's good to know that the problem was the adapter. Good to see you're on your way!


Long time lurker, finally decided to register. I purchased my woodeez a couple of days ago. I'll write a small review when it comes in. I can't wait!!

Will B. Good

Hi guys, my replacement unit finally arrived today. I had to pay for the shipping when i sent it which is a bummer for something that shouldn't have happened in the first place.
Ok, first thing i noticed is this one is a stocky one, the first one was slimmer, i could get my hand around it, and it was maybe a little taller. Whereas this one is pretty much the same diameter of an aluminum can and about half inch shorter more or less(i compared them visually). This contrasting difference doesn't bother me in the least bit.
Here are the pics: http://imageshack.us/g/846/img0018qk.jpg/

A detail in the leather:

The oil cup stands crudely uneven on the port which is unaesthetic, but otherwise it's still a pretty unit.
I have still to give it a test run, but seems like it heats as well as the past one.
Will B. Good,


I ordered my woodeez on the 9th of September and it still hasn't shown up. USPS has been a nightmare as they have no idea where it is because the shipping that todd includes doesn't include tracking. I really wish this was an option as I would gladly pay a couple more dollars for the ease of mind. Although todd has been helpful and said he would ship me out a new one if it didn't show up today. So I hope to have mine sometime, I'm getting crazy impatient.
What type of wood wax do you guys use? I like the smell of the one that came wit the woodeez but I can't really have regular access to Todd's stuff (being in Australia and all). I was wondering if there is some nice smelling wood wax that is available at any regular stores??


FireofYouth said:
What type of wood wax do you guys use? I like the smell of the one that came wit the woodeez but I can't really have regular access to Todd's stuff (being in Australia and all). I was wondering if there is some nice smelling wood wax that is available at any regular stores??

The suggestion Todd gave me was to use cocoa butter hand cream of any kind. It's roughly the same consistency, the only real difference is the scent. I do miss the OEM "wax," but the cocoa butter smells delicious, too. :peace:
mrfloopa said:
FireofYouth said:
What type of wood wax do you guys use? I like the smell of the one that came wit the woodeez but I can't really have regular access to Todd's stuff (being in Australia and all). I was wondering if there is some nice smelling wood wax that is available at any regular stores??

The suggestion Todd gave me was to use cocoa butter hand cream of any kind. It's roughly the same consistency, the only real difference is the scent. I do miss the OEM "wax," but the cocoa butter smells delicious, too. :peace:

Thanks Mr Floopa. Would any armoatherapuetic hand cream work just as well? Just so I could experiment with different scents?


gold all in my chains...dont believe me just watch
does anyone know how much it costs to get it back to 100% working order after the 1yr. warranty expires?

dont worry nothing has happened to mine...in fact, i do not own one...i was just wondering about owning this vape long term since it basically stays on forever...

also, are there any accessories/attachments specific for this to make it an air freshener when its not being used to vape?


Will B. Good

akwardsauce said:
does anyone know how much it costs to get it back to 100% working order after the 1yr. warranty expires?

dont worry nothing has happened to mine...in fact, i do not own one...i was just wondering about owning this vape long term since it basically stays on forever...
You shouldn't need to worry about it being on at all times, it is designed that way.

also, are there any accessories/attachments specific for this to make it an air freshener when its not being used to vape?
Comes with a copper cup so you can pour and diffuse your essential oils.


Pretty much everything you need to know about it has already been said in the thread, you just gotta read.
Will B. Good,


Well-Known Member
Purchased the WDZ some time ago. It sounded like it would be the perfect vaporizer. Instead, it was a complete waste of money =\
Little to no usable vapor production, and extremely difficult draw rate. I'm afraid I couldn't recommend this product to anyone. Avoid at all costs.

Not sure why my previous review was closed, but I should respond to some points. My criticism is 100% factual and constructive. It is not a user error. I have tried everything. The product does NOT provide usable vapor hits. This is not a product I could recommend to anyone. I post my review here to help anyone considering purchasing this vaporizer. Anything less than allowing this review to remain is censorship, and should be recognized as such.
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