I wish he'd release a 14mm/18mm glass adapter so I could do this. I don't have all the exact odds and ends you guys do, I'll have to look at my drawer of pieces of stuff to see what I can do.
tl;dr version,
A couple new mod variations coming up and some posting of comparative testing of almost all the posted mods is on the horizon - at least once I receive my 19mm glass from my Milaana order
....where the hell are you "MiOhMy" ( the name I've chosen for her
Since you're in the US you can easily find either 14mm or 19mm glass stems from Mountain Glass for a very reasonable price....$2 to $3 each. Just grab a couple of both to play with and see what you like better.
If you have 1/2" OD, 3/8" ID Silicone tubing - not hard to find - then you are all set to make a 14mm glass stem Apollo mod but I am not sure what sized tubing might work for the 19mm stem - since I am waiting for my Milaana order to try that mod. I could use o-rings but after figuring out the 14mm stem mod using Alan's (Heat Island Creator) silicone joint connection mod I am really liking this better than using o-rings.
But the Solo core o-rings that I've used for the Solo/Air stem mod also seems to work well for the 19mm stems too...... as
@Vape Dr. has demonstrated for his version of the 19mm stem mod
So there are several options available .....and even if you don't want to go with the 14mm and 19mm glass stem purchase then there is the Solo stem mod which works just as well as the 14mm/19mm stem mods .....and perhaps even slightly better due to the air restriction provided by the 4 small holes in the glass screen.
The major drawback to the Solo/Air stem mods is that it isn't one cohesive unit - although it does become air/vapour tight with the o-rings when in use; and I guess the major drawback is also a "pro" in one way..... since it does allow for it to be disassembled and cleaned much more easily.
I do have another long 14mm glass stem that I am going to try a new mod this weekend which is to combine within the longer Apollo tube a Solo stem & a long 14mm stem.
This will combine within the longer Apollo tube to create an ~285mm long (~11 1/4") combined stem with the Solo bowl on one end and the 14mm joint on the other end. I am also going to try the double layer silicone treatment (courtesy of
@Alan) that I used in the 14mm long UD stem mod that was previously posted.
I believe 100% that using this within the existing lower herb chamber will also provide the best performance as a result of the additional thermal mass (SS chamber) surrounding the glass bowl as well as the nested fit against the lower heater unit that the lower herb chamber. This fit is going to be far more air tight than the end of either 14mm or 19mm glass that abuts onto the heater screen. Also any air that is drawn through this connection is going to be preheated by traveling between the heater unit and the lower herb chamber which will both be heat soaked.
I am guessing that an almost foot long glass vapour path may also be enough for direct draw usage for people sensitive to hot vapour (like myself)......especially if I drop the DHGate PNWT clone on top of this too.
I will post pics of this when I am done. Theoretically, I am thinking that this would be the highest performing configuration due to the smaller ID of the 14mm glass along with the added restriction provided by the glass Solo screen with it's 4 holes.
But when I finally get my Milaana; I will finally have the materials to have a total of two short Apollo tube mods comprised of a14mm and a 19mm joint at the ends to connect to various water pieces...... as well as an extra, extra long stem mod ending in a 14mm joint which I am guessing is going to be the best performing of them all ......for the reasons provided in the previous paragraph.
Of course I won't know for sure until I try the 19mm mod and see how it performs, and how this compares to the other two mods with all variables being the same in testing all three mods at the same power levels, warm up times, and same glass piece.
But when all testing is done, I will post vids of all three mods being tested under the same conditions and let the FC forumites decide what mod suits their own personal preferences best.
Both in performance, as well as vaping style - since the only benefit to the extra long stem mod would be for direct draw, and if using through water - then an Air stem combined with a short UD 14mm glass stem (a 4th potential mod) would also give the same diameter glass and benefits of the increased flow restrictions provided by using a smaller diameter tube and the 4-holed glass bowl screen.
This (4th) Air stem/short 14mm UD stem mod might also be all that is available currently for anyone wanting the performance characteristics of this mod since
@villekille2 currently doesn't have any long Apollo tubes available to purchase.
Looking forward to finally having all the pieces in place to complete all the mods that have come to mind so far.
I guess one other "mod" that might be fun to try that would could work nicely is to use an EVO's ELB at the end of a 19mm Milaana stem and insert this into the lower herb chamber (as I think it would fit) to connect to the heater and then use
@Vape Dr. 's silicone folded over the end of glass tube - water tool attachment mod - on the other end to connect to a glass water tool.....or to use dry - if that is your preference.
But of course, I don't have any ELB's and have no intention of buying any .....so maybe someone with 19mm glass and ELB's might want to try that one out.
Lot's of testing to do

.....but all for a great cause
For testing, I might even clean up and break out the 7mm glass GEAR beaker style, 18 inch

(John Holmes bong) ....lol
This was a great bong used during my combustion days and it might be more suitable to video comparative tests with since the large beaker bottom and the long straight glass tube may very well show the speed of the vapour build up better then the double barreled ash-catcher/stereo matrix combination of glass that is my current favourite.