So then thank you for the name

) It's been almost 4 years since I released the Venus Vaporizer, which is a battery operated halogen vape with limited portability. It's portable at home but to take it with you you need a bag! So now as the Apollo is about to arrive with its true portability, I decided to create a new halogen vaporizer without batteries, and same time implementing many of the new features invented during the Apollo project. This way I can offer a less expensive alternative for those who are happy to have a desktop only vape.
So the new desktop model has a similar style design in materials but the shape is different as it doesn't need to have room for batteries. And with the addition of newest heating element with temp sensor technology from the Apollo, it is clearly an update to the original Venus vaporizer. Also the new features of adjustable boost power, stepless adjustment between 20-120%, stealth mode, a new "high power" mode that one can choose instead of the "classic venus"-mode, will speed up warm up and give extra power reserves for those in need of that. Also as the electronics are completely redesigned, we have added some cool and classy effects to improve the athmosphere of vaping sessions, and the vapor is now visible inside the glass all the time, not only when boosting. And the vaporizer accepts now a wide range of voltages between 6-14V, so this means that the user can connect it directly to a car battery systems or other voltage sources. And also there are design plans of a battery pack for this which serves also as a battery extender for the owners of the original venus.